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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (127)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (127)
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  Chapter 102 The grumpy old man

  "What are you doing here?" Lu Qiyan strode to Han Qingxia's side.

  "I want to ask you to order some people." Han Qingxia pointed to the people behind him, "I want to take these twenty-one people to my base. You give me a price."

  During the base civilization period, residents were important assets of their respective bases.

  It won't be taken away easily.

  Lu Qiyan's eyes fell on the group of ordinary residents, "If they voluntarily follow you, then they can leave. However, the supplies cannot be taken away. Those who leave the K1 base must leave all supplies behind."

  "Okay!" Han Qingxia agreed.

  This is the basic rule of the last days.

  The base protects the residents and provides them with necessary food. Therefore, the residents and their property will belong to the base. Once they leave the base, all supplies will be confiscated.

  You won't be allowed to leave the base with a grain of rice.

  But actually this is still good.

  This is a relatively large base with some human rights. It reserves your right to leave. Many small bases do not allow any residents to defect to the base for any reason.

  If you want to leave, you will die.

  The small base where Han Qingxia stayed in his previous life was like this. Ordinary people would die if they wanted to escape from the base. Everyone was the private property of the base administrator, and it was impossible to allow them to leave.

  Of course, there are exceptions. For example, some powerful superpowers. These people are the ones who are recruited in any base. The base cannot control their personal rights. They will spend a lot of materials to win over them. These people generally do not Be willing to leave your original base.

  There will also be some bases that want to poach them. If the treatment is appropriate and the original base is paid enough, they can be taken away.

  In her previous life, Han Qingxia encountered the poaching of an outstanding person from her small base. That person was Jin Hu, the only dual-power user of the fire and metal elements in the base. Before the end of the world, he was a black boxer in an underground boxing gym. He has a particularly explosive temper, has tattoos all over his body, and is known as a grumpy old man.

  What impressed Han Qingxia the most about him was that this irritable old man liked to slap people in the back. He would slap people and things that he didn't like, and slapped her from top to bottom until she was submissive.

  When Han Qingxia joined that small base, many people wanted to do something to her. When the grumpy old man saw the last sentence, he didn't say a word. Heped slapped several times in front of her face and left after slapping her. Han Qingxia was shocked at that time and started to start her career from then on. A road that follows the path of fanning people.

  If you don't accept it, fight! Status and respect are earned by yourself! Never be timid!

  But not long after, that irritable old man was poached by another base with a lot of money. Until he left, Han Qingxia didn't say a word to him. Without him, the old man was too irritable. Every time Han Qingxia saw him Either you are slapping someone or you are on the way to slapping someone.

  Afterwards, Han Qingxia heard that the small survivor base in City A used two trucks of rice to poach Jin Hu and never saw him again.

  Six or seven years after the end of the world, Han Qingxia accidentally heard in the base tavern that the small base where Jin Hu was located was flooded by zombies, and no one survived. At that time, no one remembered Jin Hu, except Han Qingxia.

  In the apocalypse, many people are passers-by like fireworks. They end in an instant and are never seen again.

  Getting back to the subject, no matter what, those who dig other people's bases have to give something. Lu Qiyan doesn't want anything, and Han Qingxia can't take it for free. She owes him a favor.

  "Let's go first, I have something else to tell you."

  "OK OK," Han Qingxia turned to look at Professor Wang and the others, "You don't need to bring anything with you. Just come with me tomorrow. I will take you away tomorrow."

  At this time, Lu Qiyan sighed, "It's a good thing that you can go to her place with Miss Han."

  After he finished speaking, he took Han Qingxia and left the shanty town.

  Professor Wang and others' eyes lit up when they heard Lu Qiyan's words.

  "Did you hear that? Captain Lu said that Miss Han is very good there!"

  "I heard it too. Captain Lu has never said such a thing."

  "I think we made the right choice this time! It was right to follow Miss Han and leave!"

  "If I don't talk about anything else, let's just talk about their strength. They really have the strength to take us away!"

  This sentence deeply hit Kang Jian's wife in the face. She saw Captain Lu's attitude towards Han Qingxia at their base. Not only was he extremely polite, he also responded to every request!

  Just as she was mocking Han Qingxia for not having the strength to brag, she turned around and shook Captain Lu over and slapped her hard.

  Now she only feels the burning pain on her face, and wants to find a hole to crawl into, "Huh, who knows what it's like there! Come home! Lao Kang! Tiantian!"

  Kang Jian immediately went back dejectedly with his head lowered. Kang Tiantian, who was playing with his friends, heard the sound and looked sad, "Are you really going to leave?"

  "Don't be sad, Tiantian, wait until we get there and send you a message on the radio!"

  Kang Tiantian smiled when she heard this, "Okay! I will definitely wait for your news!"

  Everyone at the scene gradually dispersed and went back to tidy up. Everyone had expectations in their eyes, not knowing what would happen tomorrow.

  Han Qingxia followed Lu Qiyan back to his villa. Before they even entered, they heard the sound of things being smashed inside.

  "Commander, think about it for yourself. Evolutionary fluid is the future of mankind. You must know it yourself. Do you want to ignore the development of the base?"


  Not long after, a middle-aged man wearing a suit and looking decent despite the apocalypse came out of the villa.

  As soon as the other party came out and saw Lu Qiyan coming back, he immediately put on a smile and said, "It turns out to be Captain Lu. Captain Lu, please advise your grandpa. In fact, I don't want anything . You don't care about yours. I don't care about mine. We Wouldn't it be better to develop the base together without interfering with each other?"

  When Lu Qiyan heard what he said, his eyes were as cold as a cold pool and he didn't say a word.

  The other party was not angry even though he was given the cold shoulder. Then he noticed Han Qingxia and asked, "Who is this lady? Why haven't I seen her before?"

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