Chapter Fifteen

Travis's P.O.V. :

            Whitney has just finished seeing the doctor and I was accompanying her to the pharmacy when an unmistakable scent bombarded me.

            That sweet lavender smell... Megan's around here...

            My eyes quickly scanned the area to search for her and that's when I found her.

            She was still as beautiful as ever with her black long hair and those mesmerizing emerald eyes... But her stomach...

            She's pregnant...

            I blinked a few times not really sure to believe what I'm seeing right now...

            Whitney was talking to me but I blocked her out for a bit before finally realising that she was conversing with me.

            “Alpha, what's wrong?” she asked in a concerned voice and I quickly regained back my composure.

            “Nothing. I just remembered I had something to do... Do you mind if I pass you some money and you take the cab home by yourself?” I pressed as I looked at her and Whitney gave me a reluctant nod.

            I passed her some cash and watched her hailed a cab and got into it. The moment Whitney was out of sight, I quickly rushed back to the pharmacy area where I last saw her...

            I approached her back as now she's talking to the pharmacist behind the counter but when I was right behind her, she turned around and collided into me and whatever she was holding fell to the ground.

            “Oh god I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were right behind me! I should have been more careful!” she squealed as she slowly bent down to pick up her stuffs.

            I immediately bent down first as I noticed she was having difficulty and discomfort having to position herself to a kneeling stance.

            “No it’s fine... It was my fault... I’ll do it...” I told her, not meeting her eyes yet as I collected her items.

            It was pictures and screenshots of her ultrasounds... She wasn’t carrying a child.. She’s carrying quadruplets...

            I held back tears of sadness as I wondered who is the lucky guy who won her heart and managed to have her to bear his children...

            I placed the photos back in the envelope and stood up straight, handing it out to her. She thanked me and finally looked up at me...

            She just smiled and took the envelope from me and turned, walking away.

            I was dumbstruck... Can’t she recognise me???

            I ran after her, grabbing her arm and turning her around to face me. Again I felt the sparks ran up and down my arm...

            “God!” she screamed, not too loudly as she was whirled around to face me. “Oh it’s you again! What do you want?”

            My mind was in a turmoil as I tried to register her reaction towards me.

            “You can’t remember me???” I blurted out and she frowned as she narrowed her eyes at me.

            “Mister, I don’t know you and I obviously can’t remember you if I don’t know you! Now would you please let go of my arm! I’m already a married woman and I live in this neighbourhood! If anyone I know sees me like this, gossips will spread!” she demanded, her face really honest about not knowing me...

            I felt my pupils dilating when she told me she’s married to someone else but I didn’t tighten my grip on her arm.

            “You don’t remember me?? You really don’t?” I asked weakly and she pursed her lips before shaking her head vigorously.

            “No I don’t!” she spoke harshly and I couldn’t care less about people who might know her and create gossips... Heck there was a crowd forming and watching us but I just couldn’t care anymore.

            I grabbed her face and stared into her eyes, those deep emerald eyes I know so well...

            “Megan, it’s me... Travis... You really can’t remember me or you don’t want to remember me???” I asked softly and that’s when the unexpected happened...

            She blinked for awhile before she fainted in my arms...


Ricky's P.O.V. :

            "Alpha! Your wife is in a coma at the hospital!" Kevin's voice resounded in my head.

            I stopped dead in my presentation to my pack and they too, gave me a look of horror.

            They must have heard Kevin's message too since important news like this are open mind-connections to the others.

            "What the fuck?!? What happened?!? Is Doctor Simon attending to her?!?" I growled back as I signalled to my creative director to take over my presentation.

            "Yes! We don't know how long she will wake up!" Kevin's panic voice reached me as I quickly exit the elevator and unlocked my Escalade.

            "Tell me everything Kevin! Tell me how come you were there when my wife fainted and what the fuck happened!!!" I growled back menacingly at him.

