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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (109)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (109)
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  In the eyes of these people, accepting ordinary people is a waste of resources. In the end of the world, when resources are tight, an ordinary person and a high-quality person consume the same materials. Why do they want a group of ordinary people who can only become a drag and have low contribution? ?

  In Han Qingxia's impression, the biggest impression that future generations will have on the Hope Base is that it is extremely rigorous, cold and ruthless!

  Especially their base manager Qi Sang, who ranks among the top ten ruthless people and is known as the robot with a heartbeat.

  This guy once famously said that all lives have a price.

  In his eyes, all people are like objects. From their age, physical condition, ability, consumption, and output, he can calculate the value of wealth he can create in his lifetime. These are the prices of his life.

  In the eyes of this extremely ruthless person, if a person's price is lower than his price standard for people, then this person is an unqualified trash.

  For these top-level talents, everything can be concluded through precise numerical calculations, and all choices are only aimed at maximizing profits.

  Including this joint operation.

  A white motorcade stopped in front of them. There were five cars in total, and seven people in white uniforms got out.

  Five men and two women.

  The leader was a young man in his twenties, with six others following closely behind him.

  "Hope base is here!"

  "Their manager Qi Sang is here too!"

  "That should be Qisang!"

  When the four small base management leaders who had just gathered around Lu Qiyan saw Qi Sang coming with people, they went over to say hello again.

  "My brother is so boring."

  Ji Yurou's voice came to Han Qingxia's ears.

  She looked up at her.

  Ji Yurou raised her head and said disdainfully, "We have time to kill the zombies ourselves. Why don't we find more supplies? We have to work with others to curry favor with others."

  Han Qingxia smiled softly and waved to her, asking her to sit next to her.

  Ji Yurou glanced at it and followed Han Qingxia to sit on the highway guardrail.

  "How many people are there in your base?" Han Qingxia took out a handful of melon seeds from Wanmian's pocket.

  Ji Yurou looked at the melon seeds that were handed to her, hesitated for two seconds, and then refused, "No, there are more than 200 people in our base! They are all folks from our village and nearby villages!"

  She refused, but Han Qingxia did it herself, "What's the population ratio?"

  Ji Yurou frowned, "There are many old people in our village. You also know the current situation in the countryside. The people who stay in the countryside are basically old people. There are less than 50 young people like me and my brother."

  Han Qingxia was extremely happy when she heard this, spitting out the melon seed peels, "Then your brother should hurry up and hug his thigh. He's too late and can't even catch his pants."

  Ji Yurou: "..."

  After being depressed for two seconds, she shook her head heavily, "No, in my opinion, we can't rely on anyone! In this end of the world, we can only rely on ourselves!"

  Han Qingxia giggled as she cracked the melon seeds. She stretched out her hand again and handed the melon seeds to her, "Eat together, I like to listen to you talk."

  Ji Yurou: "...I can't speak. Ever since I was a child, no one in my family likes to listen to me."

  "I like it. If you keep talking, just treat it like I'm using melon seeds to invite you to talk."

  Ji Yurou looked at the caramel melon seeds, hesitated for a second this time, and took them, "Well, I haven't talked to anyone since the end of the world started, and I like you too!"

  "Did you really build a base?"


  "Why did they choose you, a woman, to be the base manager? Can they convince you?"

  "I rescued them all, so of course they listen to me."

  When Ji Yurou heard this, her eyes widened, "Is it true?"

  "If you don't believe me, ask my little brother, I saved him too." Han Qingxia pursed her lips.

  Ji Yurou raised her head and looked at Xu Shaoyang, who was motionless and watching over Han Qingxia all the time.

  Xu Shaoyang glanced at her and nodded coldly at her.

  "Everyone in our base was rescued by the boss."

  Ji Yurou took a sharp breath when she heard this. At this moment, she felt that she admired Han Qingxia very much.

  She was the one who rescued it all by herself!

  She looks really strong!

  You must know that Han Qingxia is a woman. After the end of the world begins, Ji Yurou will be able to feel how low the status of women is!

  Even though she is a fire power user and her fighting ability is as good as her brother's, she can't say anything when it comes to base management!

  Everyone naturally ignored her, and some people said that women should stay at home to take care of their children and have children. Even if they have special abilities, they cannot compete with men! Men are women's gods! Obey them unconditionally !

  When Ji Yurou heard those words, she wanted to tear them apart!

  That's why she is treated well in their Spark Base. Her brother is the base manager, she has special powers, and women with nothing else have even lower status!

  She was really impressed when she heard that Han Qingxia saved everyone and established his own base.

  Regardless of the size of the base, Han Qingxia is the absolute leader!

  This made her very envious!

  But later, when she saw the size of Han Qingxia's so-called small base, she was so shocked that her jaw dropped!

  "Okay, it's enough for everyone to get to know each other." At this time, a cold voice fell from the crowd of people surrounding him. The young man in a white uniform in the middle ignored everyone else and looked at Lu Qiyan who was directly opposite.

  "Captain Lu, didn't you say that seven teams arrived today?"

  Chapter 88: It's a big deal

  "There is also a midsummer base that came with me."

  Lu Qiyan looked at Han Qingxia and said, "That is Han Qingxia, the manager of Midsummer Base."

  The group of people all turned to look over and saw two people sitting cross-legged on the side of the road with Ji Yurou, eating melon seeds and chatting.

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