➳ i'm leaving you



i think that I found this on one of those 'OTP prompts' pages so yeah okay there you go :))

if you haven't heard 'Somebody Else' by the 1975 wyd m8 (jk) you should play the song above whilst reading this bc it fits i guess woo.

also, start at exactly 3 minutes as it's just acting and pretty much silence for the first 3 minutes and the actual song for the rest :) (if you listen to it (which i recommend) tell me your thoughts on it!! gentle reminder to not be rude pls ty :p)

this is p short (like me lol) but that's okay right ?!???!?!?

i really love the nickname 'boo' like y idk (+ i can't end stories lol)

warnings: emotional break-up's (?) lmao no angst though ;)

words: 2504

~Dan's POV~

Phil's gone to visit his family again leaving me sitting in his bed curled up, surrounded by pillows and blankets and food and coldness because damn it's cold and I want to hold Phil because Phil is warm and happy and nice.

Dan: i'm cold :(( xx

Phil: Turn the heaters up xx

Dan: but im curled up already and if i escape my nest, the cold will eat me :(( xx

Phil: You got hot choc with you? xx

Dan: i have ice-cream? xx

Phil: Go get a hot drink, turn the heater up and get some hot pie or something :)) xxx

Dan: ok

Dan: how are you and your parents? won't it be cold up there too? don't get illy Philly xxx

I waited for a while. No reply. Probably bad connection and service and stuff.

I heaved myself out of bed and waddled to the kitchen, a blanket around my shoulders like a cape, one hand gripping it so that it doesn't fall off, one hand holding my phone.

I placed my phone on the counter, filled the kettle up and boiled it. I wobbled over to the heater and turned it up, hopefully warming the house up considerably in a couple minutes.

I put some brownies into the microwave as the kettle went off. I poured myself some camomile tea and honey. The microwave went off and I took the brownie out. I tucked my phone under my armpit, hunched my shoulders over so that the blanket wouldn't slip off. I clutched the warm mug with one hand and the plate with the brownie in the other.

I slipped back into my room and into my blanket burrito. I started to listen to the 1975's newest album whilst waiting for a reply from Phil. I took a bite out of my brownie and a sip of tea. I got a text notification.

The song 'Somebody Else' came on as I opened the text.

Phil: I'm leaving you for someone else x


~Phil's POV~

I wandered the streets of Lancashire with my parents and brother when we arrived at a toy shop with a massive teddy bear (taller than me!!) standing at the front with a flower crown on and a ukulele.

I asked my mum to a take a picture of me hugging it with a massive grin on my face.

I thanked her and sent a text to Dan with the picture attached 'I'm leaving you for someone else x'

I smiled lightly at my phone, tucked it into my back pocket and followed my family into the busy toy shop.

A couple minutes later I opened my phone to see if Dan replied.

Read at 14:01

What? And no reply?

Phil: Heya Danny, you okay? xx

Read at 14:06

I didn't realise that only the text had been sent, the picture had not.


~Dan's POV~

'Heya Danny, you okay? xx'

How fucking dare he. How fucking dare he ask me if I'm okay? And a break-up over text with no explanation what-so-ever. The fact that he's so far away makes it better and worse at the same time.

Am I okay he asks, as if that text was a fucking joke. Am I okay? Does he really think that I won't be broken, damaged, hurt after that blunt text.

The words are blurring in front of me, mashing together with the bright colours of my screen as 'Somebody Else' continues to blast throughout the empty house, echoing off the walls making it seem bigger and bigger and bigger, making me feel small and tiny and worthless.

A fucking pathetic text. How dare he. How dare he how dare he how dare he how dare he.

'I don't want your body but I hate to think about you with somebody else.' Fucking true. Fucking song. Fucking Phil. Fucking life.

I scrubbed at my face quickly and roughly with his blanket, the tears that were once there now being replaced with hot red angry skin. I took a big shaky breath. I picked up my phone and called PJ.

