➳ mystery lover ~

E D I T E D 


warnings: none :P

words: 1263

~w lot of Troyler in the first part just saying (you could totally change Tyler's name to Connor if you ship Tronner, I ship both oops)~

~Phil's POV~

They say that when you find your Soulmate, your hands would link together perfectly. No gaps, no bone crushing, no looseness. A perfect fit. Your face turns a shade of pale pink and your tummy does the flippy over thingy.

At least, that's what my mum told me. She said that's what happened when she met my dad, her husband. That's never happened to me before though.

That just randomly popped up into my head when I was You-Nowing and doing truth or dare with Troyler. I ship it. So flipping much.

"So, Kylie asks ... is Troyler real?" I say, giggling at the camera and winking. Stuff was about to go down.

Awkward silence.

"Ahem. Sorry if Phil didn't make himself clear, but we're asking you a very important question which could change the universe forever." Dan said, grinning widely. 

"Maybeeeeeeee," they replied in sync, blushing but giving the camera shy smiles and quiet giggles. The comments stopped. Silence.

"Well then, let's see if you guys are canon!"

"Wait, what?" They replied, again, in sync. A small eruption of pings went off then died into a silence. I could basically feel the world (or 24 thousand viewers) holding their breath, waiting in anticipation.

"Hold hands, if you will." I told them. They did. "In front of the camera, guys. No need to be shy. They wiggled closer together to get into frame and hesitantly brought their hands up, looking at each other in the eye. They still hadn't brought their hands into frame.

"C'monn guysssss! The Troyler shippers need this! I need this!" Dan yelled, making a weird, but funny, face.

They held their intertwined hands and their cheeks unusually flushed a deep pink. It was clear. Their intertwined hands show no gaps, no bone crushing, no looseness.

"A perfect fit," they muttered, Tyler's glasses steaming up and Troye's smile getter wider "Soulmates then." They turned their heads to the ground, their intertwined hands falling in between them.

"Awww, relationship goals, am I right?" I sighed wistfully.

Then everything exploded. I mean, not literally, but quite literally. All of our phones had about 4137 Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr notifications. Clearly things got around quickly. The comments on You-Now were shooting at us at 300 mph saying things like:

"'Troyler is real!' Well done for interpreting that. 'Asdfghjkl' perfectly explained, Jenny." I carried on reading a few more comments, and stuff when I came across a few that caught my eye - more than once - that I had been trying to ignore. I read them out.

"'Phan. DAN IS YOUR MATE OF THE SOUL PHIL. Y U NO SEE?' Thank you Rosie. 'Go and have -' wait no, no, not saying that out loud! 'You already have a relationship like that, Philly! You're just too blind to see it!' Okay then, thanks Jessica ...?" I mumbled, my voice fading away.

They read out more comments whilst I stared at nothing in particular. I had a relationship like that?

"Okay, okay. So Troyler has just come out! Go tell your friends and family, Troye and I have a special video that we have to be filming soon..." Tyler smiled and pecked Troye's bright red cheek.

"Guyss, they're filming a sex-tape!" Dan stage whispered. I burst out laughing and he looked at me.

"Yep, of courrseee we are." Tyler rolled his eyes and nudged Dan's shoulder.

"Okay then, I'll see you guys next week!" I said. Everyone was commenting at once, demanding that we all do the sexy end-screen dance.

So we did. I rolled my eyes and wiggled my hips along with the others, mine and Dan's torso's not fitting in frame seeing as we're literal giants.

"That was an eventful live stream!" Troye smiled.

"We should probably get going, you know, to film our little something? If that's okay with y'all of course." Tyler bumped hips with Troye.

"That's absolutely fine! See you guys soon!" I said and they got up from their chairs, collected their belongings and left with a 'bye! See you soon!'"

I heard Troye mutter "I'm glad the fandom knows now, actually. It's like getting a weight lifted off of my back."

Tyler replied with "Yeah, I know right! I literally have 4137 notifications."

I heard the door slam shut and a peacefulness settled in.

I sighed as Dan left to go to Tescos and I browsed through Tumblr for a while seeing loads of Phan and Troyler posts along with memes, supernatural and many other things that made my head ache. 

I shut my laptop lid and decided to go for a walk on the cold winters day it is.

Everyone has such a strong bond. I want one. I want to have someone to hold, someone to cuddle with at night, someone to talk about random stuff to. Someone to annoy constantly and to give kisses to everyday without being scared.

My heart yearned for it but I brushed off the feeling after the cold January air hit me.

I decided to walk to the fountain near the park as I like seeing children play - not in the weird way, obviously - as it reminds me of when I was a young boy. The fountain just brings back happy memories.

Pulling out my phone, I sat on the edge on the fountain and decided to text Dan because I was very very bored. I guess this was more boring than I thought. Probably should have stayed inside, to be honest.

Hey Danny ☺️ Talk to me, I'm really bored and cold and lonely.

Heya Lion ☺️ Why are you cold? Have all the radiators stopped working or something?

I'm at the fountain. Sitting. Alone.

Oh okay, cool. Brb.

What?? The shortest ever conversation with Dan that I had ever had. He said that he'd be back though. It was probably his turn to scan stuff.

I sighed and watched as a cloud of my warm breath floated up into the air and disappeared.

I tried distracting myself by watching the children play but then decided that I looked like a stalker and stopped.

My thoughts kept hovering over back to Tyler and Troye. They're such a cute couple. Perfect for each other in every way. I've always wanted a relationship like that. Like theirs. 

My thoughts then wondered back to Jessica's comment saying, 'You already have a relationship like that, Phil! You're just too blind to see it!'

What does she mean? I'm too blind to see it? I have my contacts, my glasses and my back up glasses. Is she saying that my eyesight is getting worse? How would she know that anyway?

My eyes started to un-focus when I was in a comfortable position. I blanked out the rest of the world and focused on who that person Jessica was mentioning could be...


i got this idea whilst watching Warm Bodies from the part near the beginning/middle where R and Julie held hands and when M (I think his name is - R's Best zombie friend?) see's that picture in the window and has a flashback to when he was a human and held hands with someone sorry I'm waffling hope you liked
