
Smoke Without Fire

Their fight yesterday in the soccer field and Sei returning Yuta's clothes this morning created quite a buzz among the teenage imaginative minds of the high schoolers. Also someone heard them calling each other by their first names and added more spice to it.

"Yuta," Sei spun the chair in front of Yuta's desk and sat on it. "Here is the guide of Yosen sports festival, you had lent to me." She gave it back to him.

A bystander female classmate of them nudged her gossip best friend to witness Sei calling Yuta by his first name.

"So, do you understand how hectic this week is going to be for you?"

"Gosh," one of the girls covered her hanging mouth with her palm. "He is worried about her."

Sei nodded in response, being quite worried herself. She looked out of the window. The signs of winter coming indicated that there would be no rain in Osaka for the time being.

Leaves wavering in the wet air—faces hidden under huge, shady umbrellas—observing how their feet sound with the raindrops against the damp streets—It made her feel a tug inside her chest.

Where will I hide, then?

"Mom prepared bento for you," Yuta placed a separate lunchbox for Sei on his desk. Her eyes were widened and so were the other girls' who were overhearing them.

They were now completely sure that something was going on between the transferred student and their school idol. Despite being upset about losing Yuta to a newcomer, they were kind of excited for them as they actually looked pretty good together.

"Bento? All of a sudden?" She stared at the adorably wrapped lunchbox with a flower printed napkin. "I don't know," Yuta shrugged, munching on his own lunch. "She just told me to take it with myself and give it to you."

Sei looked at him, without saying anything. "Hurry and eat," Yuta dryly muttered—seeing no movement of her whatsoever, "That bald—Takeda sensei will be here soon!"

She let out a laugh at his way of calling their homeroom teacher. She picked up the lunchbox and moved to her desk. Sei was elated inside. Needles to say, that she did not have homemade lunch since their parents got divorced―having to buy something from the cafeteria to eat everyday.

Mr. Takeda came shortly after but it took him a long time to calm the class down. "Class rep," he called Yuta who was now busy trying to sleep after a heavy lunch.

Groaning loudly, he stood up. Yuta knocked on Sei's desk with his closed fist before whispering, "See how I dodge all the duties of the class representative. Watch and learn."

Sei slightly rolled her eyes as he made his way to their teacher. The whole period went by with Yuta giving a broad explanation of how he could win the next interhigh cup.

He had drawn a big soccer field on the black board and showed his plan to the whole class along with Mr. Takeda, getting cheers from the crowd every now and then. They were proving that they were totally convinced by Yuta.

Being desperate to win and to witness such a strong play by Yosen High with Yuta as their team captain, his classmates became willing to offer to do his share of duties so that he could fully concentrate on his practices.

Sei watched Yuta fool the whole class, with a nonchalant expression. They are so naive.