"Heya Dan-Tizzle my main Swizzle. What's up in th-"

"Come over as soon as possible. Please." I added as an afterthought, quickly hanging up before he could reply. I ate the rest of my brownie, gulped down the rest of my tea, even though it was still hot and scorched my taste buds and burned the back of my throat, and burrowed deeper into the pillows and blankets, realising that maybe this would be the last time I would be able to do this.

He comes back late tonight. He'll probably kick me out.

PJ texted me an 'omw, explain'

I explained and sent screenshots. I knew he was speeding up to get to me.

I thought about Phil again. Phil's hair and how I wouldn't be able to run my fingers through it and how soft it was. Phil's fingers and hands and how I wouldn't be able to hold them and play with them. Phil's lips and and how I wouldn't be able to kiss them and touch them and taste them. Phil's body, in a different way to what the song was referring to, and how we wouldn't be able to cuddle, how we couldn't share each other's body warmth and happiness.

I thought about Phil's personality and how precious he was, how gentle and pretty and amazing he was. How he changed from a gentle ray of sunshine into a raging, merciless thunder storm with lighting and rain and wind.

I was scared of thunder storms.

I let myself cry.


~Phil's POV~

I reached out towards a massive teddy bear, not as big as the one at the front of the store, but still massive. My phone started buzzing in my pocket and I realised that someone was calling me. I retracted my hand and got my phone out, hoping it was Dan.

It wasn't.

"Heya PJ, what's up?"

"Phil where the fuck are you."

"Umm, sorry? PJ what's-"

"Tell me where you are Phil."

"In Lancashire with my parents? PJ are you okay? You seem angr-"

"You better hurry the fuck up and get your ass out of there and back here because-"

"PJ! Tell me what's up! I don't understand why you're so-"




"PJ, I don't u-"

"Fucking save it."

He hung up on me. I picked the teddy bear back up and looked at it. It looked back at me with glassy, big, fake eyes. I went to the tills, paid for the bear, told my parents that 'this is a super important emergency, I'll skype you all as soon as possible and I'll explain' and we hugged and said our goodbye's as I lugged the bear after me out into the rain.

(I fucking always wanted one of these bears omg they're almost as tall as me omg)(they're so bloody expensive jfc)(It's 53 inches / 134.62 centimetres / 4.416 feet tall :))(imagine how awkward Phil would be when carrying this onto the train lol)

I jumped into the taxi I called a couple of minutes previously with the teddy bear crammed next to me. The taxi woman gave me a strange look. I told her where you go and she sped off at a slightly dangerous speed.

I arrived, seeing PJ's hastily parked car outside. I paid the taxi driver quickly, probably giving her a bit too much, then rushed inside, running up the flights of stairs, panting and sweating by the time I reached the apartment.

I jammed the key into the lock and burst inside, somehow falling over onto the floor, the teddy on top of me.

Dan appeared in the doorway in front of me, blankets wrapped around his, a startled look plastered on his face, around his bloodshot eyes. He pulled the blankets closer towards him. 

I stared up at him, trying to get up and fumbling with the weight of the toy. 

"Um, Da-"

He ran out of the room, the blanket swooshing out behind him rather dramatically. Like Snape or something.

PJ appeared at the doorway with an oddly calm look on his face. "Lester. What the actual balls are you doing here. What the fuck. Why the fuck is there a bear on you. What the fuck. Why would you ev-"

"PJ I don't understand why Dan's angry at me and why you're angry at me and I don't want Dan being hurt or feeling hurt and I'm sad because he's sad and I want to know why he's sad because it seems like he doesn't want to talk to me but the thing is I don't know why he doesn't want to talk to me oh God I just want to talk to Dan I love him so much what happened oh God did someone hurt him who hur-"I rambled out, barely having any time to breathe when PJ stopped me.

"You hurt him, Lester." (lol previous chapter reference ahaaaaa)

"Hurt him how, Peej. I don't understand I love Dan so so so so so so much I really don't know what I did Peej I don't know what happened." I replied, my voice cracking along with PJ's icy expression. Tears threatened to spill.

