
A Date

Sei paced in front of the practice court of the soccer club. Biting her nails—she was contemplating whether she should enter or not. She was feeling sort of nervous.

"Nakamoto!" Sei jumped up, hearing the voice of a student from sophomore year, standing in front of her. It was clear by his huge built that he was her senior. "Your girlfriend is here!"

Her jaw dropped, getting exposed in such an unexpected way. "Sei," Yuta called her, coming out as soon as he heard about her.

He pulled his jersey up to wipe the sweat off of his face—revealing his toned abs in the process. His black hair was slicked back with his sweat.

Sei averted her eyes as if she had seen something, she should not have. After he was done, Yuta noticed how she was not looking at him. He bent down to get on her eye level.

Her cheeks heated up, seeing his face from so up close. "You don't pay attention to me at all," Yuta muttered with a pout.


"The damage is already done." Yuta straightened up, holding her hand before saying, "As a penalty, you need to go on a date with me."

Sei waited the whole week for their first date. But when the day came she panicked worrying if her dress was not good enough. Sei checked her reflection in the mirror, grimacing.

The female was wearing an indigo coloured full sleeved sweater and a plain white skirt. I look so boring. She had no time to choose a new outfit since Yuta was already standing in front of her house. She took a few strands of her hair and attached it with a pin.

Coming out, she saw Yuta who was dressed in a blue jacket with a white turtleneck sweater underneath and denim jeans. His eyes beamed—landing upon her. "You look pretty," he complimented smiling widely.

It was the first time for Yuta complimenting Sei like that. He was actually a little shy before. But he decided to get past it and say what he truly felt.

The feeling that Sei was having of despising her outfit disappeared like a firecracker by just one remark from him.

"Where are we going?" The brunette asked her boyfriend who was hellbent on keeping their destination a secret from her.

Yuta shook his head, smiling still. Her face turned sulky. He let out a laugh at how childish they both were.

"I have something for you," he said before taking it out from his pocket and placing his closed fist in front of Sei.

She smiled before opening his large fist with both of her hands to reveal a dandelion in it. Yuta tucked the small flower with the pin in her hair.

Her cheeks reddened, making it clearly visible how much she was blushing. "Shall we?" Yuta asked, stretching out his hand for her to take which she did in a split second.

They spent the whole day in an amusement park with rides, games, toys and snacks.

Soon enough, it was the time for their last ride—ferris wheel. "Here," Yuta wrapped his jacket around Sei, startling her. How did he know I was cold?

"Also don't fidget with your hands like that." He intertwined their fingers—sharing his warmth with Sei. "Just hold mine."
