Preferences II

Laxus is the type of guy to...

~ watch over you in a group like quest type or Thunder legion hang out but his care goes unnoticed

~ dislike common, plain food like mushrooms and absolutely refuses to try or eat whatever it is and you joke about it

~ when made to choose between two people ( like who Laxus loves more, you or Freed) and he chooses himself

~ to be actually good at card games, poker, blackjack... you name it but he sucks at board games. Alot.

~ say "Ladies first" whenever he can so gets a cheek kiss afterwards from you

~ put his hands up and leave in silence when you have quite a big argument so nothing gets out of control and you both don't get hurt later but he will discuss once cooled down

~ call you not only by your nickname but often calls you his world

~ only has his heart and eyes set on you, Fairy Tail might be his home but since he ruined friendships and familyship anyone else doesn't mean anything to him but you

~ gift you for every ocassion, events, holidays, birthday, new year, festivals... he loves to spend on you but won't ever allow you wear his coat

~ never comment how you look and what you wear, it frustrates you because you want him to be slightly jealous or worried someone else might take you but sincerely he loves to see you try and sees right through your plans when you decide to wear revealing outfits, dude is always one step ahead

I am not dead HAHAHAH
jk jk
