
Beneath The Falls

"I have already told you a million times, Haru! Nothing happened. Now don't bother your nii-chan and go to your room." Yuta shifted his focus on his notebook again, studying absolutely nothing.

"You have not eaten a whole meal since the day you came home late. I know something happened." Haruna was hellbent to pry it out of his brother even though she had already guessed what the case could be.

"Just go, already!" Yuta whined, dropping his head on his desk. He was feeling empty inside. He had no appetite. He was not able to concentrate on his soccer practices even though the spring tournament was right around the corner.

"Is it about Sei onee-chan?"

The male flinched at the very mention of her name along with the fact that his sister hit the bullseye at the first try. He did not raise his head—being afraid to meet her eyes.

"Wh—what about her?" Yuta stuttered, completely giving away that Haruna was right. "So it is about her," the female muttered, tapping on her cheek with her index finger.

"Yes it is!" Yuta groaned frustratedly, raising his head to look at her. He deliberately did not talk to Ryo after that because he did not want to look like a loser. So he needed to tell someone—complaining to that person about how unfair, he felt it was.

"I confessed to her and got rejected. She said that she did not feel the same way about me! Does that make sense? I mean how can anyone reject me?" His voice was louder than usual.

Haruna squinted her eyes, closing them halfway through. "First of all," she muttered before smacking the back of his head. "Ow!" Yuta grumbled, sending her a death glare.

"You should really be a bit more humble." Yuta rolled his eyes at Haruna, realising that the smack earlier was because of being arrogant. "Secondly, it's only natural that onee-chan may not feel for you as you do for her. One of the many reasons behind that—"

She took a seat on a couch because it was going to be a long conversation. Yuta listened to her attentively. "That you are arrogant," she said, earning a scoff out of her brother, "You seemed pushy."

Yuta reconsidered his actions towards her, calculating if he actually imposed something on her ever. "And the most plausible one," she took out three of her fingers from her closed fist before stating her final hunch.

"She never thought of you romantically."

The last sentence made Yuta ponder deeply. "What should I do, now?" He asked, being desperately in need of suggestions.

"Be the man for her." Haruna patted on his shoulder before coming out of his room trying to keep her laugh suppressed. She never knew her brother could be immature enough to act so devastated because of a girl.

Yuta took the novel out of his shelf again. "Haru No Yuki," he muttered the title whenever he read it. He felt a tug in his chest when the word 'Yuki' reminded her of the sight of Sei playing with the snow.

A stoic smile crept up on his lips. Sei is like a snowflake in spring—Haru no yuki.

Once again, he sat with the book and a notepad in his hand, writing down the lines that he felt strongly. One of those specially caught his attention as Haruna's words replayed in his mind alongside it. She never thought of you romantically.

Yuta wrote the line from the novel another time on a separate page. He spoke as he wrote,

"Just now I had a dream—I'll see you again—I know it—beneath the falls."

It forced him to hope again. Is there still a chance for me?
