Chapter Eight

Travis's P.O.V. :

            I suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my chest and punched through the wall.

            I heard gasps from my pack members and Kyle rushed to my side.

            "Alpha you okay??!? What's wrong?!?" he demanded as he gripped my arm and helped me to lie down on the couch in the conference room.

            I was spluttering and coughing as I felt my heart constrict tightly then expand as if it's a balloon. I felt like my whole chest is about to explode...

            "My chest is in... pain..." I panted out and Doctor Cole who was among the pack meetings, quickly made his way to me while rummaging through his briefcase, taking out a thermometer and stethoscope.

            "Lucky I always bring my trusty briefcase with me wherever I go..." he mumbled to himself as he popped the thermometer into my mouth after wiping it with a sanitizer wipe and then pressed the stethoscope against my chest, trying to hear my heartbeat.

            I thought the pain was gone but then it hit me again and I closed my eyes, gritting my teeth and in the process, broke the thermometer that was in my mouth.

            Doctor Cole hung the stethoscope around his neck and the pack members erupted into noisy chatter.

            "What's happening Doctor Cole?"

            "What's wrong with our Alpha???"

            "Is he going to be okay??"

            I growled painfully again and Kyle approached me but Doctor Cole held him back and shook his head sadly. I looked to Doctor Cole with a pleading expression, begging him to explain what's wrong with me as I can't even focus properly to use telepathy.

            "He's feeling the pains of pleasure..." Doctor Cole explained to the whole room, referring to me. "The bond of soul mates is breaking apart that's why he's feeling this way..."

            "Speak English!" Kyle snarled sarcastically and Doctor Cole sighed.

            "It means his mate is being intimate with someone else!" Doctor Cole said in exasperation.

            I almost cried like an infant when I heard that...

            Megan with another guy???

            Next thing I know, I felt a burning sensation on my neck and screamed out in agony as I gripped my neck.

            "What's happening now?!?" my pack members' panic voices reached my ears but I can't explain to them how I'm feeling...

            "His mate is being marked by another werewolf..." Doctor Cole studied me with a grim expression and I closed my eyes as I writhed around in pain.

            To feel your mate feeling pleasure with another guy is something but to feel your mate being marked is a whole different experience... And to know that this new guy in her life is also a werewolf makes my wolf stir from jealousy and rage knowing that another wolf is pawing my mate...

            "Is there anything we can do to ease his pain?!?" Kyle yelled in desperation as he started pulling his hair out but Doctor Cole just shook his head.

            "Let's just pray Alpha Travis will pull through this separation..." he answered.

            I blacked out after that..........


Megan's P.O.V. :

            As I felt waves of pleasure in rhythm to Ricky plunging in and out of me, I suddenly felt a pang of guilt.

            I wondered why but quickly pushed it aside when Ricky breathed into my neck, asking me for permission to override the old mark made by Travis on my neck...

            I moaned a "yes" and Ricky quickly took the opportunity to bite down hard over the original mark.

            That immediately sent a shock wave of electric through me as I stiffened from the pain...

            This is a new pain, a different kind of pain...

            When Travis marked me, it wasn't this painful... In fact it was painless and full of pleasure... This was a pain mixed with pleasure.....

            I grabbed Ricky's biceps and Ricky licked over the bite mark, soothing the burning sensations on my skin before pulling away.

            "You okay baby???" he asked, his black eyes full of concern and last thing I felt was my children kicking inside me furiously before I passed out..........
