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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (64)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai【Complete】(64)
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  There is no way out!

  The top was quickly captured. When Ding Yi saw the huge wave of zombies, he directly pulled a few people to support him.

  He rushed to the edge of the rooftop and activated his superpower to raise the ground. His superpower was very small, but it could explode in critical situations. A small slope of soil was pulled up from the ground, and Ding Yi felt like he could jump off!

  At this time, Han Qingxia watched his actions on the monitor with cold eyes, saw him jump, and said lazily, "Yangzi."


  A powerful water column dozens of times more powerful than his ability instantly destroyed the buffer slope he built.

  Ding Yi, who had already taken off: "!!!"

  Han Qingxia shook up her armored vehicle and withdrew from the zombie wave. As the sun set, the zombies' attacks became stronger. She evacuated from the zombie factory. At this time, she caught a glimpse of a group of survivors on top of the factory building next door.

  Chapter 50: Exchange for an integrated surveillance and combat drone

  The group of survivors had also been observing them for a long time.

  They were all like little lambs, shivering on the rooftop watching the scene that just happened.

  Han Qingxia withdrew his gaze, waved his hand, and asked Xu Shaoyang to leave the factory.

  After they left, the group of people on the rooftop quickly rushed to the edge of the rooftop.

  "They're gone."

  "They're all gone."

  The leader of them was a middle-aged man. He recovered from the shock, "They also have super powers, and they are a hundred times stronger than Ding Yi! They are too strong!"

  Everyone felt sad when they heard his words.

  That is not a group of rescue teams with the obligation to rescue them. After discovering them, they will rescue them at the cost of their lives, let alone a group of beings that can cause them to be trampled on at will!

  They are very powerful!

  There are professional equipment and stronger superpowers!

  Can crush in a zombie-infested factory!

  It is an existence that all of them can only look up to!

  Fortunately, they didn't forcefully call for help just now, nor did they engage in sabotage after failing to call for help like Ding Yi's group.

  In the end, they all died here.

  Just now...

  They looked at the group of factory zombies that Ding Yi had just released in order to stop Han Qingxia.

  As the sun sets, all corners of the factory are filled with zombies!

  As the sun set and the night deepened, the zombies all moved faster. They sensed that there was still life in their building, and they all wailed towards the factory building at their feet.

  They spread their hands and clung to the wall, trying their best to climb up.

  Soon the building under their feet was surrounded by zombies on three floors inside and three outside!

  The water is blocked!

  Li Gang saw that several of the zombies were significantly faster than other zombies, and their agility was much higher. They trampled on their companions, rushed to the highest point, and climbed wildly toward their rooftop.

  Fortunately, their building is more than ten meters high and has a smooth facade. It is not like Ding Yi and the others next door who seek death by provoking the boss to lure the zombies over.

  They are on the rooftop and it seems safe for now!

  It's hard for these zombies to climb up!

  At this time, his wife Wang Fang pushed him, "Honey, look, over there..."

  Wang Fang said with a trembling voice.

  Li Gang followed her gaze and saw a zombie staggering up from the ground where Ding Yi jumped to his death just now, with his stomach empty and most of his face eaten away.

  After Ding Yi fell from the rooftop more than ten meters away, he did not die directly. He was quickly surrounded by zombies who had been hungry for a long time, swallowing and biting him.

  Thanks to his strong body, he transformed into a corpse before these zombies could completely dismember him.


  Ding Yi, who turned into a zombie, roared sharply on the spot. He looked around and looked at the survivors on the roof of the next building.

  Running quickly towards them, it rushed to the bottom of the factory building in the blink of an eye. Facing the layers of corpses in front of it and the group of zombies that had not been able to rush forward, it pushed aside all the zombies and roared with great force.

  A mound more than three meters high instantly rose up under my feet!

  When all the zombies saw this, they crazily climbed up the mound it built.

  The zombies have a focal point and finally have the possibility to climb up!

  The survivors on the rooftop were all frightened when they saw this.

  "Husband! What to do!"

  Han Qingxia and Xu Shaoyang took the dogs back to their base smoothly.

  When they came out of the factory, many zombies chased their car, but they were all chased away after a few hundred meters.

  Han Qingxia didn't slow down all the way, and even if there were zombies crushed to death, he didn't get out of the car to see if there were any crystal nuclei.

  It's getting late.

  The factory is an hour and a half drive from the base, and it will be completely dark when she returns to the base. There is no way she will relax even a little bit, at least not until she enters her own territory.

  At 7:30 pm, they returned to the base successfully.

  As usual, the two of them went to take a shower first, then Xu Shaoyang went to cook, while Han Qingxia counted the loot in his air-raid shelter!

  A total of 1,148 zombie crystal cores were seized today.

  These crystal nuclei are all first-order crystal nuclei.

  Zombie cores are divided into levels.

  Level 1 is the most common existence. Probably one of the three zombies will form a crystal nucleus in the mind.

  The combat effectiveness of first-level zombies is not high. It can only be said to be much stronger than the most common zombies, such as the mutated first-level zombie that Han Qingxia first killed in the villa.

  Their agility and speed are much stronger than ordinary zombies, but they can still kill!

  Ordinary people with a little bit of fighting skills can defeat it!

  But when it comes to level two zombies, the gap will be very big. The strength and speed of level two zombies are much stronger than that of a healthy adult. It often requires the cooperation of multiple ordinary people to kill them.

  The size of the crystal nucleus is about the size of a quail egg.

  As for level three zombies, they are basically not killable by ordinary people. They are the opponents of superpowers.

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