Chapter Six

Megan's P.O.V. :

            My workplace agreed to transfer me to another place... I've been living in a fantasy illusion with Travis back in California...

            After hours of plane rides and resting, I'm here now in Florida...

            My colleagues in California were sad and demanded an explanation on why I'm leaving when I practically grew up with them...

            I can't share the truth with them... All they know was that Travis dumped my sorry ass and I can't bear seeing him again...

            So here I am now in beautiful Florida, ready to have a fresh and new start with my life and my children...


Travis's P.O.V. :

            "I don't fucking care what it takes! Just find her!!!" I growled at my pack members as my parents looked on at me with a disapproving look throughout the pack meetings.

            I don't fucking care anymore. They can hurt Megan's friends for all I care... She's gone already so what the hell does it matter right?

            After pack meetings, my mum dropped by my house for a while...

            "Where is he?!?" my mum's annoying voice reached my ultra sensitive ears and I growled in annoyance as I came out from my room...

            "What do you want mum..." I asked in an irritated tone and beside her was a black haired girl with fair skin and the same brown eyes as me.

            "I want you to meet Whitney Stone..." my mum said with a smile then her voice entered my head mentally.

            "Maybe Whitney can soothe your aching heart! Give her a chance and be nice to her!"

            I looked at Whitney and sighed. My mum just can't get it right can't she?

            "I need time... I'll inform you once I'm ready..." I said as I turned to walk away from the both of them...

            Which will be never... I'll never be ready to mend my aching heart...


Megan's P.O.V. :

            "Alison!" I called out to one of my 5 year old student. "Big brother Ricky is here!"

            Alison immediately started cleaning up the toys she was playing with upon hearing my message. I smiled when I saw her face light up as she held my hand and pulled me towards the kindergarten's gate entrance.

            "Hey baby girl! How was your day?" Ricky, Alison's elder brother, picked Alison up and kissed her all over.

            "It was great! Teacher Megan taught me how to make a delicious sandwich!" she piped up.

            "Really? Well maybe she can help us to make sandwiches some day at our house..." Ricky commented with a charming boyish grin as he smiled at me and I blushed.

            It's not the first time he hinted at me something like that...

            "Alison, go and wait for me inside the car. Pepper's there." Ricky told his sister and she pouted at him.

            "But I don't want to be with the nanny!" she whined. "I wanna be with you and Teacher Megan!"

            "I need to speak with your teacher alright sweetie..." Ricky told her in a gentle voice and I swallowed my saliva nervously.

            God please tell me he's not gonna bring up the same subject again...

            Alison nodded with a sigh and ran to their car which was just parked half a metre away from the gate entrance.

            The moment she closed the door, Ricky turned to me.

            "Okay Megan, spit it out. Why are you avoiding me..." he said in a low voice, his black eyes boring into mine.

            "Erm... I haven't been avoiding you..." I stated and he inched in closer to my body.

            "You're Alison's form teacher and it's always your colleagues communicating with me regarding my sister... And today is the first time I got to speak to you as I've noticed you're short-handed and can't avoid me anymore..."

            I rubbed my swollen belly to soothe myself down as the kicks from my babies comforted me at times like this...

            "I was just..." I started but Ricky reached out to hold my hand and I gasped in surprise.

            "Please don't avoid me anymore..." Ricky looked at me with pleading eyes.

            I took a step back nervously but he refused to let go of my hand.

            "You know how I feel about you..." Ricky added and I sighed and looked into his piercing black eyes.

            "I'm pregnant..." I stated flatly and Ricky smirked at me.

            "I know that... I can tell." he teased and I frowned as I slapped his arm.

            "You know where I'm going with this conversation!" I scoffed and Ricky ran his fingers through his hair as he sighed.

            "And I also know that your mate is a werewolf, an Alpha to be exact. But I also know that you and him haven't been seeing each other." he stared hard at me and I flinched when I heard all that.

            "Have you been stalking me?!?" I demanded and Ricky laughed.

            "No sweetheart. Firstly, the mark on your neck is a dead giveaway to another werewolf and secondly, his scent on you is fading away and stale..." he smirked at me and I cocked my head sideways looking at him.

            "How about knowing my mate is an Alpha?" I challenged and Ricky shrugged his shoulders.

            "Easy, the scent may be stale but being an Alpha too, I have an ultra sensitive sense of smell..."

            My eyes bulged in surprise.

            "I didn't know you're one..."

            "Why do you think I have such good looks and a toned body?" Ricky grinned and I huffed as I turned to walk away from his flirting.

            Ricky grabbed my hand again and whirled me around to face me.

            "What's wrong?" he asked in a soft voice.

            "I'm pregnant Ricky..." I sighed.

            "I know and I thought we got over that fact already." Ricky replied as he raised an eyebrow.

            "Ricky..." I said looking him in the eye. "Somewhere out there, you have a mate... And sometime after finding her, you're going to break my heart..."

            Ricky sighed as he rubbed soothing circles onto the back of my hand which he was holding.

            "That would be impossible..." he  answered and I tilted my head in curiosity.

            "How can that be? All werewolves have their own soul mates..."

            "That's impossible as I rejected my mate a long time ago..."

            I gasped in shock.

            "Why ever would you do that?" I asked in horror.

            "Listen to me first Megan. She was a backstabbing lying bitch. She wanted me all to herself and refused to even let Alison spend time with me. Initially I thought I was doing the right thing when I defended her but I caught her scolding and beating Alison when she thought I wasn't home. That's why I rejected her." he explained and I relaxed my body.

            "What did your parents have to say about that?" I asked softly and Ricky gave me a sad smile.

            "My parents died a long time ago during a pack war. It was only me and Alison left..."

            I touched Ricky's cheek as a tear slid down my face.

            "I'm sorry..." I whispered and he shook his head as he kissed the back of my hand that was touching his cheek.

            "It's okay... I just wanna get to know you better... Alison really likes you and I really feel I'm able to provide a better future for you than your ex-mate. I may not know the full story but I can definitely feel your sorrow. It's exuding out of you like nobody's business even though you thought you can put up a facade..."

            I bit my lips as I looked at the man before me.

            "I can't promise you anything..." I told him but Ricky just smiled at me.

            "But I can promise you everything..." he replied back as he pecked my lips...
