➳ mystery lover | 2 ~

E D I T E D 


warnings: homophobia (i'm sorry)

words: 1523

~Dan's POV~

Not even five minutes ago did Phil text me saying he was bored. I mean, he really did look bored. I had just arrived at the fountain - mine and Phil's 'special place' - and saw him staring mindlessly out into the open space.

It looked like he was muttering something to himself. Probably daydreaming about his dream girl or something, seeing as he mentioned wanting to be in a relationship not a long time ago.

When he read out the comment Jessica posted about him already having his 'special someone', my heart pounded and I wished it could be me. I wished that I could have been his special someone.

Yeah right.

I bet it was like Carrie or something, seeing as they're really close friends and all. They could be cute together? I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of him and Carrie being together though. They've known each other for ages and they're the bestest of friends so ... why not?

I heaved a heavy sigh and walked tiredly towards the Phil-I-couldn't-have and sat down next to him.

He didn't even snap out of his trance so I poked his cheek. His eyes came back into focus and he turned his face towards mine. Then he looked away again and poked my cheek in return.

"Hey Danyul," he said, not taking his eyes away from the slowly setting sun.

"Hey Philly. Bored, huh?"

"Yeah." Then he turned to face me again, his gorgeous blue-with-some-green-and-speckles-of-yellow eyes meeting mine.

I gave him a small grin, trying to break the awkwardness, and looked away and watched the children play. At this time? Weird parents.

We sat in a comfortable silence, admiring the orange-yellow glow coming from the calming nature around us.

"We were like that once, Lion," I whispered in a trance, pointing at a particular chubby toddler who was on the swing and fell off, crying to the gods above as loud as he could.

"Yeah. I want one. He's cute."

"You were probably cuter," I mumbled, not knowing what the hell I just said until I said it. My cheeks flushed a deep crimson. I looked away.

"I know but," he grabbed my hand, "you're the most adorable. Right now? Very adorable. Like a little cat with your big brown eyes." I could hear the smirk in his voice as I mustered up the courage to turn and face him.

It was awkward. Does he like me then? Or is he just being nice? I slid my hand into his and interlocked our fingers. Then we went back to admiring the world in its beautiful broken state.

We stayed like that until God knows how long. Then a small child, maybe around the age of four or five, slowly ran up to us. It was the same one who had fallen.

We turned our heads towards him as he stumbled our way. A small smile crept up onto my face and I realised Phil was doing the same.

"Hello there kidling," he cooed, bending over to pinch the boy's cheek and ruffle up his hair.

My hand was still clasped with his and I couldn't help but feel a fuzzy feeling building up inside of me.

I laughed and muttered 'kidling' in a fond voice to him and he grinned up at me.

"Herro there. I wunted to awsk wou, why are wou holding hands?" He giggled.

"Ummm, I don't know!" Phil giggled nervously, quickly glancing at me. "Why do you ask, young sir?"

I sensed that something bad was going to happen. Why? How? I don't know but I just felt it.

"Oh. Becwause its very wrong. A boy and a boy shwould not be in love wid eachuver."

Excuse me bitch.

Phil's face burned up and I knew he was highly pissed off.

"And how do you know that then child." He grumbled rather loudly, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, crushing my right hand in the process.

I caressed his cheek making him face me and away from that annoying boy. I looked dead into his eyes.

"Shhh, don't worry. It's okay. Ignore it. He doesn't know anything, okay?" I murmured more comforting words to my Lion.

"And if you, sir," I faced the small child, "would kindly fuck off, we'd be awfully grateful."

"I'm telling mummy you swaid a bwad wordddd!" He said in a 'mocking' and 'big boy' voice.

I rolled my eyes as he trotted off.

Tears were now glistening in Phil's eyes and a sense of vulnerability washed across his features. He slumped in his seat and leant towards me slightly, using me as a support.

I stood up as I saw the child talking to his mum. I didn't want any trouble. Not on a gorgeous looking day - evening - like this.

I tugged on Phil's hand and smiled wearily at him, confused at the small break down. I thought he'd be used to all the ... hate? from fans, especially from four year olds.

"We'll talk 'bout it when we get home, yeah?" Nod. "Right, brighten up Philly. I think that angry mother may come over soon..."

Phil gave a small, but genuine, giggle as we walked away, hand in hand.

(A/N - I would love to end it here but I'm nice and I'll continue <3)

We arrived at the starbucks we were aiming to get to, went in and sat down. Phil was uncontrollably shivering in just a loose jumper and jeans.

Me being the lover of cliché I am, I took off my coat and wrapped it around him. He smiled.

"Oh, what would I do without you, Danny."

I grinned again, for the umpteenth time in less than an hour. Not that I didn't like it, mind. Phil was the only one who could make me smile this much in a short amount of time and I am happy to be his friend.

Friend. Sigh. Sighsighsigh.

"I'll go get something for us. You sit here, your Highness." I bowed extremely low and laughed along with Phil, ignoring my thoughts.

"Kay, bear."

I walked up to the cashier and ordered two hot chocolates, grabbed them and walked back to our table to find Phil scrolling through Tumblr or Twitter or something of some sort.

We brought our drinks outside and continued on our walk home.

Phil took my coat off and handed it back to me even though he was still, clearly, freezing.

I shook my head and wrapped it around him tighter, keeping my arms there around his shoulders until we got to our apartment.

"Can we talk about earlier." I whispered, not wanting to bring up the subject but still being insanely curious at the sudden emotion from my little Lion.

We sat down on the sofa, a huge blanket wrapped around our cold bodies.

"Course. Whatcha wanna know?" I pondered that question for a moment.

"Why were you, umm, about to cry? When that boy said what he said?"

He hesitated and tears, once again, glaze his eyes over. "Well." he began.

"I don't like it. I don't like how parents already teach their kids at such a young age that being 'Gay' or 'Bisexual' or 'Lesbian', or whatever you are, is a sin. A wrong doing. Something that's abnormal. Something to look down on. I hate it. I fucking hate it so fucking much. It's just unacceptable. We have all the rights as straight people do. We're equal beings. Why can people not see it? Why? It's not fair!"

At the last three words of that sentence, his voice cracked and he collapsed crying. I ignored the use of 'we' and focused on more important things. Philip Michael Lester is in my arms crying his face off and I have to comfort him.

I wrapped my arms tighter around him in a protective barrier. Fuck this. Fuck this shit. I hate it when people cry. Especially when it's someone I care a lot about. Like Phil.

"Don't worry, Lion. You've got me, umm, right?"

"Right." he whispered and tugged my chin down, my pink lips meeting with his plump ones for a second. And then they were gone.

He buried his head in my shoulder and wrapped his arm around my waist. I thought back to the live stream. What if ...

I intertwined our hands. I was too busy daydreaming earlier that I didn't realise anything about our hands.

His cheeks turned an unnatural shade of pink, as did mine, I presumed. My stomach this a flippy over thingy, like the feeling I felt at the fountain.

And I examined our hands.

No gaps.

No bone crushing.

No looseness.

A perfect fit.

"Hey, Phil?"

"Hmm?" He looked up at me, adoration clear in his eyes.

"I really really like you."

"You do? Lucky me then."

So I brought his chin up. We stared into each other's eyes, our noses touching ever so slightly. I kissed him.

I kissed my beautiful Soulmate, Phil Lester.
