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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (117)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (117)
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  Zombies still have natural restraints on supernatural powers.

  Everyone in Lu Qiyan's team stopped using artillery fire, and everyone began to use their powers.

  Fireballs, waterballs, metal balls, and thunderballs all mixed together and were swung at the zombies coming from all directions.

  The powerful explosion of superpowers successfully bought them some time.



  All the superpowers are thrown around for free, blocking zombies from all directions.

  Just when they were about to rush to the entrance in front of them.


  There was a sudden thud at the end of the passage, and a huge black shadow fell down.


  The black shadow turned around. It was an extremely large, fat zombie whose whole body seemed to have been steamed and scalded. The uniform of the manager on its body had long been torn and tattered, melting into its rotten flesh and blood. , with most of its face slumped, facing all the people who came to the door in front of it.


  It ran towards Han Qingxia and the others.

  In an instant, the ground shook.

  The entire corridor shook.

  At this moment, there are giant zombies in front of you, but there is no road behind!

  The zombies chasing and biting them below had already rushed to the feet of the last person.

  There is no way to hide!

  What's even worse!

  They have no superpowers!


  The last member of the future base who was running was dragged down by his feet. His teammates wanted to save him and grabbed his hand. There was a click, and a zombie climbed up from the back of the suspended team member and faced him. The heart is a hit.

  At the same time, zombies that were as dense as centipedes were rushing toward their group of fresh canned meats like turtles in a urn.

  Everyone is huddled together.

  There is no road ahead, left, right, up or down!

  Just when everyone thought they were dead, a wall of water suddenly covered them.

  It was a super strong wall of water that they had never seen before.

  It was so strong that for a moment, they all felt as if all the moisture in their bodies had been sucked away by evaporation, and the air was extremely dry in an instant.


  Everyone watched in shock as the water droplets all over the sky were like high-pressure bullets piercing through the skin of the zombies that ordinary bullets could not penetrate.

  "From now on, I will distribute the food!"

  Chapter 94 How could she be so strong?

  The water mist exploded all over the sky, and all the zombies flying towards him were shaken away by this powerful impact.

  The team members of the future base who were rescuing people saw with their own eyes the zombie in front of them that was trying to dig out his heart. It raised its claws and stopped an inch in front of his chest. When the sharp claws scratched his thick jacket, they were suddenly blocked by a wall of condensed water.

  In his eyes, the water wall split into countless water droplets in the blink of an eye.

  The extremely fine water droplets acted like water jets at high speed, cutting open the arms of the zombies on the opposite side. Each water droplet was like a bullet, hitting the zombies all-pervasively, easily penetrating their reinforced iron bones.

  This power...


  The large zombie directly in front of them was also severely knocked back several meters.

  Its swollen body was beaten by Han Qingxia's water drops like a steamed bun swollen with water, and the puddles were like the holes of a hornet's nest.

  After taking a few steps back, it stopped, with wet blood dripping all over its body, as if it had been soaked in water.

  "Ouch--" The zombie angrily spat blood at the person in front of him.

  Han Qingxia said calmly, "Yangzi, cover me!"


  In front of everyone, Han Qingxia pulled out the Tang Dao she had been carrying on her back, stepped on the handrail of the corridor, and jumped high off the ground.

  Chop towards the big zombie.

  This fat zombie is very fast and very powerful!

  But... Han Qingxia is faster than it! The power is greater than that!

  The silver Tang Dao flickered brightly and dimly under the red magnesium flare.

  Her figure was like a ghost, and after-images appeared in the light of the sword. Her terrifying explosive power was so strong that the sword made a sound of breaking through the air when it was swung out. Han Qingxia was killing with all his might.

  There is no fancy technique at all, every swing of the knife is directed in the most lethal direction.

  Han Qingxia's fighting skills were beyond his time!

  If you can't cut it, chop it a few more times!

  Cool moves and fast speed!


  With the last powerful force, a quarter of Han Qingxia's knife was nailed into the iron wall. The cold Tang Dao blade vibrated, nailing the zombie to the iron wall.

  Han Qingxia was panting slightly. She grabbed the handle of Tang Dao and pulled out the knife with a sound.

  When she pulled out the knife, the big zombie was like a piece of over-whipped butter, turning into a mess and falling off the wall.

  A crystal core the size of a newborn egg fell out from the tip of the knife Han Qingxia pulled out.

  At this moment, two zombies as skinny as centipedes and cockroaches jumped out from the shadows and headed straight for Han Qingxia.

  In the flash of lightning, no one even had time to be careful, but two powerful water jets as thick as arms rushed out.

  Only then did everyone discover it.

  The only member of the Midsummer base, the man who has been following Han Qingxia and never speaks, is actually a superpower!

  And his powers are so strong!

  When all of them could only condense half a fist-sized water ball or fire ball, he could actually raise his hand to condense an arm-thick high-pressure water column!

  Especially Tang Jian and the others!

  This was the first time they saw Xu Shaoyang use superpowers to attack. You must know that when they separated from him, his superpowers were about the same level as theirs! Even the biggest role of the water system ability in the early stage is to provide some drinking water!

  Why have we only been separated for a few months?

  Xu Shaoyang's supernatural powers are so much stronger!

  More than ten times as much as them!

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