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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (89)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (89)
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  Big sister is big sister! Boss Han is Boss Han!

  They are all brothers!

  "Are you all okay?" Han Qingxia said lazily.

  "all good!"

  Although everyone was in a mess and their combat uniforms were in tatters, luckily no one was bitten by zombies.

  You must know that they lost several comrades on the negative level. The second negative level is so dangerous, but no one died!

  This is so ecstatic for the rest of your life!

  Thinking of this, everyone looked at Han Qingxia with even more enthusiastic eyes.

  Even the way Wang Mengwei and the group of people she led originally looked at Han Qingxia changed.

  They all looked at Han Qingxia in awe.

  I thought to myself, no wonder the people in the special forces team are so familiar with her and respect her so much.

  She is really awesome!

  Not an ordinary person!

  "By the way, eldest sister, what are you doing here?" Tang Jian said.

  "Yes, do you want us to help you?"

  "No need." Han Qingxia looked for Xu Shaoyang in the crowd and greeted him, "Yangzi, you can put up our sign!"


  Xu Shaoyang took out a sign from the car, removed the original sign at the gate and replaced it.

  Everyone looked at Xu Shaoyang's familiar movements: "..."

  Damn it!

  No way!

  Traveling through mountains and rivers, regardless of danger, I came here just to expand my territory!

  They looked at Han Qingxia's occupation of another piece of land in shock, and they only felt a deep sense of damn in their hearts.

  He really came here to take up space!

  Is there any mistake?

  They really don't understand the world of bosses.

  Han Qingxia seems to be obsessed with expanding his territory.

  They simply couldn't figure out what the use of occupying so much ownerless and useless land was!

  And now there are zombies everywhere, and every place has become an unclaimed zone, no man's land. If she wants to occupy it, no one will compete with her.

  At least they had no intention of occupying it.

  Not only them, but other people and other forces do not have this awareness.

  But they don't know how much economic benefit and powerful base kingdom these occupied lands will create in the future.

  No matter when, land is still the core of all development.

  Especially in the later stages of the base's development, when internal resources became less and less and they needed to expand outwards, they discovered that all the territory they could occupy had been occupied by Han Qingxia!

  "Goodbye, eldest sister!"

  "Goodbye, eldest sister!"

  "Bye bye, Queen!"

  After occupying the research factory, the sun gradually set. Han Qingxia and Lu Qiyan separated their teams and returned to their bases.

  Before leaving, Lu Qiyan stopped the car and asked Han Qingxia, "Do you have a satellite phone?"


  "What about the radio station?"

  "Yes, I have."

  There was a power outage in the whole city, and all the signal base stations on land were useless, and the only signal waves left for communication were satellite signals in the sky.

  It's just that the satellite signal cannot last long. Without maintenance personnel, it will fall and be damaged in a few years.

  Han Qingxia had never used a satellite phone in her previous life, but she had used a simpler radio wave signal.

  That's the radio!

  Radios and fax machines that can transmit and receive small frequency signals are the most primitive and simple radio stations!

  In the late stage of base civilization, each base had a radio station.

  As soon as Han Qingxia heard what Lu Qiyan said, he understood what he meant.

  Radio, of course she has!

  All the electronic products at home can be used as radio stations!

  It's just that no one contacted her.

  "Give me your radio frequency."


  The time is half past six in the evening.

  Just after dark, Han Qingxia returned successfully.

  As soon as she returned to her base, she entered the dugout.

  The job of cooking, feeding dogs and chickens was once again left to Xu Shaoyang.

  She has another big thing coming up now!

  Rubbing her excited hands, Han Qingxia came over to receive her big harvest today!

  "Dip - The base camp has been detected. Do you want to unlock the electronic butler?"


  Must be unlocked!

  After Han Qingxia finished speaking, a supercomputer with a holographic screen appeared in the open space on the second floor of the air-raid shelter.

  She stepped forward and pressed the switch. A burst of light came on, and a miniature electronic version of herself appeared on the holographic screen in front of her.

  The image of the electronic butler became clearer and clearer. Three seconds later, it opened its eyes in front of Han Qingxia. It looked at the person in front of it, "Hello, my dear master! Please give me a name!"

  Han Qingxia looked at the electronic robot that appeared in front of her with satisfaction, "Let's call you Xiaoxia."

  "Yes! My dear master! Xiaoxia will serve the master immediately!"

  Xiaoxia's cold mechanical sound passed, and instantly all the equipment on the second floor of the air-raid shelter heard beeping sounds at the same time, and the power button flashed, as if they were connected to the Internet.

  "Master, I have connected all the electronic facilities in the base! I will supervise and manage all the work in the base for you at all times!"

  Han Qingxia was so satisfied when she heard this!

  Although Xiaoxia is just an electronic manager without a real body and of no use, in fact, he will be the strongest and most fundamental manager of Han Qingxia Base!

  All the cameras in the base are its eyes, the global radar is its sensing tentacles throughout the base, and the surveillance drones cruising outside are its execution weapons.

  All the equipment in the base are her clones!

  Han Qingxia will no longer need to handle every chore by himself. For example, after the radar system detects an intruder entering, Xiaoxia will dispatch surveillance drones to the scene as soon as possible. There is no need to report to Han Qingxia repeatedly, Xiaoxia will automatically drive away the intruder. , will launch an attack if the expulsion fails.

  And if it encounters danger, the drone will retreat flexibly and will not be destroyed directly because it did not receive Han Qingxia's instructions!

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