P2: She Deseves Better~BMC

It had been about 2 and half weeks of Michael's and I sneaking around to hang out with each other, and it was great.
Well... except for the sneaking around part.
I would love to just cut out my toxic friends and be with Michael but it's not that easy.
I mean- not like "be with" like date but,
Ugh, never mind.

Jake and I were sitting by each other on the football bleachers, while he chatted with his friends he kept one arm around my, tracing my back.
I tried to talk to him a couple times but he was too wrapped up in his conversation to really even notice me.

I sighed and rested my chin on my palm, glancing around the field. This was torture.
Why did I ever start dating him in the first place? Sure he was sweet, but he got evil-dick real fast.

Jake turned my head towards him, and smiled at me, before placing his lips on mine.
I froze, blushing at the sudden forwardness, but soon melting.
Just as we started though, he pulled away.
I glanced behind him and saw a couple of his friends taking pictures on their phones. My face burned with embarrassment.

"Hey N/N, let's go." I heard behind me.
I turned to see Michael, his face about as red as his hoodie. I stared at him in awe. We've never spoken to each other like this in front of my friends.
"What do you want dorkus?" Jake sneered.
Michael growled and grabbed my hand.
"I'm going, and I'm taking Y/N with me." He seethed.

Jake scoffed and looked me in the eyes.
The look on his face was like that of a playboy, he probably didn't even care that his girlfriend has been hanging out with some other guy.
"Fine, you can take her then. You're both dorks." He picked up his gatorade and poured it over my head.
I gasped, my mouth hanging open and screwing my eyes tight.

I heard a loud hitting noise, and Michael helped me up. When I opened my eyes, Jake was lying on the ground holding his nose in pain, while Michael rubbed his fist.
He held me by my arm, leading me to his car.
"I think I have some napkins or something in here." He rifled through his glove compartment.

He just punched Jake Dillinger in the face for me. Gasp.
He was such a sweet human being. Big gasp.
I couldn't take it anymore.
I grabbed his face with my hands, pulling it towards me, staring deep into his chocolate brown eyes.
His face went red and he stared at me.
"Uh... Y/N-"

I connected our lips, kissing him passionately.
But he didn't kiss back, he didn't move at all.
Shoot, maybe I went too far.
I pulled away and he stared at me with the widest eyes I've ever seen. Shoooot...
"I-I'm Sorry, I shouldn't have down that. I... Ugh I'm sorry."
I bumbled, rushing away to get to a bathroom or something.

While walking, I collided with a slightly taller kid, with a familiar jacket. Dustin.
"Hey sis, what's... what happened to you?" He frowned, holding up my soaking wet, red stained hair.
"Jerk poured Gatorade on me."
His eyebrows furrowed. "Who?!"

He rolled his sleeves up dramatically, stepping towards the football field doors.
"I'm going to pummel his-"
I turned and saw Michael rushing in after me.
My face went red. I didn't want the rejection talk, I hated that.
But instead he immediately brought his lips to mine, kissing me.
Now it was my turn to freeze. What?

Without questioning it, I kissed back.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt my stomach get butterflies. Michael Mell was kissing me. Dramatic gasp!
But he pulled away fast, almost ripped away.
My eyes popped open and I saw Dustin, his sleeves still rolled up, holding Michael by the back of his collar.
His face was red and he looked furious.
Shoot almost forgot he was here.

"Correction: I'm gonna pummel your ass."
Michael gulped and shoved Dustin, sprinting down the hallway.
I watched Dustin chase after him and laughed yelling at my brother down the hall.
"Don't kill him please!!"
Hope he listened.

