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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (66)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai【Complete】(66)
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  The third gift pack of the Crystal Core Redemption Gift Pack only has one reward!

  But this reward turned out to be-superpower!

  Steady and experienced people like Han Qingxia were once again shocked by the system's huge rewards!

  Psychic powers!

  She had heard of spiritual superpowers in her previous life, and they were the absolute strongest among superpowers!

  There may not be even one spiritual superpower among ten thousand people with superpowers!

  Mental superpowers can see the superpowers of other superpowers, and their attacks are through mental power. Powerful mental superpowers can kill an ordinary person with just one look!

  The top among superpowers exists!

  "Tip - the superpower is detected. Is the superpower used by the host?"


  Of course she used it herself!

  Can you give it to others?

  Han Qingxia's brain immediately felt as if it had been hammered by something huge.

  Unlike the previous copying of wood and water abilities, spiritual abilities are very painful.

  Her entire mind went blank, and when she gradually recovered, she found that the vision in her mind had completely changed.

  She looked at the dogs around her. The dogs had a light red color on their bodies, with Xia Tian's body being the most intensely red.

  The darker the color, the more dangerous it is.

  She seemed to be able to feel that this was the fighting power of the dogs.

  She looked at herself and felt blue and green lights swimming around her body.

  blue green......

  It's a superpower!

  It turns out that this is the color of the superpower!

  Han Qingxia finally has his first superpower!

  She looked at the large number of rewards she had received today.

  An integrated surveillance drone, Yunnan Baiyao, first aid pills, a thousand kilograms of beef and a hundred solar panels!

  Work hard to build a base and have a promising future!

  Go, go, go!

  Han Qingxia went out from the air-raid shelter.

  Xu Shaoyang outside also prepared food.

  "Boss, today I'm making shredded pork with Beijing sauce and poached eggs."

  Han Qingxia nodded and waved to him, "Yangzi, come in."

  "What's wrong?"

  "It's time to tell you something you need to know."

  Xu Shaoyang: "???"

  Han Qingxia took out his mobile phone and pressed an operation button at the air-raid shelter behind him. Xu Shaoyang was shocked when he saw a huge patio open on the air-raid shelter tower, and a group of drones flew out from it.

  "The drone in our base is a gadget made by me."

  Xu Shaoyang: "!!!"

  He looked at the military drone flying in the sky in disbelief. This, this, this must not be an integrated surveillance and combat drone!


  God damn Han Qingxia's little gadget!

  She...she did it!

  Xu Shaoyang seemed unable to believe it after being shocked!

  Because drones of this level are simply not available outside!

  And this style was something he had never seen before!

  It wouldn't have been possible if Han Qingxia hadn't done it himself!

  At this time, he couldn't help but think of other military-level fortifications here in Han Qingxia.

  None of this can be done outside!

  Take her armored vehicle as an example, it is definitely the strongest armor Xu Shaoyang has ever seen!

  none of them!

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Han Qingxia in shock.

  What kind of person is his boss!

  It's impossible to do anything!

  His admiration for Han Qingxia was beyond words!

  Chapter 52 Are they gods?

  The next day.

  The red sun rises on the horizon.

  Bright and warm light once again shines on the world of human civilization that has created countless miracles.

  However, the current human world is in a mess everywhere.

  There are no more breakfast shops that open early in the morning, people running in the morning, people cleaning the roads, and people running early to make a living.

  The only things in the city are countless zombies all over the streets and screams that appear from time to time.


  In a large factory park on the outskirts of the city.

  An extremely piercing scream came from the roof of a four-story, ten-meter-high factory building.

  There was a loud sound of "Boom--".

  A stainless steel pipe hit a zombie hard, knocking down the zombie that rushed up.

  However, this time it was no longer possible to hold on.


  "Ho ho ho ho."

  A large number of zombies were climbing up layer upon layer on a raised slope.

  After a night of stacking and trampling on the bodies of their companions, they finally climbed to the roof of the factory.

  The first zombie that rushed up was knocked down with a stick, but behind it were countless zombie claws grabbing onto the edge of the rooftop.

  Dry and sharp claws clawed at the edge, and the bloody and terrifying zombie heads emerged one by one.

  They had been hungry for too long, and their gray and cloudy eyes were filled with scarlet red from extreme hunger.

  Want to eat.

  Want to eat people.

  very hungry!


  Two zombies leaped up at the same time.



  Eight or nine men were on the front line. They waved the steel pipes in their hands with all their strength and spared no effort to drive away the zombies. Behind them were eleven or twelve women. They all also picked up weapons and tried to catch the zombies from the edge of the rooftop. Knock it down with your hand!

  There is no retreat behind them!

  This is the rooftop!

  The fire escape behind you has long been blocked!

  There are even more zombies inside!

  out on a limb!

  But time passed by.

  The people on the roof were gradually exhausted, but the zombies below were crawling more and more, swarming higher and higher.

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