
*Laxus pov*

She was all the best, strong, emotional and caring. Whenever my path crossed with her she made my heart race sonic fast and when I heard her voice or even saw her smile... I could die right at that moment how much I was crushing on her.


I never got any hints she loved anyone, or even me while I was constantly chasing after her like a helpless dog. Y/n probably didn't make anything of it when I asked over and over to acompany her on the quests or to walk her to her house whenever it was late at night. I gave her my umbrellas when it rained. Everyone at the guild knew my feelings, even the blind Natsu saw it through but he still... didn't see... his own feelings for Lucy.


Im glad no one chose to make fun of me, it would have hurted me deeply. Today is another day of my chasing. I can't confess because I know I will be denied but I can't go without her... I must see y/n.

The guild door opens and she enters. I put down my small cup of tea I was sipping because days are cold. I sigh before I get up and walk down the stairs to meet her.

We stand, facing each other with no words being said.

"Um hii Laxus.. how have you been?"

"Im well, are you?" I asked flatly and she was surprised by my tone.

"I-I am okay, been a while didn't it?"

Y/n is awkwardly scratching back of her neck.

It might be unusual for me to act so distant, others see it as a possessive. "Why?" you ask?

Y/n decided to leave on a quest that takes a short time to finish but she was gone for a month. Usually she left with all the nice words as praise and good luck but this time she hurried and avoided everyone, including me.

Everyone is not happy about how she left but they decided to ignore it, I on the other hand can't let it go. My heart can't.

"Laxus can we talk somewhere else... but not right now." Yn says not able to look at Laxus in the eyes while she speaks.

"When you want to talk?"

"How about tomorrow morning at the hill?"

"The hill?"

"Yes, for sunrise"


Peace didn't enter my mind since we had that talk. Whatever I did during the day her words and weird act were on my mind. It was troublesome to deal with annoying and worrying thoughts.

I decided, this is last chance I give her. I might be a coward but if I were to let go of her for final time I might as well tell her how I feel tomorrow, rejections or approval doesnt matter.

The next day

Sun rays shoot through my window making me slowly wake up and realise it's time. I groan while turning around in my bed. My thoughts race and my heartbeat picks up the pace simultaneously. Questions like "how to start the confession? Will I speak first? Will she? How do I tell her to stop and let me speak?" .. it's embarassing, I turned into such a weakling of a man while thinking of her.

Nervous feeling hold my stomach in a tight clutch while I do my morning routine of eating, getting ready and drinking warm bevarage such as tea. I step out my house and look at the morning, shy Sun that is about to come out and burn us all at noon, it's summer.

My house is fairly close to the spot y/n said we meet, she lives a bit further and I hope Im there first but even if Im not that's completely fine with me. The air is fresh in the shade, tad cold as well. Lucky I brought my coat with me, y/n might be cold and I could kindly offer her mine to keep her warm.

This might be the last time I do something nice for her, I promised to myself unless  ... she says yes.


I didn't expect to arrive this fast. I zoned out most of the walk by thinking how to approach y/n and what things to say. It's still all messed up in my head but my feelings are straight, it's now or never I say in my head to myself.

Y/n arrived soon after, Sun blesses her features and h/c hair that she so dearly styled just for me this morning. She sits on the grass, Sun on her side and I do the same. Grass feels moist but not enough to make our clothes wet. I can't help but notice y/n fidgeting on her spot.

"So.. do you want to go first then?" I ask her.

"Oh um sure. I don't know how to explain it to you. A lot has happened in my head for what I was away."

"I know but I just want to know why, you don't need to explain what happened on your trip, just why"

She released a breath and takes a deep one in after.

"Okay. I will cut it short and say I did leave abruptly because of you. I know it was very shameless and it was basicaly running away from the problem-"

"Problem? Me?"

"Laxus will you let me finish please?"


"Okay, no problem. I knew for a long time that you had a thing for me, everyone was pointing it out and I didn't know how to respond but I started catching feelings for you... so i left when I didn't know what to do with them..."

Upon her last words my heart softened, for some strange reason I got even bigger butterflies in me and a smile creeped up my lips. Still I had a sense of pride for her, I made y/n fall for me. I thought it was impossible, girl of such caliber to fall for someone like me.

I resumed to listen to her because once again I zoned out daydreaming.

"... and I know you likely hate me and so on but I really am sorry for what I did. Probably late you give me a chance-"

"Okay, im in"


"Lets give us a chance" I say while grabbing both her hands in mines and looking her in the eyes for first time today. She had that flustered look on her cute cheeks I couldn't wait to kiss for months. Y/n so cute when shy but deep down I know she isn't uncomfortable with me.

Out of the question "now or never", it is "now and forever" I hope.
