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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (90)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (90)
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  In short, all offense and defense in Han Qingxia's base have a brain!

  This allowed Han Qingxia to no longer worry about no one watching after leaving the base.

  Xiaoxia is the one who helps her look after the base!

  Moreover, the chores of the residents in the territory can be left to it.

  For example, the tasks such as point statistics, item exchange, production management, etc. that kept Han Qingxia busy before, Xiaoxia can directly handle them for Han Qingxia as long as a computer is installed in the residential area!

  There is no need for that little girl Wang Yunduo to run around delivering messages and bringing things every day!

  Furthermore, people need to rest, but machines don't!

  When Han Qingxia was resting, Xiaoxia still managed the base for her 24 hours a day!

  In other words, she has the most complete and comprehensive base butler!

  And he will never betray her!

  "Very good, Xiaoxia, from now on, you will help me take care of everything in the base! Supervise the Midsummer base at all times!"

  "Yes! My dear master!"

  Xiaoxia turned around in front of Han Qingxia and disappeared into the holographic screen.

  Han Qingxia has already begun to think about expanding her field of work for Xiaoxia.

  the next day.

  Han Qingxia took Xu Shaoyang to pull a cart of supplies to the residential area.

  The residents who were working all greeted Han Qingxia warmly when they saw him.

  "Lord Lord!"

  "Lord, you are here!"

  Chapter 71 Establishing a base-operated supermarket

  Han Qingxia greeted her nineteen residents and picked an unoccupied villa to park her car. At this time, Wang Yunduo came running over.

  "Lord! You're here! I just wanted to find you!"

  "What are you doing with me?"

  "Exchange supplies with the lord! There are so many!" Wang Yunduo softly took out a piece of paper.

  The above is a dense list.

  She looked at Han Qingxia with a smile and said, "By the way, Lord, when will you open another market? The last market you held was so fun! Yunduo can't wait, I really want to go to your market to buy delicious food again. of!"

  Han Qingxia smiled and tugged on the little girl's pigtails, "If you want to buy something from now on, you can do it anytime."

  She waved her hand and Xu Shaoyang got off a truck.

  This truck was the express truck that Han Qingxia seized on the highway last time.

  After Xu Shaoyang came down, he started to move things.

  When the surrounding residents saw it, they immediately came to help.

  "Lord, what is this?"

  "What is this?"

  "This is our direct store in Midsummer Base!"

  Everyone: "!!!"

  Half an hour later, a supermarket that was very common before the apocalypse appeared in front of everyone.

  Everyone looked at the dazzling array of food and felt like they were in another world!

  They can actually still shop like they did before the apocalypse!

  In the middle of the store is a large electronic screen. On the electronic screen are the prices of all supplies and a virtual Han Qingxia!

  "This is the supermarket directly operated by our Shengxia base. She is the base housekeeper Xiaoxia. From now on, if you want to buy items, you can come in and buy them. You don't need to swipe your card. Xiaoxia will recognize your account by face, and the things you take will be automatically Deduction."

  "Of course, if you have anything to redeem, just put it on the shelf on the right. There is an electronic scale here. After weighing, Xiaoxia will automatically calculate your balance."

  "If you are worried, there is a card machine at the entrance. When you go out, you can swipe your card to check the balance."

  "Wow! I want to give it a try!" Wang Yunduo said excitedly.

  "Go." Han Qingxia gave her a look, and Wang Yunduo immediately ran to the snack shelf and took out a lollipop. She tore off the outer shell of the lollipop directly in the store and ate it happily.

  When Wang Youmin and his wife saw this, they took out Wang Yunduo's card to check it. There was a beep and a series of numbers 99.5 points were displayed on it!

  Wang Yunduo previously had 100 points in his card, which was a subsidy for Wang Youmin and his family to bring everyone to work together and to hire Wang Yunduo. A lollipop automatically deducted 0.5 points, and now there are 99.5 points left.

  Wang Youmin and his wife were happy and distressed when they saw a lollipop with 0.5 points.

  They were happy because they saw that their daughters could eat snacks that were very inconspicuous before the end of the world!

  Now is the end of the world. There are zombies outside. Many people don't even have enough to eat. When they are still fleeing from famine, they can already eat lollipops in their base!

  This requires strong material reserves and safety guarantees to achieve this!

  But at the same time, they couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

  It's not easy to earn points. One point can be exchanged for a pound of rice!

  Their daughter used half the money to buy a lollipop!

  This is too expensive!

  It seems that they will have to watch their daughter's consumption in the future to prevent her from spending all the points in her account!

  "Lord, I would like to exchange some supplies!" At this time, Li Gang said, "I have been given out bean sprouts these days, can I trade them?"

  "Of course." Han Qingxia nodded.

  Li Gang immediately ran back and took out the five kilograms of bean sprouts he had distributed.

  After taking the scale, a notification sound came from the store immediately.

  "Dip - Five pounds of bean sprouts have been detected, which can be redeemed for 2.5 points. Do you want to redeem it?"


  The price of vegetables is half that of grain.

  After Li Gang finished trading the bean sprouts, he immediately went over to check his account. Sure enough, he had 2.5 more points in his account!

  When everyone heard this, they were all filled with surprise and excitement.

  They went into the store one after another, buying goods for those who bought them, and redeeming points for those who redeemed them. You could just hang out without buying anything!

  Here are the most common basic supplies, such as rice, flour, grains and oils, daily necessities such as salt, sugar, paper towels, sanitary napkins, etc., as well as a small amount of snacks, such as lollipops, cola, and buns that make you feel like you are back to the end of the world.

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