Not a thief

3rd Person POV

"But mom-" Jack was literally being dragged out of the house. "No buts, if you want to eat dinner, go and buy the groceries, this is the list and money, goodbye." Jack's mother slammed the door close.

Jack was just back from wandering around after college but his mom already have work for him. Just wow!

He's rich, but the problem is, the maids are on leave for a week and it is hell for Jack because he is the one who has to do the work, like buying groceries, cleaning his room etc.

What else do you expect from a rich spoilt child. He shoved the list in his pocket and decided to walk to the store.

It was evening time, he wanted to walk and not use the car. After some minutes of walking, he finally reached the store.

He went inside the store and began searching for the things his mom asked him to bring. He was walking towards the section he wants to go to.

But then, he suddenly saw a girl. She looked suspicious for some reason. She was wearing a cap and was looking around.

She looked like she was looking around just to check if someone was watching her.

Jack decided to watch her for a while for God knows why. He hid behind a shelf.

The girl's face was covered with the cap but he still could see her. She was really beautiful, just like a goddess.

She had platinum blonde hair that was tied in a ponytail. Despite her being so beautiful and looking like a literal model, her clothes looked shabby.

They looked old and wrinkled. She had dirt on her shoes and pants. She had a polythene and was shoving many things into the bag.

But she was also looking around. Her actions just looked like a thief's. Jack could feel that aura, because of him watching so many such American dramas.

She went towards the counter and Jack followed her. She didn't go to the counter. After looking around, she ran outside the store.

The man on the counter saw this and was about to shout "Thief!!!" But Jack quickly went to him and said "I'll bring it back and pay for it. Please don't say anything to her." He said and ran outside the store.

She wasn't far. Jack was quickly able to grab a hold of her wrist. She turned back and was struggling to get out of his grip.

"Let me go!!" The girl shouted. "You shouldn't steal!" He snatched the bag from her and dragged her with him.

"It's not your shop! Why do you care?! Where are you even taking me to?!" The girl tried to shove his hand away but failed.

"Stay here. I'll pay for it." Jack said and went inside the store. She just waited there. No matter how much she wanted to not listen to him, she still needed the things.

She was waiting there, arms folded infront of her chest, stomping her feet on the ground, impatiently.

After some time, Jack got out of the store and gave the groceries to her. She quickly snatched it from him and stormed away.

But Jack followed her. Why? No specific reasons. She first felt like he was just going on his way, maybe he had to go that way too.

But then she felt like he was following her. "Hey! Are you following me?!" She fastened her pace, so did Jack.

"Yes, I paid for your groceries, atleast you can thank me!" He said. The girl rolled her eyes, even though he can't see her.

"Stop following me! It's not a cliche movie or drama where you follow me, and I become thankful to you and thank you with all my heart, I'm not that type of girl, so stop following me." The girl said.

"Okay okay, don't thank me. I just want to know you, I don't even know your name after all." He said.

"You don't need to know my name!" She said. "Stop following me or else I'll shout and fake act that you are trying to do something bad to me." She stopped and turned around.

Jack just raised his hands in surrender and walked away from her. She let out a sigh of relief and walked home.

She walked inside her broken home. It's her home, but you can't call it a house, it wasn't in such a good situation.

"Anna, I'm home. You said you were hungry, right? I bought you something!!" The girl said. Another girl, younger than her ran towards her.

The another girl looked like she was in high school. "Oh Elsa! I haven't eaten in 3 days! I sure am hungry and so are you! Let's eat!!" The girl named Anna said.

"Yeah... 3 days.... Anyways, let me once finish college and get a stable job! I'll provide you everything you ever need." Elsa smiled.

"Yes!! We've studied enough in government schools and college, I want to study college in a good college!" Anna said.

"You sure will!" Elsa encouraged her. "How did you get these?" Anna suddenly asked. "You said you don't have money, right?"

"Well-" Elsa was finding some excuses. "You didn't steal, did you?" Anna gasped. "You see-" Elsa was speaking but someone cut her.

"She didn't. I paid for that." A voice suddenly came from the opened broken window.

It was Jack. Elsa's eyes went wide seeing him. "What are you doing here?!" Elsa hurriedly went outside followed by Anna.

"I'm just... I don't know, Elsa" he said. Elsa realised he found out her name. "Who is he? Your boyfriend?" Anna asked.

Jack smirked. "What?! Ofcourse not!! Why would he be my boyfriend?! I don't even know his name!" Elsa said .

"It's Jack by the way, and, you're Anna, I think. So, Anna, no, I'm not her boyfriend... Yet." Jack winked at Anna.

Anna giggled. Elsa didn't like what was happening. "Anna, go inside." Elsa sighed. "But-" Elsa cut her " I SAID GO INSIDE!"

"So, you did it for this?" Jack asked. Elsa nodded. "Look, we don't have any money because our parents died and I'm just studying college and am not able to get any part-time job or something, so-" Jack cut her.

"I understand. I saw and heard everything." Jack said. Elsa sighed. "I'm sorry for acting rude and thank you." She smiled at him.

That smile made him blush for some reasons. " No problem! Let's start over! Let's get to know each other!" Jack said.

"But-" Elsa tried to say something but Jack cut her. "I might be helpful if you needed something again." He winked at her.

"I'm sorry for bothering, I promise, I'll pay you back after I get a job." Elsa said. "don't worry, it's a long time for it, and till then, we might become a thing and there'll be no such things as paying back then." He said.

Elsa was confused. "What?" "Nothing." he shrugged, grinning. After some talking qnd exchanging numbers, Jack left for his house.

Elsa does have a phone, not the latest screentouch best quality. But she does have a phone.

Jack reached home, humming all the way, skipping. He was happy for some reason.

He rang the doorbell. His mom opened the door, smiling.He was about to go inside but she stopped him.

"Jack?" She said. He hummed in response. "You seem happy. And I think you forgot something." He smiled.

"Hmm? I don't think-" but then he realised something. "Yes, the groceries, go again!" His mother pushed him out.

Jack completely forgot about the groceries because of that girl. Maybe in the future, she'll make a even bigger influence on him.
