Be Sad~BMC

Requested by @WatermelonCatDog
Michael's POV
It was late and I was typing away on my computer, trying to finish up my essay, when my roommate Y/N came bustling through the front door.
She sighed dramatically and collapsed onto the couch, sighing louder.

"Not now N/N, I have to finish this." I bumbled off, trying to focus.
She whimpered, a totally adorable noise by the way, distracting me from my paper.
"But, But... Oh it was awful!" She exclaimed.
I suppressed a laugh, and spun around in my chair, resting my chin on my palm.

"What happened?" I asked. She stuck her lip out and sat up, with puppy dog eyes. My heartbeat stopped for half a second.
Just so you know, Y/N L/N is one of the cutest people on the planet. I could never tell her this because she's my roommate, nothing more, but... part of me wanted, something more? I couldn't be too sure.

"Okay, so I walked into the grocery store, there's food in the Cruiser by the way. And when I walked in, they were not handing out any samples, the nice old man was not working the deli, and they didn't have any of that gum we like!! What the heck?!" She flailed her arms.
I couldn't suppress my laugh this time and cracked up, leaning back in the desk chair.

She raised an eyebrow angrily and stood up.
"You think this is funny?!" She screeched.
I nodded, laughing harder.
She stepped closer.
"You think my suffering is amusing?"
I nodded again, wiping my eye.

She huffed, grabbing the car keys and speed walking out the door.
"Wait, Y/N where are you going?"
I raced out to see her standing out at the apartment balcony, in silence.
I stared at her figure, her hair blowing back in the cool night breeze, her foot wrapped around her ankle, her head leaning against the post connecting the balcony to the ceiling.

I stepped closer, placing a hand on her arm.
"Hey..." I started, quietly, but soon heard the sniffling.
She held her arms and looked at her. She was wiping tears from her face with her sleeves.
"Hey, Hey. Are you okay?" I asked her, wiping a tear with my thumb.

She shook her head and leaned it on my shoulder, breathing raggedly. My skin tingled where her head resided.
"It's just... been a tough day is all. I got a little frustrated, I'm sorry."
I shushed her, cautiously playing with her hair. It was like playing with pure silk.

"You don't have to be sorry, okay? I totally understand. Sometimes you're just sad, and you don't really know why, but that's fine. It's okay to just... be sad."
She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. My heart did a backflip.
"Thanks Micah." She mumbled into the fabric of my sweater.
My face heated up and I smiled.
"N-no prob-lem."

She pulled away  and looked up, making eye contact with me. Even after crying she still looked beautiful. I would stare at her eyes all day if I thought I could get away with it.
The curve of her lips drew my eyes to them, and before I knew it, I placed mine on hers and I was kissing her.

She immediately tensed up, and I couldn't move. I was frozen. What had I just done?
I ripped my lips away from her soft ones and ran a hand through my hair, feeling the panic hit me all at once.
"Oh my god, I-I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry N/N, I-"

Her lips crashed into mine, and I froze, my eyes popping out of my skull and my face heating the the temperature of the sun.
But I knew better than to spoil this moment, so I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tightly, like if I let go she would blow away.

A few seconds stretched into several, and she pulled away, a light pink dusting her cheeks.
She looked gorgeous.

"I-uh, I really like you Michael." She whispered, a sneaky smile spreading on her face. I couldn't breathe.
What's air?!

"I, I really like you too." It felt so tight to say out loud, so natural.
I was unsure before but now I was positive.
"Y/N, I... I'm in love with you."

She stared at me before connecting our lips once again, so passionately.
I felt safe, happy, warm.
This girl was my everything.

