
Michael's POV
I walked into the bank, listening to my shoes squeak on the floor. I loved the sound, but most people found it irritating so I tried to stop.

I need to deposit some money in my savings account, and I wasn't exactly sure why but my moms told me to.
I stood in line, waiting to speak with an employee, when I glanced down next to me.

There was a gorgeous girl, with pretty (h/c) locks and glimmering eyes. As embarrassing as it was to stare right at someone, I couldn't take my eyes away. But she was looking right back at me too, so I smiled.

Her lips curved up into the prettiest form, and I stuck my hand out.
"Hi, I'm Michael." I grinned. She took my hand and her fingertips brushed against mine, making them tingle.
"I'm Y/N."

Y/N. Now that was a name I'd never get out of my head. She was beautiful.
"So what are you-"
The man in front of me slammed his hands down on the table in frustration. What could they be talking about?

"Do as I say!" He yelled.
The woman working the desk looked panicked and fiddled around with the computer and something below the counter.
By the time I realized what was happening, the man turned around to acknowledge the room full of people staring at him.
He pulled a gun out of his pocket and held it up for show, making numerous people gasp.

"Okay, everybody drop your belongs and put your hands on your heads! Now!!" He yelled.
There was much disorder, and a lot of panic as everyone filed together and sat down by the wall. He walked between all of us, glaring and talking occasionally to the woman at the counter, but it was too quiet to tell what he was saying to her.

"Anarchy." Y/N whispered in my ear.
I turned to her sitting next to me, and almost cracked a smile. "What?"
"Anarchy! Let's overthrow him." She did crack a smile.

"Shut up." I whispered back. She nudged my arm.
"No I'm serious. If we can get everyone at the same time, we could easily take him down."
I stared alum amazement at her ridiculous idea.

"The police will most likely be here soon, why risk it?" I crossed my arms. She huffed.
"Fine, we'll wait." But I could see the glimmer in her eyes. She watched his every move with vigor, and I could tell she was scheming.

After about 20 minutes of me watching Y/N, and us occasionally talking, I really started to like her. She had a lot of the same interests as me, and the way she spoke demanded attention, like she was speaking to a crowd.
But then it hit me, we had heard the sirens, but the police weren't in here yet. He must be negotiating with them.

And this man was becoming restless. He was not getting what he wanted, whatever that was, and he yelled into the phone.
"No! No no no, you don't get what you want. I'm getting what I want. I have plenty of hostages here, if you don't play fair."
He grimaced.

His eyes scanned the room and landed in our corner. I pressed my back against the wall, wary of his next move, but what he did next terrified me.
He stalked over to us, and grabbed Y/N's arm, hauling her up. She screamed and squirmed but he pressed a gun to her temple and dragged her to the front door, making hand gestures to whatever police unit was out there.

I felt my heart stop as Y/N glanced back at me. All the glimmer in her eye was gone and replaced with fear as the gun pressed harder into her head, steadying her.
Out of quick impulse, I scanned my surroundings, finding a pot on the complimentary coffee table.
I stood up, grabbing the scalding utensil, and stalked behind him.

Right before he turned to meet my gaze, I hit him in the back of the head as hard as I could with the coffee pot, dumping some on him in the process.
He dropped Y/N and yelled in pain, falling to the floor. I stomped on his hand, releasing his grip from the weapon and Y/N quickly grabbed it off the floor.

She held it in preparation of fire, pointing towards the man.
"Anarchy." She smiled at me. I smiled back.

*time skip*

Once the whole confusing debacle was over,
Y/N plopped next to me on a bench outside, breathing heavily.
She looked up to my eyes, placing a hand on my arm. I felt it tingle and her smile wrapped me with warm ness.
"Want to go get a slushy or something?"
I asked her. She nodded.

"You did save my life, so sure. But only if it's from 7/11."
I was smitten.

