How you met

The Thunder legion was looking at the job board to look for a new journey to start. One particular request caughg their eye saying a black orb needed to be disenchanted which is Freed's specialty. They took it and went on their way.

Once they arrived in the village the Thunder legion talked to thr villager that gave the job.

"Hello there, came for the job?"

"Yeah" Laxus answered having his arms crossed patiently waiting.

"Alright, that orb or whatever appeared at the castle ruins up there about 2 months ago and we asked many sorcerers but no one could help until we found out it has to be disenchanted. Im hoping you brought the right guy with you"

"I'm here for that" Freed replied slightly bowing to the man.

Once they found out the location they went up the path leading to the castle ruins. It was a pretty sunny day and Thunder Legion didn't talk much but they enjoyed the moment.

They stood in front of an orb about 2m in radius slightly floating above ground. They all looked among each other not knowing is it dangerous to approach it or not.

Evergreen casted her magic to attack the orb but nothing happened so Freed got to work with ease. It wasn't a difficult job since they weren't very far from the guild and there was no danger near them.

Once Freed was finished drawing his magic spell on the ground he casted it making the orb crack and vanish in the thing air.

What they didn't expect was that a h/c girl dropped out of the orb, laying on the ground unconsciously. They were a bit shocked but Bickslow came to approach you first.

"This wasn't part of the job, what should we do Laxus?" Evergreen asked.

"Emm, let's carry her to the guild but before that we should check on her with Poluchka"

"Oh, why so?" Bickslow asked confused with the last part and Laxus pinched the bridge of his nose.

"She was trapped in there for about 2 months"

"Thats the boss for you, so toughtful!" Freed exclaimed happily chirping around Laxus.

Once they reached Poluchka she examined the girl still unconscious.

"Laxus" said the elderly woman.


"You might be the key to get her up"


"Hold her hand and strike her with your lighting but not too much"

"I don't understand but okay"

Laxus did as she said while the other 3 stood behind watching carefuly what is about to happen. Laxus started using his power and lighting surrounded him. At one moment Laxus struck you.

You were unconscious but actually since you were trapped in the dark orb for yout it seemed like you were sitting in a very very dark room all by yourself until unknown lighting lighted up the space. That unknown light made you come back conscious but it hurted.

You immediately placed your hands to your head since it was hurting and all your senses began to work. As you were holding your hands to your head you notices your right hand isn't touching your hair. You look up to see strange people and a blonde guy whose hand you were holding. You were embarrassed.

-next chapter coming till the end of the week-
