
Colourful Lights

Yuta could not focus on anything since Tadashi's words kept playing in his head the whole day. "Don't act so jealous, Yuta. I am not going to steal your girl or anything."

His forehead creased as he put stress on his brain to understand what he had tried to imply. Your girl? What did he mean by that? My girl? Who? Yuta's eyes fell on Sei who was walking one step ahead of him for a change—smiling ear to ear while talking to his sister.


Haruna and Sei whereas were enjoying the festival. He kept tagging along with them until it was time for Haruna to leave. She had to go to cram school in the evening.

If it had been a usual day, Yuta would have laughed at her till his stomach hurt for being the only child in Nakamoto family who needed to go to cram school to get good grades. But that day, he did not even notice what Haruna said before leaving.

"How much time left till the fireworks display?" Sei asked Yuta, causing him to break himself out of his trance. "Uh—" he checked the watch, tied around his wrist before replying, "Half an hour?"

"What should we do by then?" Sei glanced around. The school was getting overly crowded by the passing time. "Let's browse around the stalls," Yuta muttered, nonchalantly walking towards them.

Sei pursed her lips. She felt like something was wrong but she could not pinpoint on exactly what was bothering Yuta. All of a sudden, he caught a hold of her wrist.

Sei got a déjà vu from the day, they were sitting in the dark at the mall and Yuta had abruptly grabbed her wrist when she had stood up. Gazing into his dark brown eyes, her throat tightened. She could not get any word out.

"Let's not lose each other in the crowd," Yuta calmly stated the reason for holding her hand without meeting her eyes. They walked around a lot of stalls—not uttering one word—being completely quiet. Lights of vibrant colours were flashing from different stalls in order to attract the customers.

There were shops selling cotton candies, takoyaki, sweets. Also there were stalls for various fun games like shooting or fishing in a wide jar. But Sei could only focus on the warmth radiating from Yuta's hand to hers.

They passed half an hour by roaming around and arrived at the largest field in their school for the main event of the festival—the fireworks show.

Yuta finally let go off of her hand before stuffing his hands into his pockets. He stared up at the sky when a firecracker made its way upwards with a deem sound to burst into mesmerising flowery shapes.

Sei also followed his gaze, finding herself to get totally lost in the beauty of the firecrackers. A smile, unknowingly, crept up to her lips. Yuta, on the other hand was not feeling it at all.

He wanted to get out of there. Wanting to ask permission to leave, Yuta looked at Sei. His lips parted but he had forgotten already what he had wanted to say. He just kept staring at the girl whom he had seen in a yukata for the first time that day.

The colorful lights illuminated her face—her eyes that were shimmering—creating an indescribable magic spell—her lips that held the kind of smile which had managed to capture Yuta so strongly that he failed to take his eyes off of her.

I like her.
