Aphrodisiac pt1

Y/n found herself taking a stroll around the beautiful city. It's a sunny day of the summer and loads of strangers are visiting the city while it's warm. Not only are strangers interested in the market with all kinds of magical items, books, swords and pets but also there is an entertainment type of fun. A circus and loads of stands that offer different services. Ever wanted to know youe forture? You got it. Are you in a need to buy sweet candy? You got it too.. anything you can imagine that goes like... "It's cool but a huge scam for kids" fills this entire area of the city. Y/n walks alone in peace but then a certain stand that looks like a witch's hut catches her eyes. Not a good idea to check but curiosity has her captivated. What can such secret-like stand hide? She walks up and goes inside to find a shit ton of all kinds of things sealed inside potion bottles. She walks up to one shelf and sees they're mostly decorations. Y/n lets out a relieved sigh as she was scared that somethinf creepy might be inside. Then she walks to a shelf on the other side and something else is inside. Inside the bottles are all kinds of coloured liquids. They make a whole rainbow on the shelf and attract everyone's eyes. Every bottle had a name but one particular stood out. Aphrodisiac label standing attached to a bottle with pink liquid inside. As she was inspecting, a lady interrupted her. Probably she is the owner of the stand.

"Oh my, you cought quite an interest for this particular fun bottle. Want me to tell you more?"

The woman is looking rather odd, almost like a witch that belongs in this kind od hut so it's all part of the theme. Y/n nods as she makes some distance between herself and the shelf. Woman gets to the bottle and takes it on her desk, y/n follows.

"What exactly is this?" Y/n asks curiously as she is eyeing the bottle and the pinkish liquid oozing inside.

"This my dear is an aphrodisiac. It helps you find your lover, thats how I would describe it in most simple sense" the woman slighty giggles to herself after she explained. It's suspicious how she acts around but it's good to be cautious. Many merchants will sell even the most stupid things for a high price.

"Finds a lover? How?"

"You breathe it in and your emotions will rise from the depth of your heart to surface, your mind will be filled with the person you have romantical feelings for. Want to try? Just a small breath is enough to work plenty so it isn't expensive! Look at the price tag!"

Y/n looks back at the shelf and really the price isn't that big. She thinks for a good minute whether she should try. Y/n is single at the moment and when she'a surrounded by many handsome wizards in Fairy Tail she really has trouble figuring out if she has romantic feeling for 1 or is it more like care and respect kind of liking. She decided, she will try. Maybe it helps reveal if anyone is worthy of her love.

Y/n pays the price for the sniff the woman told her. The lady opens the cork of the bottle and the pinkish 'air' starts leaving the rim, oozing from the liquid on the bottom. Y/n gets closer with her nose to the bottle and breathes in before the woman tells her to stop. She moves away and waits for anything to happen. Nothing does. Woman swings her hand dismissively like she knew this would happen.

"Don't worry dear, it takes a day to start working. Next morning you'll be having trouble thinking straight!" She laughs to herself.

Y/n is thinking that this is exactly where the scam begins.. "it takes a day". She's kind of disappointed but pretends to understand what the woman is saying.

"Then I'll be going, thank you for the aphrodisiac!" And with that she leaves the witch hut.

Y/n continues to walk through the city but feels hunger. She decides it's best to return to the guild and eat something delicious. Probably Mira will make her something amazing again! She hopes for some good roasted meet and already saliva is filling her mouth just thinking about the taste.

It didn't take long until she ran into someone familiar and they are actually creating quite a ruckus on the streets, Natsu, Lucy and Happy. She giggles to herself as she approaches the loud bunch. They immediately take notice of her and calm down to greet her. Y/n has a little chit-chat and all 4 of them head over to the guild to meet up with others. It's lunch time and surely no one wants to miss their meal. Natsu will most probably be the star of the table along with Grey who will be his personality's opposite. They enter the guild and y/n disappears among the tables at the back where not many will join her solitude. It's very usual for her to be along but at the same time to have the view of everyone. She can spot even Laxus sitting at the uppder deck where only S ranked wizards are allowed. She's friends with him but then again, they never talked alot before so they're on level of acquaintance. y/n takes her food on the table and eats n silence as drama starts at few tables in front of her including Natsu and  Gray as always. Erza is not far off from them, overlooking their bickering.

Day goes on in peace (as much that is possible with certain people in Fairy tail but it's a standard day everyone is used to). h/c girl decides to walk home and get ready for the night. The earlier purchase is still stuck in her mind. New day is closer than ever and she hopes to find herself in love by tomorrow morning if it's possible. The price wasn't cheap yet she hoped to finally make her life interesting even for a moment. She walks through the streets as the bricks of the buildings and houses shines with the glint of orange sunset. Her house is not far from the centre of the city and y/n's walks are never long in that sense.

Eagerly she awaits morning so instead of staying awake reading a book or cooking a delicious meal for the evening she decided to sleep early. In her gut is the anticipation. She puts on decent pyjamas and slides under the covers. Sleep doesn't come easily. Her mind is clouded with all kinds of scenarios what can possibly happen (if it happens anyways). Made all kinds of scenarios in her head about almost every guy she met in her life that she remembers as worthy of being something more with her, even outside of the guild she belongs to. All the strangers that were nice to her but forgot their name along the way. Many men she met but none really stayed by her side. She has plenty of friends but not many deep connections, she's okay with Lucy to talk about girl's problems and vent but that's about it...

Morning comes, finally. y/n wakes up as she usually does... but something is off. Instead of putting milk in her cereal bowl she puts milk in the cereal box. Instead of putting on same colour of socks, one is black and other one is dark blue. When looking at mirror she stares longer than usual and even this morning she braided her hair... y/n never did it before. In fact, not a while ago she was telling Lucy how she isn't interested in fashion and getting ready to impress. Y/n always says she's satisfied with her looks and too much effors pisses her off. This morning is really unusual... as she stares at her imagine in the mirror her eyes are busy with daydreaming, about Laxus.

A/n: pt.2 will come soon I promise ;)
