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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (131)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (131)
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  Convert the endless vegetables at their base into meat!

  Achieve a major upgrade in the living standard of Midsummer Base!

  She wants everyone in Midsummer Base to eat meat!

  And this scene was enough to shock Professor Wang and all of them speechless!

  Is this, this, this midsummer base a paradise?

  "We're here, come down."

  Han Qingxia's car stopped in the center of the villa area. Immediately, all the nearby residents gathered around.

  "Lord Lord!"

  "Lord Lord!"

  "Lord! You are here!"

  "I brought you some new companions." Han Qingxia got out of the driveway, Xu Shaoyang opened the car door, and Professor Wang and all of them walked out one after another.

  Everyone looked at them excitedly and enthusiastically, "Welcome!"

  "Welcome to join us!"

  "Looks like we're going to have a good celebration today!"

  "Yes, yes, we will bring out the food to entertain you later!"

  "It's rare for so many people to come here, so we must give them a good welcome!"

  Professor Wang and others were flattered by these enthusiastic residents. They had never seen such a scene again since the end of the world began.

  Canglin is practical and knows etiquette.

  Only when every household has enough supplies and no shortage of food and drink will everyone be willing to show goodwill and friendship.

  Professor Wang only felt deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. How wealthy the Midsummer base must be to make the residents here so friendly!

  But soon, they realized how wealthy the Midsummer Base was!

  There is actually a very large fully automatic unmanned vending supermarket here!

  "I'm going to the supermarket to buy some meat! Lord, please don't leave. I must cook my best Dongpo meat for you to try!"

  "Then I'll kill a chicken! Lord, the chicken stew made by my husband is particularly delicious. You must try it!"

  "I'm going to the supermarket to buy some drinks and melon seeds! Let's eat first!"

  "I still have fresh fruit at home, I'll bring it to you!"

  Professor Wang and others were shocked to see the original residents of Han Qingxia running in and out of a villa.

  "That's the direct-operated supermarket of our base. If you need any supplies in the future, just buy them there."

  Han Qingxia took Professor Wang and others to the supermarket directly operated by the base.

  This time, Professor Wang and the others were completely shocked and speechless!

  A lot of supplies are piled up here.

  Bags of rice, fixtures of noodles, all kinds of common vegetables, shampoo, soap, shower gel, sanitary napkins for women, clothing, shoes and socks, and even... common things before the end of the world. Various snacks!

  Potato chips, ham sausage, biscuits, cola, lollipops...

  These are all available for purchase!

  Like before the end of the world!

  "Wow! Have we arrived in heaven!" A child among them said in shock.

  Not only the children, but also the adults think so in their hearts!

  They were all shocked beyond measure.

  Ten minutes later, all of them understood the rules of Han Qingxia Base.

  "As long as all of you work hard, I guarantee that you will all be able to live the same life as them, with absolutely enough food and meat for every meal! You can enjoy everything they can!"

  Professor Wang's eyes were all shining brightly, they were all so surprised!

  They can enjoy everything they can!

  What kind of magical place have they arrived?

  You must know that they are different from these residents. They came from the K1 base, but they have seen what other bases are like and have lived hard lives in other bases.

  Other bases are still struggling with food and clothing. Han Qingxia can already eat meat here, while other bases can only live in shantytowns! She lives in a villa here! The resources of other bases are extremely tight. She can raise piglets here, and there is also a huge supermarket where she can trade at will! There are enough supplies to even have snacks!

  Compared with the K1 base, Han Qingxia's place is really a paradise!

  No wonder even Lu Qiyan said that it was a good thing that they could go with Han Qingxia.

  How is this a good thing?

  This is great shit luck!

  All of them were extremely nervous before coming, thinking that coming here was a big gamble to open a blind box, and then as soon as they opened it, they directly opened an SSS-level top king bomb!

  All of them were simply kicked hard by the God of Luck and kicked into the nest of happiness!

  At this time, they couldn't help but think of the stupid Kang Jian family yesterday. If the Kang Jian family knew what kind of place Midsummer Base was, they would definitely regret it until their intestines turned green!

  Thinking of this, they felt even more lucky!

  Fortunately, fortunately they are not stupid like them! Fortunately, fortunately they are here!

  Their one thought directly changed their fate!

  Chapter 106 Preparing to enter the city

  "Dip - 21 new residents detected!"

  "Reward the host with 2100 points!"

  "Reward new residents with a ten percent loyalty increase! The current new residents' loyalty is ninety-nine percent!"

  A series of reminders came to Han Qingxia's mind.

  She didn't expect people like Professor Wang to be so loyal after they came in!

  When she first took over Wang Youmin's family, their family's loyalty was only 60%, while that of Li Gang's group was 80%. These people only increased to 99% as they gradually stabilized over time. .

  After people like Professor Wang came, their loyalty was immediately filled!

  Han Qingxia understood after thinking about it for a moment. After all, people like Professor Wang had experienced the hard life of other bases.

  After coming to her, it is like going from hell to heaven!

  How could they not gain the favor of Midsummer Base!

  These days, where can they find the second paradise on earth, the Midsummer Base!

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