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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts with Millions of Hoardings_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (136)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (136)
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  The attack was precise and extremely destructive!

  The person opposite her didn't have a blood feud for killing her father, but she still had the hatred of seizing his wife. Bah, the hatred of seizing her husband!

  Otherwise, we wouldn't have been beaten like this!

  "Hurry up and get over there!" Han Qingxia said to the people behind him while beating Qin Ke.

  When the group of people heard what Han Qingxia said, they all rushed to line up to put on the slide buckles and leave.

  Originally they were going to slide from the sixth floor, but they were a little scared.

  But seeing Han Qingxia taking action, these people felt that the zombies below and the height of the sixth floor were not so scary.

  One by one, they hung up the safety buckles with full strength and climbed over them.

  Here, after Han Qingxia sent a wave of greetings from his father to Qin Ke, he grabbed his collar and said, "Run! Aren't you pretty good at running!"

  When Qin Ke heard her words, he lowered his head and chuckled. After receiving a fat beating, he actually looked very happy.

  "Laugh at your uncle!"

  At this time.


  The door to their room was broken open, and the cabinets and sofas blocking the door were all moved back an inch. Countless zombies' pale and withered hands stretched out through the crack in the door.

  The sharp claws scratched everything around.

  At this time, there were still two people who had not passed.

  Han Qingxia immediately rushed to the door and kicked the cabinet to resist the zombies rushing in.

  "Hurry up and get there!"

  At this moment, the safety buckle on the opposite side was pushed hard by Xu Shaoyang from the zipline.

  The remaining two people immediately tied the safety buckles on themselves, climbed up the high window, and slid towards the opposite side using their hands and feet.

  Han Qingxia put her foot on the cabinet, holding the door tightly, and held Qin Ke tightly with one hand.

  She found a nylon rope from the space and tied Qin Ke up. The other end of the rope was tied around her waist.

  Qin Ke saw this scene and said, "Captain Beauty, you want me so much."


  Han Qingxia, who took the time to tie him up, raised his hand and punched him.

  Another dark circle was added to his handsome face, and it was the only beautiful eye.

  "Listen to me, from today on, you are not allowed to leave my sight for one meter!"

  Qin Ke chuckled when he heard this, "Captain Beauty, then I have to take a shower and use the toilet!"

  "Wash in front of me! In front of me!"

  Qin Ke: "..."

  He stared at Han Qingxia, chuckled, and smiled even more happily. He approached Han Qingxia and said, "Captain Beauty, you have to take a shower and use the toilet in front of me."


  Han Qingxia punched him again.

  His other zombie eye, which was wearing an eyepatch, was also given a heavy eye makeup.

  "Anyway, if you dare to run again, I will--" Han Qingxia knelt down, pinched his ankles, and made a click.


  Qin Ke took a deep breath, and his ankle and neck joints were all misaligned. In an instant, his legs had no strength at all, and his whole body went limp.

  Han Qingxia caught him firmly, held his collar, and said fiercely, "Next time, if it's not a warning like this, I will definitely break your legs."

  Qin Ke, who felt a heartbreaking pain in his ankle, looked at Han Qingxia in front of him. The smile on his handsome and pale face was as hot as midsummer. He leaned against Han Qingxia weakly, "It turns out that Captain Beauty can 't live without me. "

  Chapter 110 Captain Beauty, what do you want?



  At this time, the round glass on the large wooden door was knocked open by a zombie.

  Glass splashed all over the sky, and a zombie head stuck out from the glass window.

  Its forehead was bruised and bloody, and countless tiny glass fragments pierced its face. It felt no pain at all, only endless excitement.

  Han Qingxia carried Qin Ke on his back with his backhand and turned sideways to avoid the glass particles flying in the sky.

  When she hid to one side, the door she was holding on, which had lost her strength, was immediately pushed open by the wave of zombies surging outside.

  A small and thin zombie had already squeezed in through the crack of the door with half of its body.

  Han Qingxia decisively drew his sword. The cold Tang Dao flashed and split open all the zombies that squeezed in through a gap.


  She kicked the cabinet hard and closed the door again.

  At this time, the zombie with its head sticking out of the glass window crawled in at full speed.

  The remaining sharp glass points on the window frame scratched all the way from its head to its neck and then to its chest. Black-red pus and blood dripped all the way along the wooden door and window frame. It opened its wide mouth and its black and yellow teeth were so excited. Trembling, moaning and opening and closing at the person in front of him, the gray and muddy zombie eyes stared at the person inside.

  Compared with Sadako's visual impact, Sadako looks more artistic.

  Looking at the zombies rushing in in front of him, Han Qingxia slashed at them with his sword.

  At this moment, she felt tremors from all directions around her.

  "Captain Beauty should know that the partitions in office buildings are basically made of gypsum board."

  Qin Ke's voice came to her ears.

  As Qin Ke's voice fell, "Boom--"

  Drywall was crumbling in all directions.

  The walls on both sides of the door were smashed open.

  Countless zombies broke through the wall and entered.

  When Han Qingxia saw the densely packed zombies, she gave up holding on to the useless door. She turned to look at the window. The two people there had only climbed two-thirds of the way up.

  "Hurry over there!"

  Han Qingxia carried Qin Ke on his back and took off with the Tang knife in his hand.

  When the two people were halfway up, the person in front slipped and fell down. Fortunately, there was a safety buckle. She hurriedly waved her hands in the air and struggled. When she lowered her head, she saw a dense wave of zombies at her feet.

  Immediately, her hands and feet were weak, coupled with long-term malnutrition, she was stuck in mid-air, unable to move forward or retreat.

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