Aphrodisiac pt2

Oh Laxus... Is it really true? I like you? Oh noooo. Not him. My thoughts went from one side to another. Sometime I was sure I like him as my heart told me and in the other I couldn't believe that I would like him. My heart and mind had a battle while I was trying to get myself ready for the day but so many things went wrongly. My mind was busy discussing my feelings so I spilled some coffee, put on my clothes upside down, stared at a mirror for minutes without doing anything and in generally I was absent minded. Once I was finally ready (which took an extra hour longer than usual) I headed to the guild where I'm sure Laxus would be. Maybe my feelings aren't real? Maybe I just made that up since I know aphrodisiac is supposed to take effect. Right, there's no way I would ever fall for someone likes him. Laxus is grandson of guildmaster. Also, as if he would ever like me back. This are just my own personal feelings, sadly. I thought to myself as I walked the streets in slow pace.

Today I'll have to face Laxus and pretend nothing suspicious is going on.

*flashback to few days prior*

I sipped my tea at the guild comfortably after a finished quest. The loud trio of Lucy, Gray and Natsu were out on their own quest so it was much calmer in the city. I let out a sigh as I place my cup down.

"Bored? You just came back y/n." That deep voide of a lightning blonde man spoke while he passed beside me.

"I just crave some company on my quests, that's all."

Laxus didn't say anything but went to Mira to pick up something to eat. A minute later he sat down on the seat opposite of mine with a large plate filled with all kinds of meat to gobble on. He took a respectable bite and intently looked at my bored expression. Once he swallowed, he spoke:

"You can join me if you wish, in few days I'll leave for one."

"Wont your tribe come with you?"

"Well yes but didn't you say you wanted company? It will be plenty of us if you join in."

"You sure they won't mind? Fried-"

"Nahh, It'll be lively, maybe more balanced as well."

He finishes speaking and goes back to eating his dish. The offer is there, he left me to think. Somehow, right now, the empty cup of tea is very interesting because I haven't taken my eyes off of it. Once he's busy with his meal I take a glance at him, his features. His neatly combed hair that spikes upwards and his strong hands but most importantly.. his muscles that flax by his every move. I never oogle guys openly nor I comment about their build but Laxus stands out beside the teenage guys like Gray or Natsu. He's grown up.. just like me. I think I'll accept the offer. I might appreciate some mature environment.

I raise my head, now very visibly watching him.


I call his name in a sweet way, almost like a tease with a cute smile. He looks up from his plate in my e/c eyes and hums in a question. I only smile wider and he nods giving me a slight smile as well.

*end of flashback*

I reach the place where we promised to meet up, Laxus and his thunder legion. I see the trio bickering as usual. Laxus is leaning against a wall. Ooohh Laxus.. lean against the bed with me in it please! I'll come to you and we can have a special night.. just you and me!

No! What am I thinking y/n??? Laxus is just my friend. Everyone can have a handsome friend but no more than that.

I shake my head as I come close enough to greet them. We say our 'hi' and group up. In few quick words we talk about the quest and the location. Looks like we're ready to begin our journey. The location is quite far but the quest itself is easy and this big group of ours will be more than enough. I guess they go all together just for the fun of it more than for efficiency. I silenty observe their talk and jokes. They make me smile while I listen in.

"Y/n why are you staying behind? You said you want company and now you avoid it." Laxus turned his head back to look me in the eyes. I can see his flashy smug grin on his face as he speaks to me. My heart suddenly races.. he's so handsome when he has the smug grin and the voice when he speaks.. like an devil hidding in the form of an angel. His sharp jaw.. oh lord.. it will cut my heart into pieces!

What the-! Y/n you're doing it again! Stop it!

No.. why should I...


We finished the quest quickly, it was helping some villagers about building new homes for themselves after a huge storm. I got to watch Laxus work around and use his strength. I bet my drooling over was very visible. Now I'm at the camp site with the group. It's night and I'm reflecting on my actions. I hung my head between my knees and think about the whole aphrodisiac thing. Could it really be I have feelings for Laxus? I mean, I do think of him as handsome but that's just it. Today I spent whole day imagining him being sexy in my mind and I had to control my thoughts or else it would be trouble.

"Y/n is something up?" Bickslow asks approaching me with a mug of hot liquid.

I raise my head and take the mug he offered.

"Yea, why?"

"Ah nothing. You seemed different today, especially around Laxus! HAHAHA"

"SHHHHH YOU DUMBASS" I whisper yell to that dummy to shut up. My cheeks are flaming red and my whole body is high on hormones. So it was that visible... I look down full of embarrassment. Can I tell the truth to him? Well, it won't do any harm if I do.

"Can you keep a secret?" I look up to him with hope in my eyes, almost like a puppy. Damn it, since I'm under the influence my feelings are more visible! I'm never that emotional nor used emotions to gain something.

"Of course! All is safe with me! What you got?"

I pat the empty spot on the grass beside me and he takes the hint to sit close. I lean in just a little and start talking about my experience from the beginning. From the carnival to the point up to now. Bickslow listened carefuly and never interrupted. He nodded once he got the full picture. Bickslow's demeanor changed. He's not the funny type of guy but more down to earth yet serious and soft.

"Did you think of telling him?"

"What good will it do?"

"Well he might want to know."

"Why? He's Laxus and I'm just.. y/n."

"Don't you think even if he rejects you, he'll finally know someone is capable of falling for him? He went through alot. Don't be selfish. Do it y/n. You never know if he might ask you out."

I sigh, his words made an impact. It's true. Laxus is not an easy guy and this might be one of the things he needs to hear from a stranger like me. I made up my mind. I'll tell him how I feel but once I'm not under the influence of a potion!


We safely came back and behaviour between me and Bickslow was back to normal. I let few days pass after that but the feelings of Laxus stayed, maybe not as high but they're ocupying my mind every day. Could it be now that the aphrodisiac is gone it still has an affect that my heart took over of. Laxus has decided to stay in the city for a while before going on next quest. This is my chance today!

As expected, I find Laxus eating a meal. I bring some of my own food and join him at the empty table. I sit across, just like he did a week before. He acknoledges my presence and eats.

"Laxus, can I talk to you after you finish?"

"Is it important you can't now?"

"It's not important but better not to be spoken of during a meal if it's fine with you."

"C'mon y/n. It's fine, you can say now I won't mind whatever it is."

Is he really going to make me confess during a lunch?!

"Fine, since you're so stubborn"

"Then, don't be shy now"

"Laxus.. I've come to know............ that....... ugh."


"That I like you..but like.. more than friends!"

He stops chewing for a second and his eyes shoot up to me. Please don't stare at me that much!

"You- You are?" His voice sounds like he doesn't believe it. If someone confessed the same I wouldn't believe it as well.

"Yes, that's all I wanted to say. Just so you know."

His cheeks get pinkish overlay as he stares at me, his mough slighty agape.

"Will you say anything? Actually better I don't hear-"

"Will you go out with me?"


"Isn't that what we're supposed to do?"

"Why are you asking me?! Besides, don't you do it if you like someone back?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well I do have interest in you but not quite sure I can name it properly. Maybe if we go out I can find the direction."

"Right. Lets do that then."

We both agreed on a date soon after. Our meal became much more delicious. I can't wait for the date to happen. Thank you Bickslow for telling me to do. Best decision ever!

A/n: done! Sorry for the long wait
