Goranski's Sister P2~BMC

Requested by @Rich_Goranski_Is_Bae
I got chu, my dude

Michael's POV
I was talking to Jeremy at lunch the next day, and he kept staring at my face.
"Duuuuude, Rich punched you in the face!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands around like he was swatting bees.
"Yes I know Jer, I was there." I smiled, rubbing the bandages splayed across the bridge of my nose.

"I mean, wow! I feel like you got off easy don't you-" He was cut off by a firm hand coming down on his shoulder. He yipped and looked up to see Rich, casting a shadow over us.
"Mind if I interrupt for just a sec?" He smiled sarcastically and shoved Jeremy backwards, making him fall.

He stepped towards me and hauled me up to his eye level, by my shirt collar.
"Listen Mell, you don't hang out with my sister, you don't talk to my sister, you don't look at my sister, got it? Otherwise, I'll kick your ass."
He threw me down onto my seat and stormed off.
I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and frowned. Well what the hell am I supposed to do now?

Jermey on the other hand popped back up and his eyes were filled with excitement.
"Oh my god dude! He totally just-"
"I swear to god Jer, if you just relay everything that just happened..."
He shut his mouth, but his eyes kept talking.
I rolled mine, and stood up dumping the rest of my lunch out.
I couldn't eat now, that incident left a sour taste in my mouth.

I walked out of the caf and into the hallway where someone grabbed my hand and dragged me threw a door. Oof, it reeked.
I stumbled into the janitor's closet and came face to face with...

She was smirking evilly and her face was dangerously close to mine.
"Y-Y/N! Hey I just-"
I was cut off with her lips pressing up to mine. I gently pushed her away.
"Y/N, if we get caught, Rich is gonna kill us."

She laughed and leaned closer to my ear.
"So let's not get caught then."
I laughed too and her lips planted on mine.
Her lips were slightly chapped and she tasted like cherry slushies.
I pulled away, frowning.

"Did you go to 7/11 without me?"
She shrugged. "Well if I went with you Rich would've gotten mad."
"How did you even get there?"
I frowned.
"That's really far, and dangerous. Please be more careful, or let me drive next time?" I whined.

She giggled, booping my nose.
"You're cute when you worry."
I rolled my eyes.
"Fine Mell, now I have to get to class. See you here in... 45 minutes?" She clicked, smirking and checking her watch.

I pecked her lips and reached for the door handle.
"Can't wait." I smiled.

Basically, this was the same circumstances as before... but now we had a revved up Rich on our tails. Fun.
This should make for some interesting methods of sneaking around, I presume.
But that's just part of the fun!

And I'd do anything to be with the girl I love.
Even if it means sneaking into smelly janitor's closets every 45 minutes, it's something.
And that's good enough for me.

