

"What are you doing in my room, wearing my clothes?"

"Yuta!" Mrs. Nakamoto smacked the back of his head. "Is that how you should talk to a girl? I have taught you better than this." Yuta squinted his eyes before looking at his mother. "First of all, oww," he winced in pain, "That hurt."

She suppressed her laugh, turning to her daughter. "Haru, couldn't you get Momoka's clothes instead of your brother's?"

Haruna puckered her lips, talking in a whiny manner, "Momo-nee took all her cute clothes with her to aunt's house in Tokyo." Sei's eyes flickered over to the youngest at the mention of the sibling who had moved out.

Another thing I didn't know about him.

"Anyway, Sei-chan, make yourself comfortable, here. I will get some snacks for you," she handed her a towel to dry her hair. "Don't get too friendly with her, otherwise she will snap at you, too." A dry remark from Yuta triggered her again but she chose not to retort in front of his mother.

"Yuta!" Mrs. Nakamoto warned him again. He just shrugged and got inside his room to change. Haruna sat beside Sei on the couch in the living room and peered at her, "Did something happen between you two?"

Sei looked at her, trying to decide what she should answer. "Yuta-nii never get so worked up usually. Yesterday he became worked up because you had gone missing," She noticed what Haruna said. Did he act unusually because of me?

"And now it seems quite the opposite. He seems annoyed at you." Her face fell again, hearing that. That was in fact, unusual as well. Yuta also did not get bothered by anyone easily.

"I don't know," Sei bit down on her bottom lip, "We kind of had an argument." Haruna nodded in realisation. "I bet you were the right one." Sei repeated herself, "I don't know."

"I know!" Haruna snapped her fingers. "We should take a revenge on him." Sei hurriedly shook her head, disapproving of the idea with all of her braincells. "I don't think so."

"Come on! It will be fun!" Haruna perked up at the thought of troubling her brother but made it seem that it was in the favour of Sei. "We have to do something to make you feel better."

Sei fiddled with the laces of Yuta's hoodie which she was wearing. She felt surprisingly comfortable in his clothes which were clearly oversized for her.

"Give me your phone." Haruna took it from her hand even before she could give it to her. "I will change the name of his contact info to something savage."

"I don't have his number saved, though." These were the times when one could be sure how dimwit Sei actually was. She had seen her contact information in Yuta's phone but did not ask for his.

"It's okay. I can do it for you," Haruna punched in the number and proceeded to save it. "What do you want to save it as? Just say whatever comes to your mind first?" She persisted.

Sei did as she was asked to, speaking without thinking it through, "Obnoxious." She surprised herself too. Haruna was right. It actually made herself feel better. He definitely was being obnoxious today.

Yuta came out in the living room, causing Haruna to jolt and drop the phone on Sei's lap. She quickly took it in her hand and locked the screen to hide it from him.

He gave the both of them a weird look before heading to the kitchen. "I am not even gonna ask why you are here―don't wanna know too much about you before letting you know about me, you know?" He was still taunting her about their conversation earlier in the morning.

"Instead," he strolled towards them after taking a can out of the fridge and plopped down on the couch across them, bending forward―resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his palms together with the can between them to place his chin on it. "Let me tell you where I was."

Haruna―very attentively―was listening to him―waiting for what Sei would answer. The brunette pursed her lips. "I don't really want to know." The youngest's forehead creased. "Why?" She protested.

"Why are you so interested?" Mrs. Nakamoto placed the snacks on the table in the middle of them. "Come with me to the kitchen and help me out."

"I was the one who brought Sei onee-chan here. So I deserve to be a part of their conversation as well." Sei spoke up, not wanting to trouble the host, "It's totally okay. We are alright this way."

"Yeah right," Yuta remarked sarcastically, "I want to escape from this situation―is written all over your face." He was probably not wrong but it was not entirely the case. Sei was actually comfortable in Nakamoto residence.

It made her feel like home―letting her soul breathe―unlike her apartment in Aikawa where she lived with her mother. However she was a little bothered by the whole situation. Being the center of attention among such homely people was not something she had faced a lot even though she was the only child.

"Yuta! Don't make things up." Mrs. Nakamoto took the seat beside her son. She was enjoying the fact that Yuta was so involved with Sei, paying so much attention to her.

They will look so cute together.
