

"Where are we going, by the way?" Sei asked, glancing around them—an unknown street which she had never seen before. "Your apartment," Yuta muttered as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"How do you know where my house is?" She asked again. "I don't," Yuta kept walking ahead. "You do. That's why I am walking along with you." Sei halted in her steps and tugged on his upperarm to make him stop walking too.

"I only know the way to my home from school. I thought we were going to school so that we can go home from there but we are walking for quite a time that's why I asked you where we are going."

Yuta massaged his temples. "In short, you don't know the way to your house." Sei shook her head. "How does that even work?" The brunette scoffed, looking away. "Excuse me for moving to this town only last week."

"Sei," he let out an exasperated sigh. "You should have told me that before." She scrutinized her eyebrows. "You were the one who started walking aimlessly. Anyway," she lifted one arm to prevent him from saying anything else. "I will put the location of my house in Google map."

She unlocked her screen and panicked as soon as she saw that the tab of contacts was open. "Hey, that's my number!" Yuta perked up, seeing it saved on her phone. "Obnoxious?" He raised one eyebrow. Sei was fast to clear the tab but Yuta still managed to see it.

She pursed her lips, looking at him. "It's not what you—" Yuta scoffed. "You think of me as someone who is obnoxious?" Sei averted her eyes. "Well, you definitely were being a show-off in the school today."

"What? I—" Sei suddenly moved closer to him. "Wait, your earring—" His mouth closed. A tint of pink hue radiated his cheek. She totally caught him off guard.

"It came loose." She tried her best to tighten the earring with which she was not quite familiar with. "There." Sei was backing up but a thread from her sleeve got stuck to the earring and Yuta's piercing got pulled with it.

A loud wince left his lips. Meanwhile she had managed to separate them. "I am so sorry," Sei repeated like a broken record. "You did it on purpose, didn't you?" A vein popped on Yuta's forehead.

After almost one hour journey by foot, they finally reached at Miura apartment. As much as they hated the moment they realised—they had gotten lost, they still felt empty when they parted.

Sei entered her key into the lock and twisted it open. "I am home," she whispered with a smile on her face. She knew that there was no one waiting for her but still she was happy.

Sei did not want to show Yuta his contact name on her phone. But if she had known that he would have showed such a huge reaction to this, she would definitely do it on her own. The look on his face. She let out a laugh again.
