➳ afterword

hey hey hey! please do read this bc it's super important

confession, I'm not as into Dan and Phil anymore

let's explain

yeah, i do watch their videos when they upload but i don't get that insane rush of excitement anymore. i haven't completely dropped them or cut them off (well, kinda), but sometimes i just find them cringey and too much and i'm sorry but that's my o p i n i o n (they are lovely people though, don't get me wrong)

this book will won't continue to get uploaded and will be classified as completed once i've uploaded this note. (all the oneshots that i don't like have a '~' next to them so yeah there's that)

also another note, i pretty much hate the majority of this book if you can tell by the amount of ~ there are.

i want to be proud of every single thing that I've written but I'm not. i used to be absolutely terrible at writing and i honestly only really like the later one-shots in this book because holy hell my writing has improved to a point where i don't cringe at every sentence that i've written (but hey, maybe i'll look back on this and be like 'why the fuck did I write that' y'know)

and thing is we have so many views on this book (idk how) and I feel like I should write longer, better quality and more one-shots but I don't have t i m e and i'm not as i n t e r e s t e d

i feel that i should complete this before i feel even guiltier that i haven't done more to contribute (i'll still prolly read most, if not all, of the comments because i love reading comments bless :))

and, even though i've said all of that, I'm working on another book. a one-shots book actually (because I'm horrible at progressing stories) and it's gonna be Drarry because iM dRaRrY tRaSH. it won't be out until ages simply because i want to pre-write a couple one-shots before publishing so i actually have things to post (!!)

i'm also thinking of planning some sort of Haikyuu book/s whether it be many one shot books, a big oneshot book or a short story (which i actually really want to do tbh lmaoo)

if anyone is interested heres a list of fandoms that i'm currently very invested in:

Harry Potter (will never not love)



Youtubers including: Dodie Clark (my precious, my main stan) ;

Evan Edinger (fuckin pun king you), simply_kenna (okay but aesthetic goals love me), RobertIDK (fuckin memeeeeee), Markiplier (too pure too sweet), jacksepticeye (actual ball of happiness and energy), Crankgameplays (wHaT iS uP MY cRaZy BOysSsSSS) and a whole bunch more

haikyuu means a lot to me tbh and (as i've mentioned before) plans have been made for oneshots etc so i really do hope that they come out soon.

(haikyuu is actually an obession have you sEEN my reading lists dear gOD)

i want to make it clear that i don't want to drop writing at all!! i'm just disinterested in Phan now and it's okay. i've allowed myself time to heal away from them because i honestly hate falling out of love with things that meant so much to me. it really really fucking damages me and has happened many times (pjo//hoo fandom being one of the most damaging along with d&p)

i'm starting to get influenced (in a really good way lmao) by poetry style-ish kinda of stories? like the ones with lots of short chapters but each chapter is an actual work of intricate, beautiful art that you literally cannot stop reading? or the ones with super long chapters that keep you up at half past two in the morning, then ending ever so quickly? the kind of story writing that has such a nice flow and rhythm and feel to it? where theres metaphors and similes and hidden meanings in every sentence? also angsttttt??!!?!?!?

idk i feel like a lot of the haikyuu fandom on wattpad write those kinda books and i'm honestly so blessed (apart from when that iwaoi angst crushes me COME ON THERES SO MUCH ANGST!)(i honestly love it really keep it flowin)

so here's to the end of this book i guess. i genuinely got so emotional whilst writing the last oneshot and i thank Dan and Phil for inspiring me to write what i've written so far and for making me happy, i guess.

85.7k reads on this book as i end it, and i can't thank you guys enough for inspiring me and making be feel so supported and happy wahhhh

i'll see you in the next book then (buh-byeeee!)

(also hmu if you want to talk about the fandoms listed above i'm always up for a chat heck ye please please please do i'm a kool gal i s we ar)

EDIT 06/01/18 - yo i've published a haikyuu oneshots book check it out lol <3 (91.1k)
