What I Meant To Say...~21CS

Justin's POV
Y/N and I sat on my couch, watching the news. Apparently, multiple kids at our school got arrested for drug dealing.
"Hey, that's my cousin!" She exclaimed, pointing at one of the kids on the screen.

"Serves you right asshole!" She yelled.
I laughed and planted my hand down on top of hers. She stopped smiling and went red.
It took me a second to realize what I was doing.
"O-oh! Uh, sorry I was just-"
"It's fine." She smiled, holding my hand.

It was nice. It felt like a little light shined onto my hand, wrapping around my fingers.
"Y/N, do you want to go on a date with me?"
...Is what I meant to say.
But it came out more like this:

"H-hey, so uh... I was w-wondering if maybe, possibly, and you don't have to say yes! But maybe if y-you'd like, to- um... ugh."
She stared at me confused (reasonably) and then erupted into giggles. It was a beautiful sound.

"Justin, what heck are you talking about?"
I stared at her some more.
"I, uh-do you... hm." Words weren't working.
I've never had this problem before!

Before I knew it, I wasn't saying words, I was using actions. And goddamnit did I use the wrong one.
I could've hugged her, held her hand, even kissed her cheek or something.
But nope, I full on kissed her, on the lips, no warning.

She tensed up and pushed me away.
Shit shit shit shit...
"What are you doing-"
"I don't know."
"Why'd you try to-"
"I don't know... I'm sorry. I so sorry."

She stared at me for another minute, scheming ways to murder me no doubt.
But then she leaned in, kissing me too.
Holy heckin' heck!!
She's kissing me!

I kissed back, falling backwards in my seat, sighing wistfully. I examined her features, like they were all brand new.
And she was drop-dead gorgeous.

"So is that a yes?" I asked.
"For a date?"
She giggled.
"Yes Justin." She smirked.

