Chapter Seventeen

“All rise for King Lance and Queen Diana…” the minister announced as all present in the royal court room rose.

            As King Lance walked past Bruce, Travis’s father, he held out his hand and shook it.

            “I’ve heard so much about you Knight Bruce. My late father has always talked about you and hold you in high respect.” King Lance said as Bruce shook back his hand and smiled.

            “Your father was a great king. It’s unfortunate that he suffered from a heart seizure…” Bruce offered his sympathy and King Lance just gave back a grim smile as he continued towards his throne with Queen Diana.

            Travis leaned towards his father.

            “I didn’t know your rank was a knight… You never told me.” he whispered and Bruce just shrugged his shoulders.

            “I didn’t find it important to tell you.” was his answer.

            Ricky saw the pleasant exchange between King Lance and Bruce and his heart dropped.

            What if King Lance decides to be bias and side with Bruce’s family instead? Then he will lose his wife forever…

            “Alright let the court begin.” a judge said as he pounded the gavel. “Knight Bruce, your side is allowed to speak first.”

            Bruce cleared his throat as he stood up.

            “I’m here to fight for custody for my son’s mate and grandchildren. They must live with their original family as it’s best for the unborn pups. Their parents must never be separated as it’s unhealthy for the unborn pups shouldn’t be brought up in a broken home.”

            “If that is the case then why did you force Travis into rejection as what I’ve been presented by your confession before this court meeting?” the judge asked.

            “I wasn’t thinking your honour. I admit it was foolish of me and my wife to force my son into rejecting his mate. Furthermore if I had known she was pregnant, I wouldn’t make her go through her pregnancy alone.” Bruce said out loud, his voice never wavering once.

            Megan’s jaw dropped. She has already regained her memory but this was a side of Bruce she’s never seen before. Was he just admitting his wrong just so he could win? In that case then there’s no remorse in his admittance!

            “I’m sorry your honour!” Megan interrupted as she stood up and the judge nodded towards her, indicating that she could speak.

            “Right. Mr Hunter, I would like to know, are you just saying that for the sake of winning this court case or you’re really regretful of your actions?” Megan challenged back.

            Bruce blinked his eyes in surprise at her confidence but he shook his head.

            “I meant every word I said.” he answered and Megan gave a laugh.

            “I wonder whether I should believe you cause’ that’s what your son told me also each time he says he loves me and will never leave my side. Like father like son.” she spat back.

            Bruce’s body stiffened but Travis gave Megan a pleading look. She just rolled her eyes and refused to look at him after a few seconds.

            “Alright I’ve heard enough. It’s time to hear Mr Cain’s side of the story.” the judge announced.

            “Your honour, I know by the hands of fate, I’m not Megan’s true soul mate but I really can’t live without her. I even lied to her after her coma that she was pregnant with my children and did my best in being a true father figure and husband to her. She didn’t suspect a thing until I told her the truth. Isn’t that proof on how much I love my wife?” Ricky said, his voice cracking a bit at the end.

            “With all due respect your honour! I object to his claims!” Travis snarled as he stood up.

            Ricky growled back at him as the judge pounded his gavel.

            “Gentlemen! Please behave yourself! You are in the presence of the King and the Queen!” the judge exclaimed as he turned to Travis.

            “What are your grounds for objecting Mr Cain’s confessions?” the judge asked.

            Travis turned to look at the judge as he spoke.

            “I also love my soul mate. I was just pressured by my parents and to be a faithful son to them while at the same time, I have to be a loyal soul mate to Megan. I didn’t mean any of the words I said verbally. Mentally, I was begging her not to accept my rejection and to just play along with me but she wouldn’t have any of it. However I admit that I’m wrong and want to make up for my mistake. Please let me have a chance to redeem myself…” Travis pleaded and he turned to face Megan who stared hard at the ground.

            “Please Megan…” he begged and Ricky banged the table with his fist.

            “You stay away from my wife and my kids!” he raised his voice.

            “That is my girl and my kids that you’re talking about!” Travis growled back and the judge had to pound his gavel again.

            “Mr Cain! Mr Hunter! Please!” the judge exclaimed in exasperation.

            “We never let the lady speak. Let Mrs Cain have a say in this matter.” Queen Diana said aloud suddenly. Her voice was soft but it was authoritative.

            Megan met the Queen’s eyes and gave her a grateful smile to which the Queen smiled back and nodded her head.

            Megan stood up and began to speak.

            “Firstly, I don’t understand why we need to have this court meeting. I’m already happily married with my husband and pregnant at that. I’m an adult and more than capable of making my own decisions. And I’ve already decided that I want to stay with my husband. So why can’t you just leave it at that?” as she said the last part, Megan turned to look at Travis straight in the eye.

            She suddenly can’t believe it but Travis’s unblinking eyes starting shedding tears.

            She must be seeing things right? A fully grown man and the father of her children, crying in front of her. He doesn’t need to say anything, his expression says it all. He wants her back…

            In that moment Megan got taken aback but she quickly shut her mind out from Ricky. She doesn’t want Ricky to know her doubts when she saw Travis crying like that.

            “In all honesty Mrs Cain, tell me do you ever plan on telling your children who their real father is?” Queen Diana asks before the judge can open his mouth.

            Megan turned to face the Queen again and couldn’t answer her as she opened and closed her mouth.

            Queen Diana then turned to Travis and asked him, “Was the rejection a two-way thing? Was it completed?”

            He blinked his tearing eyes and turned to face the queen.

            “No…” he croaked as he cleared his throat. “I rejected her and she accepted it but I never accept her rejection so it wasn’t completed…”

            “Then in that case I don’t want to drag this meeting any longer.” Queen Diana said as she stood up and King Lance looked at her in disbelief.

            “Honey!” he whispered. “We need to discuss this! You can’t make a decision on your own!”

            She turned to glare at him.

            “Don’t put Megan in any more pain! End this meeting right now and follow my lead!” she snapped and King Lance was taken aback at her defensive tone.

            “Alright I have decided that Travis Hunter, you will have until the children are born to win back Megan’s heart. That’s about one month plus right? If you fail to do so then Megan will rightfully belong to Ricky Cain and remain as his wife. That’s all for now.” Queen Diana then turned to the judge.

“Pound that gavel now!” she ordered.

The judge looked flustered as he quickly reached for his gavel and pounded it three times, announcing that the court has ended.

            “Honey I need to speak to you.” King Lance said and Queen Diana sighed as they both walked towards their bedroom.

            The royal courtroom was part of their huge palace.

            “I know you must be asking why I made such a decision. Well honey, think about it. If you were in Ricky’s shoes, what would you do?” she asked and Lance raised an eyebrow and growled.

            “I will punch your ex soul mate to a pulp.” he said simply.

            “And if you’re in Travis’s shoes?” she asked back with a mysterious smile.

            “I will also punch your current husband to a pulp. Wait…” he stopped then looked at his wife. “I’ll be punching myself right?”

            Diana laughed and kissed her husband’s cheek.

            “Honey, both men have a right to try winning Megan’s heart. Yes she may be Ricky’s wife but the rejection wasn’t completed. It’s not fair to Travis mostly. Imagine you’re his brother. Can you live looking at your brother pining for his lost love because he refused to complete the rejection?” she asked back softly and Lance sighed as he hugged his wife and kissed her forehead.
