Goranski's Sister~BMC

Michael's POV
"Yah, so he walked into my room, and collapsed on the floor." Y/N laughed, nearly choking on her food.
I laughed and pat her back, and she was red in the face and coughing.

"Yah, he acts like an asshole sometimes but... he's my brother and he loves me so it's fine."
Y/N was talking about her brother, Rich Goranski. He was a royal pain to me and my friend Jeremy, but mostly because I had to keep our relationship a secret.
If he ever found out I was dating his little sister, he would go nuts.

She popped a grape in her mouth and smiled at me, pushing some hair back behind her ear.
She looked really pretty, and her features glowed despite the sun being blocked by a brick wall.
If we could even just go to the football field out there, instead of lurking in the shadows all the time.

"I really love you." I told her.
She froze and stared at me, suddenly her features looking meek.
"You... what?"
I don't think either of us have ever said that out loud before. Well, I've definitely thought it.
"I... I love you." I said again.

She stared at me, her expression unreadable.
I can't tell if I was just romantic, or just effed up.
Before I could get another word out she leaned across and pecked my lips.

I blush bloomed across my face and she giggled.
"I love you too." She whispered.
I leaned across and kissed her, for much longer.

She pushed me away, smiling.
"Come on Michael, we have to be careful at school." She smiled, glancing around.
I huffed in frustration.
"I'm sick of hiding this! I love you! I want to be with you, I don't care where!"

I leaned across and kissed her again, and she stiffened. I pushed our stuff out of the way and crawled closer to her, holding her in my arms.
Her lips were soft and she tasted like grapes.
Her hands came up to my head and she ran her fingers through my hair, which made me get redder.

Before I knew it, I was leaning over her and she was laid out on the ground.
I threw off my hoodie and smiled down at her, leaning in to kiss her again.
She stared at me dumbfounded.
"Let's not... go that far." She whispered.
I smiled.

There was some yelling across from us, but I was too wrapped up in what we were doing to care. I think Y/N did though because she started pushing me.
Before I even pulled away I heard the most terrifying thing ever, behind us.


I turned my head and saw Rich, fuming, surrounded by a couple of his football buddies.
I quickly scrambled off of Y/N and adjusted my glasses.
This is the moment... the moment I've been avoiding for months. The moment I've been dreading for eternity.
The moment I die.

Rich charged towards me, and all in a moment, Y/N screamed, a fist came flying at my face, my nose made a satisfying crack!, and I was on the ground.

My eyes started watering and I sat up, rubbing my nose. Shit, that hurt!
I looked around and slipped my hoodie back over my head.

As my vision adjusted, Rich hauled Y/N up by the arm and she was yelling at him.
He leaned towards me, getting real close to my face.
"Don't come near my sister again tall-ass, or you're dead." He spat.

He dragged Y/N off, and she turned to me and blew me a kiss.
I sat on the ground, my face hurt, but I was also blushing madly.

"She loves me too." I found myself saying, and rubbing nose.
An absolutely amazing and stunningly gorgeous girl, likes me back.
I was smitten.

