Chapter Eleven

Ricky's P.O.V. :

            Not good not good not good...

            I chanted in my head when I realised I've been intruding in Megan's mind so many times. But this time, I was careful.

            I had to be as careful as this the next time or even better!

            I parked outside Alison's kindergarten and opened my door as I quickly rushed over to Megan's side of the car and opened the door for her. Then I opened the door for Alison as my car has a child safety lock.

            "Come on Teacher Megan!" Alison pulled Megan's hand and she smiled down at my sister as her other hand rubbed her swollen womb.

            I walked behind them and saw 2 of Megan's colleagues coming out to welcome Megan.

            "Megan! You're back! You're feeling better already?" Fiona, the Nursery form teacher, asked Megan.

            Megan blinked a few times at her colleague before her hand suddenly found mine and she gripped it. I rubbed slow circles on the back of her palm and feel her heartbeat slowed down.

            She's nervous...

            "I'm sorry but I can't remember anything..." she said in a small voice and Tessa, the K2 form teacher, gave a sympathetic look.

            "So sorry. We heard about your accident. But thank god your children are all fine.." Tessa said as Fiona smiled warmly at my wife.

            That's right, I lied to the whole neighbourhood that Megan fell down. Well they're humans so I can risk telling them the truth right? Only the children in the pack, and that includes Alison, thinks Megan had a fall that's why she lost her memory...

            "Alright Alison, let's get you to class!" Fiona said in a cheerful voice as she led Alison into the kindergarten with Tessa following behind her, waving at us.

            "I'll pick you up at 5!" I called out to my sister loudly before hearing an "ok" from her in my head.


Travis's P.O.V. :

            "No choice..." I mumbled. "Merge with Shadow Clan then..."

            Kyle gave an approving nod but my parents suddenly stood up and snarled at me.

            "You can't be serious son! There has to be another way!" my father hissed at me.

            "We tried to invade them once! It'll be humiliating for us if we request to merge with them after what happened last time!" my mum snapped.

            I raised my eyes around the conference room with my brown pupils fully dilated then they landed on my parents.

            "I make decisions that is best for Thunder Clan! And if we don't merge with Shadow Clan, we're going to be short-handed and outnumbered by the hunters!!" I said in a dangerous voice.

            "There has to be another way!! Or maybe merge with another clan!" my father insisted as my mum glared daggers my way.

            "River Clan and Wind Clan are far away from us and the nearest to us is Shadow Clan! Besides, River Clan and Wind Clan are not facing the same problems as us so it'll be fruitless to discuss this matter with them!!" I stood my ground and my parents suddenly went quiet and sat back down in their seats, not being able to retaliate back.

            "Kyle, inform Shadow Clan's Alpha I'll be in their territory to discuss about the hunter issue with 30 of my best warriors following me tomorrow. You'll stay here and take over me while I'm gone." I said briskly as I walked out of the conference room.


            "I'm gonna kill you Kyle!" I mind-spoke to him as I faced at the window beside me.

            I was on the plane going to meet Shadow Clan's leader but that's not what got me angered. Kyle went to arranged Whitney to follow me!

            "I'm sorry Alpha but she is one of our best warriors..." was Kyle's reply.

            "Can't you pick someone else like Jackson or Henry?!?" I snapped but Kyle's voice was still calm.

            "She's better than the 2 of them put together besides, they have their mates to worry about. She is single and has your best interest at heart, hence my decision to arrange her to be your personal bodyguard."

            "Really? And not because she or my parents set you up to this?!?" I questioned.

            "Do you honestly think I'm that kind of character? Then maybe you should reconsider me as your Beta and go choose another wolf." Kyle challenged me and I kept quiet as I broke the mind link.

            Fine I know I can be paranoid and childish at times. At least Whitney doesn't make a move on me. She just shows how caring and concern she is for my welfare but she doesn't touch me unnecessarily or flirts with me. I'm fine with that I guess.....


Ricky's P.O.V. :

            "I'm craving for ice-cream..." Megan suddenly spoke as we were looking through baby stuffs.

            I looked up at my beautiful wife and placed back the baby bolster I was holding as I took her hand in mine, smiling at her.

            "I'll take you to the best dessert cafe in town. How about that?" I asked and her face lit up with a beautiful smile.

            "I would love that Ricky..." she said and we both walked out to my Escalade.

            It just took me 7 minutes to drive to the cafe and we immediately went up to the counter to place our order.

            "Hi can I help you?" the counter lady, batted her eyelashes at me, not bothering to even notice my wife.

            "I want my ice-cream in a large cup with 4 different flavours of ice-cream. I want vanilla, chocolate, cookies and cream and chocolate chip." Megan rambled out.

            The counter lady then finally saw Megan and her face fell when she realised Megan was pregnant and we're both wearing matching wedding bands.

            "Alright, here's your ice-cream and receipt." she said, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice as I paid and took the receipt and went to sit with Megan at a table near the back of the cafe.

            "I don't like the way she was trying to flirt with you..." Megan mumbled out and I chuckled as I wrapped an arm around her waist.

            "You know I will love only you and our children Megan Cain..." I whispered in her ear, making her shiver from my voice and she blushed as she beat my arm.

            "Ricky, not here! We're in public!" she protested as I pushed forward to plant a kiss on her cheek.

            "You're my beautiful wife and nothing is going to stop me from loving and pampering you." I said firmly as she sighed and placed her head on my shoulder.

            Suddenly my iPhone beeped with a message and I pulled it out to read.

            "Thunder Clan is on plane now. Their plane will be touching down on Wednesday around 12 noon." Kevin messaged me.

            "Who's that?" Megan asked, now facing me.

            "Oh just my clients. I have a meeting with them on Wednesday afternoon." I lied smoothly.

            God I feel bad lying to my wife!

            "Speaking about that, I never knew exactly what you work as. I know more or less I'm a preschool teacher but what about you Ricky?" Megan asked as she dipped her spoon into a chocolate ice-cream and placed it inside her mouth.

            "Erm..." I stuttered, thinking of an answer. "I'm a business man..."

            "What kind of business do you do?" Megan asked again, this time, dipping her spoon in the vanilla flavour.

            "A land management business..." I offered with a weak smile and Megan nodded her head.

            "So like legal land law stuffs like that?" she pressed again and I winced when she said the word law.

            "Yea like that..." was my reply.

            What does a werewolf got to do with handling land law stuffs??? God I'm such a fucking bad liar!!

            "You sure you're telling me the truth??" Megan threw me a questioning look.

            "I'm not. Why ever do you think I am baby?" I chuckled nervously as I hugged her close to me.

            "I don't want to be married to some criminal guy..." she said and I laughed out loud.

            "I can assure you honey I'm no criminal. But I am a criminal on bed..." I whispered huskily, making her squirm even more in my arms.

            "Ricky please! You're torturing me with all these pregnant hormones going on in my body!" she whined and I chuckled as I ate the ice-cream on the spoon that was she going to put inside her mouth.

            Well that earned me a smack to my head but it was well worth it to see my lovely wife giggling.
