Chapter Sixteen

Ricky’s P.O.V.:

            “Alright so you and practically almost the whole neighbourhood is of a werewolf community? And Travis, the one who was beside me when I woke up in the hospital, is almost a werewolf?” Megan asked me again as she scrunched up her face in confusion.

            I rubbed my hands with my palms as I took in a deep breath.

            “Yes.” I answered.

            “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Megan cocked her head sideways, looking hurt.

            I sighed as I hugged her.

            “I’m sorry honey. Doctor Simon said he’s afraid of a relapse in case your memory takes a toll on you. If I dump all this information on you the moment you woke up the first time in hospital, no one can fathom what could happened to you. You were too fragile…” I explained softly.

            Megan didn’t hug me back but she didn’t pull herself away which I was glad of.

            “So was it true that Travis was really my ex soulmate?” she asked and I stiffened at that bastard’s name.

            “Yes…” I replied hesitantly. “Why?”

            Was she considering of going back to him?

            Megan took a few seconds before answering me as she rubbed her swollen belly.

            “So am I pregnant with his or your children?” she pressed on.

            God how am I gonna answer this?

            Fuck it, I’m just gonna tell her the truth.

            “It’s Travis…” I said sadly but Megan held my face in her hands.

            “Why are you so sad?” she asked as her green eyes searched my black ones.

            “Because I lied to you… And you’re gonna go back to Travis right since you’re carrying his children…” I choked back my sadness.

            Megan smiled and chuckled as she hugged me.

            “Ricky honey… The way you’ve treated me the past few months have proven that you are the father of my children! I would’ve never guess the truth if you hadn’t confessed to me!” Megan laughed as she pecked my lips.

            I was taken aback by her reaction and blinked at her in surprise.

            “You’re not angry that I lied?” I asked.

            She shook her head, all the time wearing that beautiful smile on her face.

            “No Ricky. You’ve proven yourself that you are worthy to be my husband and the father of my children. Yes Travis may be their biological father but in terms of a father figure, you’re the one.” she answered with so much love that I kissed her forehead.

            “Aren’t you going to ask how you ended up with me and not Travis?” I asked and Megan shook her head.

            “I can put the pieces together. Well maybe not completely but I can guess. If Travis had cared for me he wouldn’t have let me slip out from his life then I wouldn’t be here with you right? Since the opposite is happening means he rejected me.” she finished and I again was awed by my wife’s logic.

            I should just have told her the truth sooner… She’s a strong woman and can work things out on her own…

            “So am I still having that baby shower with your friends?” she snapped me out of my thoughts.

            “Uhhh noo…” I answered her while rubbing the back of my neck and she pouted at me.

            “I was hoping you’d changed your mind.” she said and I gave her a wry smile.

            “That friends was actually Travis and his bodyguard. He wanted to meet you as a courtesy of an Alpha. I didn’t want him to even lay his eyes on you that’s why I told you no baby showers.”

            Megan laughed and pinched my cheeks.

            “You know, you’re cute when you’re jealous.” she giggled.

            “So you like me being cute? What about me being bad…” I whispered huskily as I lunged in for my mark on her neck and began sucking and licking it.

            “Ricky stop…” she whined. “That’s not fair!”

            I didn’t heed her pleas. I had my way with my wife that night...


Travis’s P.O.V. :

            “I can’t do this…” I repeated myself again to Kyle.

            For once, Kyle didn’t snap at me. And I was relieved for that.

            “I understand. I can only sympathise for you cause’ honestly if I was in your shoes, I will commit suicide. I won’t be able to face life when fate has thrown my pregnant mate already married with another man… And pregnant with my children at that…” Kyle said softly and I growled at him.

            “Can you just stop talking? You’re just throwing it back in my face!” I snapped and Kyle flinched.

            “I’m sorry…” I collected myself as I apologized.

            “What are you gonna do?” Kyle asked and just at that moment, my parents flung open my office door.

            “Yea please come in and make yourself at home.” I said sarcastically and my dad growled at me while my mum rolled her eyes at me.

            “We came here because we wanted to tell you that we know about your pregnant ex-mate.” my mum spoke and I gritted my teeth in anger.

            “Pregnant mate.” I corrected her. “I never truly reject her from the bottom of my heart!”

            “Well if you didn’t then why did the rejection work? She went out there and got herself a husband right?” my dad challenged me back and I banged the table with my fist.

            “She’s human! The bond is not that strong on her! It’s my job as the one with the stronger bond to make her feel and understand that bond! I get it I failed at my job alright! Now if you’re done pouring salt in my wound, leave me to wallow in self-pity!” I raised my voice at my parents and my dad raised an eyebrow at me.

            “Watch your tone with me boy…” he said in a low warning voice and I took a deep breath as Kyle slowly shook his head, indicating to me that I shouldn’t push my dad’s buttons anymore.

            My dad is a well-known werewolf warrior. He was the werewolf king’s personal bodyguard during his prime years but now, he’s retired…

            “We’re gonna fight for custody for our grandchildren.” my mum announced and my head snapped to hers.

            “What?” Kyle and I blurted out at the same time.

            Well our whole pack knows my parents don’t like humans. So why would they bother with a mixed-blood grandchild?

            “They’re rightful heirs to Thunder Clan, not Shadow Clan. And besides, they’re of our blood…” my dad finished and I raised my eyebrow suspiciously at my parents.

            “Are you sure your reason is not 100% cause’ of inheritance and that you’re afraid Ricky will train your own grandchildren to take over Thunder Clan…” I asked and my mum rolled her eyes again.

            “Fine that’s one of the reason but we’re only fighting for our grandchildren. Not Megan.” my mum warned and I shook my head.

            Alright I have to think like my parents. This may sound evil since I make it sound like Megan is scheming but I’m desperate.

            “If you leave Megan, then she can use emotional blackmail on her children to come back to her when they’re older. Then all your efforts will be in vain.” I reasoned and my parents pondered over what I said.

            Kyle entered my head.

            “You know Megan is not like that right?” he said and I replied with annoyance.

            “Of course not! But I have to think like my parents right?!?” I exclaimed and Kyle just nodded his head from my side view.

            “Fine. We’ll bring this matter up with the royalty family. As for you, try to win Megan’s heart back.” my dad said as he left the room with my mum.

            “How heartless can my parents be…” I mumbled and Kyle patted my back.

            “At least now you have a chance. Your dad knows the werewolf royal family on a personal level. You have connections, you have a high chance of winning the case.” Kyle reassured me but I’m not so sure myself…

Ricky’s P.O.V.:

            “This has got to be some kind of joke!” I bellowed out in anger as I threw the letter I was reading onto the table.

            Megan came running out and saw the letter as she picked it up and read it.

            Her beautiful face scrunched with worry…

            “What does this mean for us…” she whispered and I shook my head.

            “The werewolf royal family wants to hold numerous court meetings before deciding who you should rightfully belong to… Either me or Travis…” I said as I gritted my teeth.

            “But they will drop the subject once I explain that I’m already happy with you right? Travis has already rejected me and I accept the rejection right? So all’s swell why can’t they just let it be!” Megan exclaimed.

            “I don’t know honey… But let’s mentally prepare ourselves for this hurdle alright?” I said as I cupped Megan’s ever-glowing face… It must be the pregnancy…

            “I love you…” she whispered as she kissed my lips and I kissed her back…