            "I was with my mate as we're at the hospital for her 2nd month of ultrasound when we saw Luna Megan at the pharmacy counter! We wanted to approach and talk to her when we saw Alpha Travis approaching her too! I was too slow to react cause' Alpha Travis quickened his pace and reached her first! They talked but the environment was too noisy so I couldn't hear them! Next thing I know Luna Megan fainted in Alpha Travis's arms as he held her!" Kevin reported the full story to me.

            I gripped the steering wheel tightly as I went the maximum limit of my Escalade. Fuck that Travis. He's not gonna get a second chance of putting his filthy hands all over my wife and convince her to come back to him! When I reach the hospital, I'll let him feel the epitome of pain.....


Megan's P.O.V. :

            Where am I???

            I opened my eyes and studied the room around me.

            It looks like I'm in a hospital ward... Again...

            Why do I keep waking up in hospital wards after a traumatic incident?

            "Megan you okay?" I heard a soothing voice beside me but when I turned, I cocked my head sideways looking at the unknown man.

            "Who are you?" I asked as I tried to sit up and he rushed to my side as he helped me up.

            "Megan it's me, Travis. Will you please stop pretending that you don't know me? It's hurting me badly right now." he said in a soft voice as he helped me lie down again.

            "But I don't know anyone named Travis..." I told him earnestly and he stared at me for a long time before sighing and looking away.

            But why does his soft brown eyes seem so homely but yet... I can't put a finger to it...

            "What happened to me? Why am I in a hospital?" I asked.

            The guy named Travis turned to look at me and gave me a weak smile.

            "Your babies are affected by the weather and so were you. The doctor said your health was already being drained by the weather and the pregnancy so it kinda took a toll on you." he informed me and I gasped as I looked down and remembered my swollen belly.

            "But are my children okay?" I asked with a panic look on my face.

            "Yup. The doctor said they're fine." Travis answered me as again, he gave me a smile but his eyes were full of sorrow.

            I rubbed my stomach and sighed in relief.

            Suddenly, the ward door swung open and my husband stood there with Doctor Simon.

            Doctor Simon's eyes went wide when he saw Travis and narrowed his eyes at him.

            "I thought I told you that you can't come in here!" Doctor Simon spat at him.

            "She's my soul mate and I have every right to be here!" Travis spat back and that made me even more confused than I'm already am.

            Soul mate?

            "Do you have a death wish?" I heard my husband's voice and I craned my neck to see him since Travis is kinda blocking my view.

            "I don't get you! Why are you so pissed at me all the time?!?" Travis snapped at Ricky and I saw Ricky's eyes dilating.

            Wait, dilating? Huh? What the heck?

            "Because it's my wife that is your ex-soul mate!" he lashed out as he swiftly moved and slammed Travis into the wall. “She may be pregnant with your children but you’re never getting her or them back!!!”

            “She’s pregnant with MY PUPS?!?” Travis yelled as he punched Ricky in his face. “You bastard! And how long you plan to keep her and our children from me huh?!?”

            Ricky slammed Travis against the wall again and Travis choked but pushed back Ricky and very soon, the two men were fighting and wrestling with each other, landing blows whenever and wherever they can.

            God, I never knew this childish side of Ricky! Why is he even fighting with his Travis guy anyway? Wait, who is this Travis guy again???

            "Alright stop! No fighting at the hospital!" Doctor Simon bellowed and pulled Ricky off Travis.

            Both men kneeled over, panting and shooting death glares at each other.

            "I want my wife to be discharged... NOW!" Ricky said in a hushed voice but loud enough for all of us to hear.

            "I won't let you take her and my kids out of my sight!" Travis snapped at Ricky and my husband clenched his fists.

            "Simon, make arrangements to discharge my wife NOW and that's a fucking order!" Ricky bellowed out and next thing I knew, more men poured into my room.

            "Alpha! We're here!" one of the men said and Ricky nudged his head towards Travis.

            "Get that asshole away from my wife and make sure his sorry ass is on the plane on the fastest flight today! I'll gladly pay for his air ticket so put it on my tab!" Ricky spat as the men grabbed a struggling and writhing Travis out of my ward.

            As Travis was kicking, he turned around to give me one last look.

            "I'll come back for you Megan! I promise you I will!" he shouted before Ricky slammed the door closed.
