Floral Intelligence~DEH

Jared's POV
I was getting pretty sick of this job, but unfortunately I couldn't get a new one.
I'd been bouncing around jobs, meticulously researching each one till it was boring, then moving on.

Now I was working at a flower shop, mostly because I needed the money and this place had surprising pay. So I did what I always do, and thoroughly researched know about everything there is to know about the vegetation in this place.

I slumped at the counter, playing with the strings on my uniform apron, when a girl ran in looking frustrated. She glanced around, blowing hair out her face and her eyes landed on me. I straightened up a bit.

"Hi, can I-"
She slapped a $30 on the counter and huffed.
"How do you passive-aggressively say 'fuck you' with flowers?" Her eyes were angry.
Oh, I liked this girl.
A felt a devious smirk release from my lips and I turned around, plucking a few flowers from the wall and different cut arrangements.

"Well..." I started, laying them out to be wrapped.
"Full run-down. Geraniums represent stupidity, foxglove represents insincerity, meadowsweet for uselessness, yellow carnations for disappointment, and orange lilies for... best of all, hatred."
She stared at me blankly, back and forth between the flowers and my face, until she broke out into a smile. Let me tell you it was so much better than her frown. Like, stunning.

"Thanks." She laughed, sliding the bill towards me and pulling out her phone.
"That's it? You're not going to... I don't know, swoon over my intense perennial knowledge?"
She looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes, leaning against the counter.
She leaned forward, our faces dangerously close, both of our sly smirks combating against each other.

"Wow Mr. Flower Shop Boy, I am astounded by your profound floral intelligence, which everyone knows is the most attractive feature of any man." She raised an eyebrow.
"What, floral intelligence?"
"Yah that's right."
I stared as intensely as I could, something I was usually very good at, but it was no match for her's.
Staring into her eyes was like plunging into a freezing cold pool. It nearly made me shiver.

"You know what, why don't you just wrap these up and I'll be on my way?" She smiled.
I sat and stared for another second before stepping back and grabbing cellophane and tissue paper.
"So, who do you love so dearly that you send them such... lovely flowers."
I stared at the hideous arrangement.
"Just... you know, your run-of-the-mill asshole."

I laughed, tying up the bouquet and putting it on the counter. She grabbed a pen and wrote "Fuck you" on the little tag.
I rang her up and gave her back $5.
"Well, hope your asshole has a crummy day."
I waved. She walked to the door, turning over her shoulder flashing a genuine, unsnarky smile.
"See you Flower Shop Boy."
She walked out and I called after her.
"Oh uh, i-it's Jared!"

*time skip*

A couple days later I was sitting there at the counter, contemplating quiting this job too.
Soon the door rang and I peeked up, to see the girl. The same girl from the other day.
I smiled and stood up, laying my palms on the counter and smirking.

"Need anymore sucky flower arrangements?"
She smiled sneakily, and shook her head.
"Just the pretty ones."
I released a laugh and reached down, digging through my coworker's drawer and pulling out a mirror, to put in front of her face.
"Like that? This is our prettiest one."
Her cheeks tinted pink and she cleared her throat.

"Heh, I think I'll... I'll pick them out."
She walked to the back, and I slumped in my seat, unable to rip my gaze from her.
She wandered around, picking out many flowers that were of the romantic variety.
Peonies for bashfulness, roses for beauty, chrysanthemums for romance...
Had the asshole and her made up?

She stepped to the counter and handed me her arrangements. I pulled out the wrappings and rolled them up.
"So, how are you and Asshole?"
She scoffed. "Oh, he loved his flowers."
I laughed too and handed her the bouquet, her handing me the money.
While she wrote on the tag she told me,
"You know I did my research, found the most romantic flowers. Looked up their meanings. Used my 'floral intelligence'."

I nodded and she handed me the bouquet. I sat, staring at her.
"It's the most attractive feature after all."
I flipped over the tag. It read:
To: Flower Shop Boy
From: Y/N L/N
(***)-***-**** [number]
I looked up, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly.

She smiled sweetly and stuck her hand out.
"Y/N. L/N. I just had the best breakup ever, thanks to you."
I laughed and shook her hand.
"The Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman."
I pulled her towards me so I could whisper in her ear.
"Wanna... go out some time?"

She let go of my hand and pulled away.
"Yah, sure. Why don't you call me some time?"
And with that, she walked out, turning around before closing the door.
"See ya, Jared."
And now I was swooning.

