Speak of the Devil~Heathers

Kurt's POV
"Dude, there's a hot snatch over there." Ram laughed in my face, pointing across the room.
There were lots of drunk kids dancing, and once they cleared I saw a girl in a devil's costume, leaning against a wall.

She looked really hot. She had dark red lipstick, a costume that clung to her body tightly, showing off every curve.
She was holding a red solo cup and looking around.

I swaggered across the room, bobbing my head to the blaring music. As I approached her, her head popped up and she smiled at me. Her face was gorgeous.
I leaned my hand against the wall above her, and stared down at her. I felt confident, but mostly because of the liquid courage I had about 7 cups of, and messed with her devil horns headband.

"'Sup?" She clicked, and I loved the shape her mouth made.
"Chillin. You by yourself?" I glanced around, making sure there was no guy coming to beat me up. Even so, I'd kick his ass first.
"Yep." She popped the 'p'.

She glanced around, keeping a calm presence. She looked kind of bored though.
"Wanna head upstairs?" I muttered, nodding my head towards the staircase.
She giggled and grabbed my wrist, pulling me across the room.
I tripped over my own feet from the sudden movement and chuckled with her, but we weren't going towards the stairs. We were going towards the front door.

"Where are we going?" I yelled over the blaring music. She just kept giggling, and pulling my arm.
The moment we went out the door the cold air hit my face like a punch in the face, and it felt so much better than the stuffy, alcohol smelling house.

"Screw this place." She whispered, and pulled me down the sidewalk. Once we were both running down the street, laughing and panting, she let go of my hand and we kept going.
I didn't know where, but I trusted this girl. I didn't know why.

We soon found our way inside a coffee shop, and we stumbled inside. There was no one in there except for a burned out worker and a guy with suspenders drinking a hot chocolate.

This girl stumbled to the counter, still panting form all that running.
"2 plain black coffees." 
She was trying to get me sober.
Maybe not such a bad idea since we left the party.
Why did we leave the party?
I could be back there getting laid right now!

She laid her hand on my forearm and her (e/c) eyes bore into mine, making my spine shiver.
Oh yeah, that's why.
She handed me a coffee and I drank it, actually feeling better. It was a lot better tasting than the lukewarm Buds I'd been chugging all night.

She walked outside and I followed, plopping down on the curb next to her.
She sipped her drink and stared at the sky, the stars reflecting on her eyes.
"I'm Y/N." She smiled, her beautiful red lips curving up.

"Kurt. Kelley."
"Yah I know. You're the quarterback."
I stared at her, fascinated.
It was hot when she talked about football.
"By the way, your outside linebacker needs to work on his game because their wide receiver blows right past him."

"How do you know so much about football?"
She shrugged, sipping her coffee again.
"I go to every game. You pick up on things."
She pulled off her devil horns and set them down, so I picked them up and put them on.
She stared at my head and giggled.
"Cute." She said.

I already knew I was getting sober, because I was thinking clearly again.
Why the hell am I here?
The party is way back there...
But I couldn't bring myself to leave.
I needed to know more about her.
"Are you going out with anyone?" I asked.
It came out a little more blatant than I would've liked.

She shook her head sharply.
"Nope." She popped.
She looked at my face and her gaze softened.
"I'm not." She said a bit quieter.
I felt myself being drawn to her like a magnet, and soon my lips planted on hers.
She kissed me deeply and rested her hand in my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine.

It wasn't a lust-filled kiss.
It wasn't a lead-up-to-sex kind of kiss.
It was deep, passionate, sweet.
When she pulled away she was slightly pink.
I think I was beet red.
The feeling of her lips lingered on mine and I felt the need to touch them.

She smiled and looked down, bashful.
It was cute.
This was the most fun I'd had in a while, and we didn't even had sex.

Bonus: The next day
"Yo, got some free p***y last night! How 'bout you man? Saw you and that girl head out!"
Ram yelled in my ear.
I gulped.
"Nah, we didn't uh... didn't have sex."
He looked astounded.

"You didn't? What happened? You sick or something?"
I swatted his hand away from my forehead and punched him.
"Nah, man I just really liked her."
He looked even more astounded.
"I... don't understand that sentence. You liked her. So you didn't have sex with her.

