➳ christmas cuddles


i HAvEn'T upDAted iN tWO MonTHS eVeRY ONe hAtES mE im so fucking sorry I am a terrible excuse for an author umm. so. how have y'all been. cool. nice. good

i literally cannot thank you guys enough for the really cute, lovely, funny comments that everyone has left on this book and the reads : 26k+ !!!!!! howwwwwwww I can't even writeeee. thank youuuuuu

anyway, this part is important so listen up. i was thinking of going on a hiatus or a break (whatever you wanna call it) for another couple of months maybe? I've nearly almost finished up another quite long one-shot so that might be up later on this week (no promises, sorry, love you)

this break is because I'm just starting to write a Drarry book thing thing thing yeah. I've thought out quite a lot of the plot and everything I just haven't made up the title or done the cover or actually properly written anything down oops. i also need to stack up on Phan oneshot ideas and get them written as I don't have many ideas at all rn?! i might just continue a few one-shots and wrap them up later ^_^

anyway, i really hope that you guys can forgive me for lack of effort, i'm a terrible person, i know =_=' things happening you know ^_^"

this is just a really short (again, apologies, i'm terrible, i know) oneshot of Dan and Phil being cute and stuff on Christmas ^_^

(Phil is taller than Dan by like, a head so yeah okay)

(this was supposed to go up on Christmas omg i suck)

words: 1265

warnings: ---

~Dan's POV~


What on earth? What am I doing awake at half past seven in the morning?

I groaned and stretched out my arms, my eyes squeezed shut, expecting a nice warm body next to mine.

My hand hit cold, soft bed sheets and empty air. I slowly cracked open my eyes and propped myself up with my elbows, the cold winter air seeping through the curtains and making its way towards my exposed chest.

Why was it so cold? I mean, yeah, it's winter and all. But it's not usually this cold when I wake up in the mornings. Maybe it's too early.

I slumped back down into the covers and my mind wandered away. I tried snuggling back under the duvet and into the fluffy, soft pillows supporting my head to try and fall asleep, but I couldn't. My hands roamed the bed again, searching for my boyfriend's warm body. Why is it so fucking cold?? And where's Phil?

I give up when my hands reach the edge of the bed and I'm in a tangled mess. ugh.

I reach for my phone and unlock it, going straight to Instagram.

I scroll through, my eyes squinting at the brightness. Christmas related posts? Snowy related posts? Wait ...

I threw the covers off of me in a rush, the cold air hitting me full force on my body. I ran towards the window and pushed the curtains aside.

Snow. Lots and lots of snow. Snow blanketing the floor, dusting the rooftops, covering all traces of the ugly ugly earth and turning the whole world into a pristine blanket of white.

I mean, maybe not the whole world. I bet some dog already peed in the snow somewhere to mess it up.

I bolted down the stairs, only in my pyjama trousers and almost flew into Phil.

"PHIL PHIL PHILLY IT'S SNOWING IT'S ACTUALLY SNOWING WHY IS IT SNOWING OH MY GOD LET'S GO PLAY IN THE SNOW CAN WE GO PLAY IN THE SNOW PHIL PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!?!" I screamed in his face, jumping up and down making my curly hobbit hair bounce along with me. My face was surely flushed with excitement (and also from running down the stairs but let's forget about that).

"G'morning Danny. Merry Christmas to you too." He yawned and pulled me into his side, me snuggling under his chin. "I didn't expect you to wake up this early. I made you some breakfast.

"Ohhh really, what is it?"

"Waffles, marshmallow fluff and nutella. Hope you like it you excitable dork."












"Only yours, babe." He threw a wink at me and disappeared into the lounge.

"Sneaky little bastard," I muttered under my breathe.

I picked up my plate and collapsed next to Phil on the sofa.

"I made you some hot chocolate."

"Wow, Phil. Sexy to sweet in seconds."

"I know, you love me really," He replied, rolling his eyes and kissing the corner of my mouth delicately. Harry Potter was playing quietly on the TV in the background.

"Finish up your breakfast. We'll open up our presents then we'll go out and play in the snow, yeah?"

"Yeah, m'kay." I mumbled through a huge bite of steaming hot waffle and marshmallow. I swallowed it with the help of the hot chocolate.

I finished up quickly and shoved my plate into the sink to clean up later.

"OKAY PHIL, LETS OPEN UP OUR PRESENTSSSSS!" I yelled at him from the kitchen.

"GET DRESSED FIRST DANNNN!" he shouted back from upstairs.


I slowly crawled up the stairs, the tiredness already catching up to me. I was never really a morning person, not even on Christmas.

I pulled on my alien Santa hat Christmas jumper on and jumped into some black skinny jeans.

Phil was already downstairs and sat by the Christmas tree when I got there.

"Youngest first," he smiled at me, poking his younger out slightly.

I grabbed the present closest to me and picked it up gently, slowly sliding the wrapping paper off. It was quite long and big so it took some time. I unboxed it and looked inside. I gasped loudly.

"HARU-CHAN! Haruka Senpai!" I squealed and clung onto the massive HARU pillow. "Thanks Phillllyyyyyy."

I literally feel like a four year old.

"Okay, okay, now open yours!"

"Okay Dannnnyyyyyy," he said mimicking me. He opened it up and laughed loudly.

"It's literally a visual representation of my soul! Thanks Dan!"

He moved up to sit next to me and gave me a side cuddle.

"S'okay lion," I kissed his neck and we continued unwrapping presents until we were left with a small mound of gifts and piles and piles of wrapping paper surrounding us.

"I-I'm soo *yawn* tired."

I glanced over to the clock and saw that it was only quarter past nine.

"Wanna watch some Totoro? We can play in the snow later if you still want to."

"Yeah, okay." I mumbled as I crawled over to the TV. I changed the channel and switched Harry Potter off and put on My Neighbor Totoro (10/10 recommend). Phil disappeared into the kitchen again.

I collected multiple blankets and pillows and made a sort of fort cocoon thing on the sofa. I crawled into it and started humming the theme song.

"Totoro Totoro hmmhmmmm hmmhmmmhmm."

"Here you go Dan." Phil passed me another mug of white hot chocolate. Two bowls of malteasers and marshmallows were laid out in front of us. 

Phil wriggled his way into the blanket pillow fort and wrapped his warm hands around my waist. I leaned into him and tucked my head into the crook of his neck.

"Merry Christmas Phil."

"Merry Christmas Dan. I love you."

I blushed lightly at the words. "I love you too Phil."


i don't even know what that was I'm so sorry
