
First Snow Of The Year

"Confessed yet?"

"Can't believe, I am having this conversation with you," Yuta pointed at Ryo in a sassy manner—indirectly asking him to shut up. It had only been two days since they returned from Tokyo.

Yuta still could not manage to tell Sei about his feelings. He was not the one to get blamed that they had been busy with both club activities and studies for the couple of days—not to mention that they did not have a proper conversation.

It was not anyone's fault as well since Sei did not even need to avoid Yuta. It worked out for her in a natural way. Sei was now completely convinced that Ninako was wrong about Yuta—assuming that he treated her specially.

"Then want me to add Hayashi to this conversation?" Ryo retorted, making Yuta's heart almost drop to his stomach. Thankfully he was capable to control his facial expression. Yuta only rolled his eyes nonchalantly.

Sei got a text from Ryo after the school finished which notified her about their band practice. Today's practice was cancelled though. Keeping her phone back in her bag, she thought about feigning ignorance and then lie to them about not getting the message before reaching home.

But she got reminded that she would have to go home early if she missed practice and the very thought of that made her feel light-headed. So Sei decided to attend the practice instead.

First floor—Sei came downstairs and started to search for the particular classroom, Ryo had mentioned in the text. Class 3-C—There. Sei saw the wooden sign from a few feet far. She walked towards it.

The school was getting almost empty. The temperature had significantly decreased that day given that it had been quite a while since fall had opened the door for winter which would have eventually invaded through if allowed to knock for longer.

"Yuta?" His name involuntarily slipped out of her mouth—upon unexpectedly seeing him. Yuta was casually leaning on the doorframe—his arms crossed across his broad built.

He hummed in response. Straightening his figure, he stepped closer to Sei. A hollow breath escaped her parted lips as she kept staring at the man in front of her.

Just after the sunset and before dusk, the vague luminescence that the sky modestly provided, reflected on his defined features, enhancing them to look flawless as ever.

Sei seemed to forget how to even blink. His piercing gaze brought her back to reality. She tore her eyes off of him. Looking elsewhere, she questioned, "Where are Honda-kun and others? We are supposed to practice here today."


Yuta had gone to Ryo earlier to ask him for a favour. He had asked him to text Sei, writing that the band suddenly decided to have a practice session that day at that classroom.

"I don't even know why I am helping you," Ryo muttered while typing out the message and sent it to Sei. He did not realize when he got so involved in their matters. "I don't keep favours for long. I will surely return it to you one way or another."

The male rashly slapped on his back, earning a glare from Ryo. "Thanks, though."

Yuta did not need to find any excuse as a group of girls had already stole Sei's attention. "It's snowing," they were giggling with each other. But the word 'snow' was enough to make Sei turn around because it was the first snow of that year.

The obscuring cloud droplets in the form of ice crystals were on their way to beautify everything by covering them with spotless white duvet. Sei walked towards the track field as if she was bewitched.

Touching a cold snowflake with her bare palm, she turned to Yuta. "It's powdery," Sei chortled gleefully like a child playing with snow.

Yuta's lips curved upwards—breaking into a smile that reached his eyes. He fondly watched her bending down to gather snow in her hand and then dropping them again in front of her.

"Sei!" The male called her, grabbing her attention while she was still smiling—ear to ear.

"I like you."
