I Only Want...~BMC

I was not loving this party. It was not that fun, and I was kind of lonely, despite all the people here.
I had a couple drinks, got super bored, and wandered upstairs.

I wandered into a room, to find Rich crying. He sniffled, wiping his eyes and tracing his scars from the fire.
"Rich?" I closed the door behind me and he whipped around.
"Y-Y/N! Uh... hey. What are you doing in here?" He laughed awkwardly, still sniffling.

I frowned and sat next to him, pushing some red and blonde fluff out of his face. He stared at me, his eyes scanning my face.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked him.
He kept staring at me, and his eyebrows turned down in anger.

"Why do you care?" He suddenly got defensive, but I knew he didn't mean it.
So instead of getting upset I put a hand on his shoulder and stared at him.
"Please tell me."
His expression dropped and he leaned forward abruptly, out lips connecting.
Of all the crazy Rich-reactions I was prepared for, this was not one I was expecting.

And as fast as his chapped, beautiful lips were on mine, they tore away.
"What'th wrong ith I want to tell you, you give me butterflieth in my thtomach, and take my breath away when you look at me!" He huffed standing up.
I was still staring at him like an idiot, my jaw hanging and speechless.

"I want to play with your hair and lithten to your weird thoughth at 2 in the morning! I want to roll my eyeth at your tharcasm and laugh at your joketh! I want to kith you till my lipth are numb. I want to lie under the thtarth and just talk about the univerth or whatever. I want to love everything you call 'flawth'. But motht of all..."
He sat back down next to me, holding my hand. My face was red and my eyes were wide.
"I just want you."

Without thinking, I smashed my lips against his, kissing him as deeply as I could.
He furrowed his brow, and I pulled away, catching my breath.
He sat there, his hand in the air where my head once was and his eyes remained closed.
"I..." He trailed, his eyes finally prying open.
"I love you." He breathed.

I was rendered speechless, and in this moment of absolute romance, bliss, for some goddamn reason I responded with, "In this economy?"
He stared at me for a second before rolling his eyes and laughing.
I pulled my hands over my face and sighed.
"I'm so sorry, you just said all those beautiful things and I said that, when really I just want to tell you how much I love you Rich Goranski."

He held my head with both hands and pulled me towards him, kissing me with his chapped, sweet lips. He tasted like Mountain Dew Red, and saltines.
"Rich?" I asked pulling away. His eyes were still closed and his eyebrows lifted.
"Hmm?" He hummed.
"Have you been drinking Mountain Dew Red?"

His eyes popped open and he rubbed up and down my arms.
"Yah, but don't worry. I just... feel more comfortable drinking that."
I frowned and kissed the tip of his nose.
He held my waist and smiled.

"Wanna go hang down at the party?" I asked him.
He pushed me down on the mattress, and I fell in a fit of giggles. He hovered over me, scanning me up and down and pecking my lips.
"Nope." He smirked.

