

"Does he know that your classmate in Miyagi died because of you?"

Sei ran away from there—fast—no matter how heavy her feets felt. Ironically, it started pouring. She could not care less about it—how the air felt so heavy, weighing her down alongside the liquid droplets.

She could not breathe. It's because of you. Her head felt heavy—getting burdened by her desire to scream out loud. Only if you didn't interfere—

Yuta was fixated on his position for almost half a minute. "See you are no different from her other friends either. Sei should have known better than to—"

Suddenly something clicked in Yuta and he started running after her. "Sei!" He called her when she was at two arms distance from him. Sei started to run her legs faster even though she just wanted to lay herself down flatly on the ground.

"Damn you, Hayashi Sei," Yuta muttered as he caught up with Sei, grabbing her upper arm and spinning her around, "I am faster than you, you know?"

Rain droplets from her damp hair, sprinkled on his face. His eyes locked on hers once he found them. Sei gasped to catch her breath—heavily inhaling and exhaling. She was not athletic for sure.

"I don't know what your mom was talking about but one thing I know for sure is that I want to hear your side of story first."

Sei felt a huge lump in her throat. Her vision was blurry. Her hand squirmed in his hold and made it free with her other hand and tried to run away from him.

But Yuta encircled his fingers around her wrist, causing her unable to escape. "Dreams, memories, the sacred—they are all alike in that they are beyond our grasp." Sei turned around to meet his eyes, hearing her favourite quote from her favourite book—and the one she wanted to believe the most in.

"You can't change what happened, Sei." As the rain disguised their tears, he took another step towards her. "You can only forgive yourself."

Sei started bawling like a little kid, screeching as she always wanted to. Yuta waited for her to vent it all out. He had been a professional at it since she came into his life.

"I swear, it didn't happen because of me," Sei cried out in the middle of the street, "I swear, I did my best to pull her up!" Her voice was hard to comprehend but Yuta did not ask her to say the same thing twice.

"I swear, I just wanted to help her!" She yelled while sobbing. Tears streamed out of her glistened eyes and rolled down her face.

Yuta grasped her jaw to hold her face up. He leaned in before connecting their lips together. He could taste her brackish tears as he moved his lips against hers, kissing the crying mess.

Sei felt limp under his touch—realising how badly she needed his warmth. It was freezing—the temperature being under 7°C and the weather being rainy. But oddly none of them felt it.

The brunette kissed him back before she realised it. Yuta cupped her face—tilting his head to deepen the kiss. The curves of their lips fitted perfectly into each other, causing them to move in sync.

Both of them were afraid to pull away—to let go—wanting this moment to last forever. If eternity existed, it would be this moment.
