Chapter Four

Megan's P.O.V. :     

            I took a cab and quickly rushed over to the pack’s headquarter, which was actually a glass building made up of offices, meeting rooms, event halls and many more.

            I went straight to the receptionist who smiled at me.

            Everyone knows I’m Travis’s mate but why he still hasn’t settle down with me is beyond me...

            “Hi Miss Megan, how can I assist you?” the receptionist named Katy, smiled at me.

            “I’m looking for Travis. I need to speak with him.” I answered in a cheery voice and she nodded her head, telling me to wait a few seconds while she dialed his office and relayed my message.

            I heard his deep voice through the intercom.

            “Tell her I’m busy.” he said roughly and I got taken aback.

            Travis has never told me he’s too busy to spare time for me and he has surely never used such a tone for me before...

            The receptionist smiled nervously at me, obviously sensing my displeasure with the way Travis spoke to me.

            “I think it’s important Alpha...” she said and Travis grunted with annoyance before saying he’ll be down in a minute.

            “That’s strange... He’s usually not like this...” I told the receptionist after she hung up with Travis and she just offered me an awkward smile.

            True to his words, a minute after the call, the elevator doors opened and he strode out with this elderly couple following him.

            “Hey baby...” I greeted and walked over to him to give my mate a hug but was stopped by him.

            Travis held up both of his hands to catch my arms and let them fall to my sides.

            “Megan, I’d like you to meet my parents...” he mumbled as he introduced the couple with him.

            My heart started beating quickly cause’ this is the first time I’m meeting his family! For 4 years I’ve pleaded for Travis to let me meet his parents but he kept delaying my request! Now finally I get to meet my mate’s family!

            “Hi...” I said shyly and smiled warmly at them.

            However, a classy looking lady, whom I assumed to be Travis’ mother, snorted at me and turned to Travis.

            “THIS, is the woman you were telling me that was your mate?!?” she said in a very posh British accent.

            Travis’s jaw clenched and my heart sank when I realised, she doesn’t like me...

            “I refuse to allow her to be the pack’s Luna!” the man beside the lady, whom I suspected is Travis’s father, added more injury to the insult.

            I felt my throat went dry and looked up at Travis who was staring at me.

            “What?” I asked in a weak voice and Travis looked at me with cold eyes.

            “My parents told me that you may be my mate but you’re not the right one to lead the pack. You’re not suitable to be my Luna...” he informed me and I blinked at him in surprise when I heard his voice in my head...

            That’s right, he marked me already right? Which means I’m able to hear his thoughts and vice versa right???

            “Why did you come here baby??? You know I’ve always warned you against coming here! I don’t want you to meet my parents yet!” Travis sighed in my head.

            I swallowed my nervousness and replied him back mentally.

            "I want to tell you something..." I began before Travis's voice rang clear in front of me.

            "It's over between us Megan..." he said in an emotionless tone while his parents looked on with satisfaction.

            "Babe just play along with me!" Travis's voice sounded in my head again and I screwed up my face in confusion.

            What the hell am I hearing and which voice should I be listening to?!?

            "I want to tell you something..." I tried telling him and again, Travis cut my sentence...

            "Can't it wait till tonight?!? I've told you many times not to come here!" Travis sighed in disappointment and I bit back my lips in sadness as my physical state just stared at Travis blankly.

            "But I really want to tell you something..."

            "Whatever it is I'm sure it can wait till tonight or even tomorrow!!" Travis scolded me and I just wished that the floor will open up and swallow me whole.

            I especially hate myself when Travis gets upset with me... I feel so lousy...

            I refused to communicate mentally with Travis anymore and just went quiet in my mind.

            "Well honey what are you waiting for???" Travis's mother urged her son. "Reject her!"

            I flinched from the venom in her tone as Travis's father patted my mate's shoulder.

            "Don't worry son, you'll find a better mate than her. She's just a human and won't be a suitable Luna to lead the pack." he stated in a firm tone and I looked on helplessly at Travis, anticipating for his next move...


Travis's P.O.V. :

            "I, Travis Hunter, formally and officially reject you, Megan Shay, as my one and true soul mate. Our paths will never cross and you will never be mine and I'll never be yours. PERIOD." I stated harshly but in my mind, I was screaming at her in desperation...

            "Baby just play along with me! Don't accept my rejection! I beg of you! I just want us to be separated in front of my parents!"

            Megan was staring hard at the floor as if wishing it will open up and swallow her whole. The tiles shimmered when her tears fell to the floor as she cried silently...

            Shit... What have I done.....

            My parents are the main reason why I haven't settle down with her yet. They are against the idea of her being a Luna saying as a human, Megan will never understand the codes and tradition of the werewolves. Today's discussion with them has again turned into an ugly argument and when Katy intercom me saying Megan was down here, my parents insisted on meeting her.

            On the way down in the elevator, my parents threatened to harm Megan's colleagues if I don't listen to them... I can't risk that, I know how much she loves her workplace and friends there. After all, she grew up as an orphan and her workplace is an orphanage kindergarten. They took her in when she was very young so most of her colleagues are also her orphaned friends whom she grew up with.....

            I studied Megan's body language intently. God I just want to go to her and kiss her senseless all over...

            She raised her eyes to mine and my heart broke when I saw the dull colour of her emerald eyes...

            Till now, she hasn't communicated with me mentally yet and I was screaming my lungs out pleading to her not to accept my rejection...

            "I, Megan Shay, accept Travis Hunter's rejection of me as his one and true soul mate..." she began speaking in a soft whisper but loud and clear...

            My body stiffened in horror...

            No no no no no!!! This wasn't supposed to happen!!!

            "I'll keep to the promise I made to him and that is I'll only be his as long as he wants me to... And that..." she trailed off but I pierced her mind with such ferocity that I myself am surprised by my desperation...

            "Baby stop stop stop!!!" I pleaded but she showed no signs that she received my telepathy message...

            "paths will never cross with you in each and every lifetime we live through..." she finished as she bit her lower lips and walked away from me towards the glass door...

            "Who was she talking about when she said our paths???" I asked my parents weakly as I stared after my mate.

            "She said her family's paths will never cross with your life." my mum stated with a sigh of relief. "Well now that's settled, I'm going to find a new mate to replace her for you."

            Family??? What family??? I thought she was an orphan??? Did she lie to me???

            I intend to find out tonight...
