Chapter Twelve


Ricky's P.O.V. :

            "I know this is a sensitive question but why did you agree to merge with Thunder Clan after what they did to us?" Kevin asked me as we waited in the conference room for the arrival of Thunder Clan.

            "That was like so many years back. Besides, their son has taken over the clan, not the same leaders that killed my parents..." I said in a calm voice as some of my pack members fell silent.

            "It's just not good to judge a book by its cover." I added and there were some agreeing whispers around the room.

            Look I may have the reputation to be really merciless but I'm a reasonable guy too.....

            The door of the conference room then opened and in came the escorts I sent to pick up Thunder Clan from the airport and unfamiliar faces whom I'm guessing, are Thunder Clan warriors.

            But one familiar scent hit me and made me let out a low growl... As everyone entered the room, the last person who strolled in almost made me pounce on him...

            I recognised that fucking scent...

            "Alpha Ricky, this is Alpha Travis. He's here to discuss with you regarding the problems on hunters' invasion." one of my escorts introduced.

            I balled one of my fists up as I held out a hand to Alpha Travis and he gave me a friendly smile. Genuine smile from him, but what I felt at this moment was to just rip the guy apart...

            His scent is of the stale smell that was on Megan when I first met her... Travis is Megan's ex-mate. He is the father of her children and he is the one who dumped her and broke her heart, making her leave and never informing him about her pregnancy...

            I'm not letting this bastard anywhere near my wife in case he tries to win her back.....


Travis's P.O.V. :

            What is with this guy???

            I observed from his stance and the way he gripped my hand that he doesn't like me and I have absolutely no idea why. This is the first time I'm meeting him but yet, there's something about me that he abhors.

            Yes, I used the word abhor cause' even everyone in the room can feel the hatred for me exuding out from Ricky. The atmosphere in the room was tense and I could hear everyone's heartbeat accelerating.

            "Let's have a seat and get on with the discussion shall we..." Ricky offered with a smile as he directed me and my pack to the opposite side of the long table that was empty with chairs.

            I can still tell that he's trying to be professional... Well maybe he hates me cause' of my parents killing off his parents but then again, why agree to the merge if he is still habouring so much hate for my clan?

            Well, I decided to put personal emotions aside and focused on the meeting.

            "So far this month, 5 of my warriors were found in critical condition and 3 has died from silver bullets lodged in their heart. I'm not sure what are the intentions of the hunters but it seems that they know what they're hunting for." Ricky informed the room and he then looked at me.

            "What about the status of your clan Travis." he said in a cold voice.

            I ignored his tone and gave him my report.

            "My clan has just been injured with bear traps but there are no bears in the woods that we're living so we know that the traps are meant for us. Around 20 of us has been caught in the trap before but because I ordered double patrol so other wolves nearby are able to rush quickly to help before the hunters got to my trapped members. So far no casualties. Not too sure why they haven't used bullets on my clan yet but I have issued quarantine orders that all members to be locked inside their house by 10 p.m."

            Ricky raised an eyebrow at me.

            "You don't do the Midnight full run anymore?" he questioned.

            It's a tradition thing to run at the stroke of midnight on a full moon once a month.

            "Nope, not at this moment. I can't risk my clan member's lives. Until I get the clear zone then I'll lift the quarantine." I stated firmly and Ricky for once, nodded his head in mutual agreement.

            "I think I'll adopt your quarantine rules. It sounds reasonable enough. Our members' lives are more important than tradition." he said.

            We were suddenly interrupted by the beep of the intercom and Ricky's secretary I presumed, was on the line.

            "Alpha Ricky, your wife called. She wants to know what time you'll be home for dinner." the secretary asked and Ricky cleared his throat as he discreetly gave me a cold stare.

            "Tell her I'm coming straight home after this meeting so I'll be home around 5 p.m. I'll stay with her all the way so I'm not coming back to work." he said.

            I think no one saw the hard glare he gave me when the secretary mentioned his wife. Wait, is he jealous? But why the heck would he be? I don't even know his wife! And even if I do, I definitely wouldn't go after his wife! Megan is the only girl I want in my life.....


Megan's P.O.V. :

            "You didn't have to skip work for me today you know..." I told Ricky as he climbed into bed with me.

            "Stop it baby. I'm already home aren't I? Besides, I wanna spend more time with you and our children..." he began as his hands roamed my body.

            "Stop Ricky! What if Alison hears us?!" I panicked but Ricky chuckled as he pulled my body into his.

            "Forgot to tell you that actually Alison doesn't live with us. Each time after school, I'll just drive her back to Aunt May's house. She's living with my aunt now ever since we got married cause' my aunt understands we will be wanting our alone time together..." Ricky gave me a boyish grin as he tickled me.

            I laughed and buried my face in his chest and next thing I know, he was hovering on top of me, placing each hand beside my head.

            "Don't act like you don't want me Megan..." Ricky said in a low voice and I bit back my laughter.

            "You're so full of yourself sometimes..." I giggled and Ricky growled playfully before crashing his lips to mine as his hands explored every single part of my body.....


Travis's P.O.V. :

            I was frowning at my iPhone's calendar, counting the time since Megan has been missing...

            She's gone for almost 8 months.....

            As I was wallowing in self-pity, a Whataspp from my mother came in..

            Mum : I expect you to be bonding with Whitney while on this trip.

            I gritted my teeth in frustration as I replied her back.

            Travis : I don't need you intruding on my private thoughts through mind link nor do I appreciate it that you're forcing me to be with Whitney!

            Mum : I don't want to hear any excuses! You already went against mine and your father's orders of merging our clan with Shadow Clan! Least you can do is allow me to plan the best for your love life!

            Travis : You don't get it do you? Megan is the only woman I want in my life! There's a reason why Fate prepared her for me! I can't live without her!

            Just as I hit the 'send' button, I heard Whitney's voice.

            "There is a second chance at love..." she said softly and I looked up at her.

            I just can't feel anything for this girl no matter how caring she tries to be towards me..

            "I know there is, I've heard of it from the Elders but I just can't... It's not like Megan cheated on me or I make another girl pregnant and have to be responsible for the child... It's not like that..." I whispered and Whitney gave me a sympathetic look.

            "She's already marked Travis... You felt it... If she still loved you, she wouldn't have left without hearing your explanation right?" Whitney said.

            I ran my fingers through my hair then massaged my temples.

            "You don't know what we shared. You don't know what I said to her to destroy everything that we shared. And that's why you won't understand why she left and why I deserve this shit." I finished as I stared straight into Whitney's eyes.

            She sighed with a defeated tone and quietly left the room...
