Chapter Fourteen

Ricky's P.O.V. :

            "Alpha! I have news to report!" Jack resounded in my head.

            I just reached home after leaving the store 10 minutes ago and Megan has just gone to sleep for her afternoon nap..

            "What is it??" I questioned.

            "Alpha Travis and Whitney are planning to visit you! That's why they were at the toys' section in my store! They're buying toys for your pups as a gift!"

            God damn it!

            Of course my whole clan knows the pups doesn't belong to me. I already announced to them that it belongs to another Alpha but they were more than happy to accept Megan as their Luna as they are fond of her ever since she moved into our neighbourhood.

            And the moment I recognised Travis, that same night I mind-linked my pack to warn them to not let Travis anywhere near Megan.

            Seems that's gonna be a bit of a problem here. If I don't allow Travis or his members to meet me and my wife, it'll be a bad impression of me and I'll be deemed as being rude..

            "Jack, get info on when he is coming for a visit. Ask the other wolves. I need to be prepared. Travis might want to reclaim our Luna as well as the future pups of Shadow Clan and we can't let that happen!" I commanded and Jack obeyed without any questions..


Megan's P.O.V. :

            My arm fell onto my side and I felt the empty space beside me on the bed. I opened my eyes slowly as I then took in that my husband wasn't next to me.

            I then checked my iPhone which I placed on the bedside table and sure enough, my husband's WhatsApp were there.

            Ricky : Honey, I'm so sorry I didn't wake you up before leaving for work but I had an important client meeting that suddenly popped up. I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back okay? Love you baby.

            I smiled as I replied my husband. I couldn't get any luckier in life can I?

            But there were some things that were bothering me though...

            Like how Ricky is able to say out sentences that were in my head, why was he full of hesitation to tell me about his work and what on earth is a pack???

            Alison told me that everyone in the pack is going to help me regain back my memory but what the heck is a pack???

            I've been keeping all this nagging doubts in my head cause' in the end, Ricky and everyone in this neighbourhood treats me nicely so I don't see any point to make a big deal out of all this questions.

            Suddenly, I smelt smoke and groaned when I looked at the window. I quickly got out of bed and shut my bedroom window. I sighed when I saw the light haze outside my bedroom.

            People have really got to stop deforestation! The haze is getting worse and furthermore I'm pregnant!

            I started to get worried about my babies as the haze has been going on and off for the past few weeks. I then remembered that Ricky ever gave me a number saying that's our family doctor...

            I searched through any contacts in my phone starting with the name Doctor and there it was, Doctor Simon.

            I dialed his number and it was his secretary who picked up.

            I booked for an ultrasound appointment today at 4 p.m. I decided not to tell Ricky in case he panics and rushed back home. I don't want to disturb him at work.

            I then had a quick shower and decided to gorge myself on ice-cream as I waited for 3.30 p.m. before making my way to the hospital.


Ricky's P.O.V. :

            "So you want to start a boarding school for young wolves here and vice versa for your place?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

            "Yes, in that way, we can learn each other fighting and healing techniques and will be more prepared in case of any emergencies." Travis answered me back.

            I pondered on that thought.

            "How about the adult wolves? Educating them on this matter is helpful too." I reasoned.

            "It is so I was thinking we need to have transfers of wolves from my place to yours and vice versa regularly. But we mustn't leave the area defenseless so leave enough warriors whenever these transfers are being made." Travis explained.

            "Sounds reasonable but I'll have to think about it." I said after awhile and Travis smiled as he held out a hand for me to shake.

            "Take all the time you want." then he looked at his watch. "Oh I promise to accompany Whitney to the hospital at 4 p.m. I have to go now, it's already 3.30 p.m."

            So that explains why Whitney is not present for the meeting today.

            "Is there anything wrong with her?" I asked out of curiosity.

            "It's the haze, it's getting to her. I bet it's the hunters trying to lure us out." Travis muttered angrily.

            I just offered a fake sympathetic smile before heading out of the conference room.

            God I so wanna rip his head throughout the whole discussion! I was trying so hard to be fucking professional!

            "Hey Ricky, by the way, Whitney and I will be dropping by your house after her visit to the doctor!" I heard Travis's voice called out to me and I stopped dead in my tracks as I turned around slowly.

            "Whatever for..." I asked cautiously.

            "We bought you gifts for your future babies with your Luna." Travis gave me a soft smile.

            I thought I heard his voice break when he said the word Luna but I decided to brush it off.

            "I already have set a date tonight with my wife. Can't." Fine, I know I lied but I don't want that filthy mutt to step into my house. The moment he lays eyes on Megan everything will come tumbling out.

            "How about tomorrow night?" Travis pressed and I frowned.

            "I thought you're flying back tomorrow morning?" I questioned suspiciously.

            "My pack can fly off first then Whitney and I will visit you." he shrugged his shoulders.

            Damn it!!!

            "I have to think about it. I'll discuss with my wife whether she's up for guests as she may be too tired to entertain anyone." I answered.

            Travis just nodded and I turned around again as I walked towards the lift, taking out my phone.

            I called my wife and all my anger dissipated when I heard her sweet angelic voice.

            "Honey?" she spoke and I smiled like an idiot on the other end of the line.

            "Babe, I have a friend who wants to give you a small baby shower with his girlfriend tomorrow night..." I began then she started squealing.

            "oOo!!! How nice of your friends!"

            "But I don't want them to come." I cut her off and I could just imagine her pouting.

            "Aww! Why ever not???" she whined.

            I took a deep sigh.

            "Because I wanna spend the whole day tomorrow with you. It's my day off." Fine I lied again but I'm the Alpha here so I can take off on any days.

            "Then what about the gifts?" she asked and I smiled as I realised she just gave in easily to me.

            "I'll take it from them and just say you're not well enough to have guests over, okay?" I suggested and she sighed.

            "Fine, you're working today anyway so might as well I spent time with you tomorrow. Wait, why can't they come another day?" she asked and I mentally smacked my forehead as I racked my brain to think up of an excuse quickly.

            "Uhh cause' they're flying back to their country tomorrow morning. They have work and can't take anymore off days." I finished lamely but it sounded good enough for Megan as she bought my excuse again.

            "Okay baby. I'll be back home at around 5 p.m." she informed me and I frowned.

            "Aren't you supposed to be at home?" I questioned.

            "I am but the haze was getting to me so I thought of seeing the doctor in our neighbourhood." she said, coughing a little bit into the phone.

            "Are you okay? Are the babies fine? What did the doctor say?" I asked worriedly.

            My wife just laughed as she reassured me that it isn't as bad it sounds.

            "I'm still waiting for the results of the blood tests though but don't worry, I'm sure it's just a normal cough and not gonna develop into anything serious." she told me and I sighed.

            "Okay honey. I'll come pick you up at 5 p.m. at the clinic. Love you." I said.

            "Love you too Ricky. Bye." my wife's melodic voice told me as she hung up on me.

            Call me a wuss but I can't hang up on her.
