Chapter 29


You jump off the table, your feet not daring to make a sound on impact with the floor. The wide variety of needles caught your eyes, the smile your mouth carried became lighter at the shine those needles displayed.

Your blood boiled even though your mind was at its calmest. You weren't even sure if you were even in control of your body anymore.

You grab the thickest, longest and sharpest needle sitting on the stand before slipping behind him, these actions taking only seconds to complete.

Should I threaten the other to keep his mouth shut in exchange for his partners life?

You hold up the needle to his throat, not even giving the man time to process that he was going to die before tearing the needle into his flesh, your hand stifling his screams as blood gushed out of his neck.

Too risky. They don't strike you as the loyal to friendship type.

His rough hands squeezed the arm that covered his hopeless cries for help before those same rough fingers that caressed your face so disgustingly fell at his side lifelessly.

You let him go, his disgusting blood splattered across your face before you let him fall with not even one trace of pity.

How disgusting.

The emotionless one had heard the impact and turned away from the now locked door, he looked annoyed at first before he layed eyes on the bloody scene infront of him.

He didn't look so emotionless anymore.

You stared at him lifelessly, making sure every part of him knew that as soon as he moved he'd be next.

He stayed dead still as a way to tell you he understood, you smiled because you found the change in his mood amusing.

Tears welled up in his eyes beautifully, you couldn't tell if it was because he hadn't even dared to blink or it was the fear alone, you chalked it up to being both.

You enjoyed the fear that took over his being, but he moved.

He just had to move.

Your smile faded. Thats when he realized what he'd done and turned around, his voice became loud enough to reach the heavens.

Only heaven was on your side this time because he couldn't unlock the door.

It was stuck.

You caught a glimpse of the shining scalpel that silently begged to be used.

You let the doctors tool melt into your hands as if it were meant to be there.

The man looked at you with tears that blurred his eyesight, seeping with fear and pleading with his eyes as he desperately still tried to unlock the jammed door.


The scalpel made a perfect impact with his neck, the exact same spot his friends was.

Their Matching in Death. How sweet.

His back hit the wall, the life in his eyes slowly leaving him as he slid down the wall.

You stare at his corpse, the walls and floors surrounding him slowly being painted a deep red.

Now you could actually call him emotionless.

You then scoff and shake your head at the statement your mind made in disagreement, "I can still see a glimpse of terror in his face even now."


Usopp dragged the swordsman with him

He was tired and grumpy because no matter how much he tried he couldn't sleep. This was unusual for him since almost all he did when he wasnt training was sleep.

Usopp thought of taking luffy and nami aswell but he knew this was just a hunch and it would destroy his captain if this was just going to end up giving him false hope. And nami... Well Mari has comforted her since y/n left... She wouldn't believe me. Neither would the rest of the crew.

Hell. I barely believe myself and I'm the one having doubts.

But he couldn't ignore the call that Mari had.

Zoro is the only one that hasn't actually talked to Mari so he would be the easiest to convince.

"Where the hell are we going long nose.", he grumbled as usopp dragged him off the ship.

"I think y/ns alive."

Zoro stood up straight and looked at him with a serious intensity, usopp couldn't drag him anymore and looked back at him.

"follow me and I'll explain"

Usopp walked into the village, zoro silently following after him, looking as if he was in deep thought because he was. He wondered what usopp meant.

"Maribelle. I think she has y/n captured somewhere."


Only that wasn't zoros voice.

It was Brooke's.

He was hiding behind a barrel


Usopp shot a rubber bullet at the skeleton to shut him up before he caused trouble by saying what he wanted too.

The villagers stared suspiciously, usopp noticed this and ran towards Brooke and laughed hysterically, "yeah yeah I know maribelle is just amazing."

The villagers looked away and continued on with their duties after the cover up.

Usopp glared at Brooke to indirectly tell him to shut his mouth, he seemed to take the hint and just nodded silently, he walked back to zoro but.

Zoros eyes remained glued to the ground, the words usopp uttered not having even a little shock factor to them.

"...", usopp tried to read his expression but failed "what are you thinking?" he finally asked the emotionless swordsman

"who is maribelle?", he asked with the same dead serious look on his face

"YO HOHOHOHO", Brooke bursts out laughing but covers his mouth remembering usopps warning.

Usopps eye twitched at the swordsmans response.


He simply blinks back and shrugs his shoulders at the sniper. Usopp feels himself getting dumber in the swordsmans presence.

He face palms himself and sighs deeply before standing straight.

"That isnt the point. If my hunch is correct y/n is on this island somewhere"

"we checked everywhere. She can't be here", Brooke nods at the swordsmans response.

Zoro is right. But that call said something different. So he sighed once again.

"Okay. Let me explain. Mari had a call from some stranger and I happened to over hear it"

"did she tell him what colour her panties are?"

Usopp simply gave the skeleton a judging look wishing nami was here to knock some decency into him.

He started off by repeating everything he heard Mari say during that call. He mentioned how he didn't get it but Mari mentioned something about a shower.

"if we don't find her before whatever Mari meant by shower. I think it'll be too late."

"then we should tell luffy-", zoro starts but usopp interrupts with a

"like I said this is just a hunch. I don't want to give him false hope"

They both stayed silent before nodding.

"but where do we search?" Brooke asks, usopp looks around, "I have a feeling that the villagers have an idea on where she could be"

Zoro slips his sword out, "so we need just one of them to talk then?"


You were trembling at the dead bodies and red splattered all across the walks and yourself.

You did it again.

You lost control even without your devil fruit being unleashed.

They deserved it. They deserved it. It was either you or them.

You need to get back to the crew.

Your mind eased. You inhaled deeply, as a way to clear your mind.

Thats right. You had no choice. It's not as if you enjoyed killing just needed to do it.

You grabbed a cloth on the table and wiped the blood off your hands and face before stuffing a few scalpels and injections into your boots and sleeves.

You walked towards the door and realized that nobody was coming even after hearing the desperate screaming from your victim.

This room is sound proof?

You try to open the door when you realise that it's jammed. What was a blessing soon turned into a life threatening curse within moments.

How are you going to escape.

They'll get suspicious if nobody comes out soon and then theyll get in the room and find you and then-

Your hands tangle itself into your hair as you ruffle it wildly, the gut wrenching anxiety stabbed into you.

You kick the operating table flying across the room in frustration.

You slam a blood testing machine, your mouth becoming dry as you scream out in anger. All the hatred boiling up inside of you

Maribelle. This is all her fucking fault.

Another machine goes flying across the room. The unruly wrath finally overflowing and bursting out of you.

You clench your jaw and turn to the door, ready to recklessly break it down with your devil fruit and tear yourself out of here one way or another.

You step towards the door but a ring of a transponder snail goes off and stops you. It was coming from the rough fingered corpse.

You walk towards the deadbody and search its pockets to find the snail in one of them.

You don't hesitate to pick up and answer it.

"Are you done testing her?"

Your hand curled up into a fist at your side, your knuckles turned white from the pressure.

Your consciousness roared at you, the anger you let out by thrashing the room suddenly got sucked back into your body like it never left.

Your muscles became tensed along with your jaw, you could feel your veins popping out from under your skin as your heart rate quickened. You felt your body begin to shake with seething, hot anger.

It was Maribelle.
