
It's Going To Rain

The brunette's gaze was locked on her acoustic guitar—fingers were itching to destroy this beautiful piece of creation. It was the only gift from her father that was left with her. Nonetheless her mother had tried to get rid of it multiple times.

The fluorescent lamps along with the LED bulbs were illuminating her room even though it was bright outside. No matter how many switches she turned on, the dark void of her heart could not be lit.

Sei tilted her head—her eyes attentively observing the guitar, she had not used since she left Yokohama—how the texture of the wood had darkened by the passing time. So cruel.

It was not snowing that day. The temperature had remarkably increased than the previous day and so the humidity in air. But the ice crystals laying on the street, had not melted yet.

Putting on a oversized hoodie over her school uniform, she stepped out in the streets. Sei stomped her feet on the snow decorated ground. The feeling of the snowflakes getting crushed under her sneakers, made her feel oddly satisfied.

"Watch out!" The female definitely heard the warning but her legs had already given up because of the long walk from her house to the school, causing her to stay still on her position instead of moving out of the way.

The soccer ball headed towards her in a mediocre speed and then fell flat on the ground after hitting her forehead and making a bump on it.

"Fuck," Yuta cursed, running towards Sei who was still standing like that without making any sound or movement. "Are you okay?" He hastily checked the bump by lightly touching on it.

It hurts.

"Come with me." The girl was dragged by her hand to the infirmary for the second time. The nurse carefully pressed an icepack on the swollen area of her forehead.

Yuta went to Mr. Takeda to request an early leave for Sei and himself who would drop her off.

"I can go on my own," Sei muttered dryly. She was still in a daze because of getting hit on her head earlier. She definitely noticed how awkward Yuta was around her for the past few days and the fact that they had not talked at all since that day was the biggest proof of that.

"Either we are walking to your home or I am carrying you there. What do you prefer?" Yuta exhaustedly spoke—needing to argue on every little thing.

Her eyes widened, hearing him talking to her comfortably again.

"As I said before, I can do this all day. So let's save your breath and take you home," Yuta stated before starting to walk ahead of her.

They walked in silence but it was comfortable. Sei sniffed the air once they reached at home. It's gonna rain.

"Do you wear that uniform to hang around with guys instead of going to school?" Sei turned around to see her mother who had just come back from grocery shopping. She had totally forgotten that it was Ms. Miura's off day from her office, otherwise Sei would have never let Yuta tag along with her.

"Mom, it's not what you—"

"I would appreciate it if you don't be so mean to Sei," Yuta said without giving it any thought. The brunette's eyes flickered over to him, getting widened.

"Oh?" Ms. Miura scoffed. "So this boy is taking your side, huh Sei?" You must be so happy that he has started calling you by your first name?"

Her nostrils flared expressing the fury that she held in her eyes too. "Does he know?" Her voice raised. Sei's lips parted. She felt weak in her knees.

"Does he know that your classmate in Miyagi died because of you?"