"You really don't know what happened?" Whispered a timid voice.

"Dan please can we ta-"

"I think you should leave for a bit Lest-" PJ started.

"Shuttup PJ." Dan mumbled. "Go to the kitchen or something. I'm gonna talk to Phil."

"Okay then. Shout if something bad happens." He looked at me. "Lester I will-"

"Also stop calling him Lester. We're all friends for fuckssake. Well, I guess we are." Dan mumbled and shuffled back into his room. 

I scrambled up to my feet, lugging the bear along with me.

"What's going on?"

"Go and ask him, Phil. Wish you luck. I guess." He clapped me roughly on my back, causing me to stumble forward slightly.

"Um. Okay then."

I peeped my head around Dan's door, realising how dim the room was and how there were two finished tubs of ice-cream and how there were many many tissues scattered around. I ignored these and focused on Dan who was sat on the bed, still huddled in his blanket cove.

"Hey Danny? Can I come in?"

"I'm hardly going to talk to you through the fucking door, Phil."

"O-urr-kay then." I walked in and perched on the end of the bed, Dan moving so that he sat cross-legged. He pointed his finger to a spot opposite him, indicating for me to sit there.

"What happened Danny?"

"You broke up with me." He said bluntly, his head turned to the side, tears quietly leaking out of the corners of his eyes. "Over fucking text." His voice broke, his face crumpled, his hands that were clutching the blankets were shaking violently.

"B-but. When?"

He brought out his phone, pressed a few things and nudged it towards me.


Phil: Go get a hot drink, turn the heater up and get some hot pie or something :)) xxx

Dan: ok

Dan: how are you and your parents? won't it be cold up there too? don't get illy Philly xxx

Phil: I'm leaving you for someone else x

Phil: Heya Danny, you okay? xx  


"Dan, no, no! That wasn't a break up text babe oh God no, never never never!" I threw myself into him, holding the ball of blanket that was Dan.

"Wh-what do you mean? It-it says th-that you f-found s-s-somebody-y el-s-s-s-s-e." He broke down into sobs, crawling out of his cocoon to hug me and bury his face into the crook of my neck.

He then proceeded to abruptly stop and push me away.

"Dan wh-"

"How do I know that you're lying or not. You could be lying. I bloody well hope that you're not lying Philip Michael Lester you shi-"

I hastily grabbed my phone and opened up and texts. I froze. Fuck.

"I-I. I didn't know that the picture didn't send. I'm. I'm so-"

"What picture? Picture of you and your new partner?" He sniffed and looked away.

"N-no." I gently grabbed his hand, tugging on it lightly. I showed him my phone.


Phil: Go get a hot drink, turn the heater up and get some hot pie or something :)) xxx

Dan: ok

Dan: how are you and your parents? won't it be cold up there too? don't get illy Philly xxx

Phil: [image attached]

*Message failed to send*

Phil: I'm leaving you for someone else x

Phil: Heya Danny, you okay? xx  


He stared at the screen blankly.

"I guess it really was my fault for not seeing it. I-I can go ig you want. I'll just stay over at someone's for a while if-"

I got tackled by Dan with a bone-crushing hug and fell back onto the bed, his face tucked back into the crook of my neck, sobbing and laughing and sobbing and laughing.

He lifted his head and stared at me for a moment, his eyes glistening with tears of happiness and shock and embarrassment and love.

In that moment, Dan Howell was vulnerable and damaged but beautiful and wholesome and perfect.

We smashed our faces together in a kiss. It was gentle and rough full of sadness and happiness and relief and comfort.

"I'm such a fucking goof." Dan grinned, his voice getting thick with emotions.

"But you're my goof. I also have a thing to give to my goof." I gave him a gently smile as I leant over the bed to retrieve the teddy. "Urr, surprise?"

"Surprise my ass." Dan laughed, hugging the bear to his chest. "Thank you."

"It's okay, Dan. It's okay."
