I love you but I don't

3rd Person POV

Elsa Arendelle, school's most popular girl is dating a senior named Hans. And trust me, NO ONE is okay with that.

She too says that it's just a timepass. I mean, she's a playgirl and will probably breakup with him within 1 week.

"3 months!" Flynn said, as he placed the money on the table."1 month!" Kristoff does it too. "3 weeks!"  Merida says as she did it too. "1 week!" Rapunzel also places her money too. "As far I know her, less than 1 week!" Anna says as she puts the money at last.

They are betting on how many days Elsa will be in the relationship. "It could be a long relationship, I mean Hans likes her since 1 year!" Flynn said. "But she doesn't like him!" Rapunzel snapped at Flynn.

"Who doesn't like who?" Elsa says as she sits near Rapunzel. "Oh nothing, I uh was...talking about.... Jack and uh.... Katherine!" Rapunzel says as Elsa nods.

" Why is there money on the table?" Elsa asks looking at the money. "It's uh.... Kristoff's money, he lended us few days back, so we're returning it back to him." Anna says but Elsa clearly doesn't seems to agree but she let it slide.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Merida asked, in a not-so-good tone. "He had baseball practice, so he brought me here and then left for practice, and also Merida, I know y'all don't like him but please-" Elsa was speaking but stopped as she saw someone.

She ran to him and stopped in front of him. "HEYYYY!!" Elsa cheered, excited to see her bestfriend after 2 days. "Hi." He spoke with a bored face and started walking towards the others.

He went and sat down with the others and Elsa joined them too. After a few 'hi's and everything, Elsa asked, "Why didn't you come school last two days?? We missed you!!" Elsa whined.

"I wasn't in the mood to face someone." Jack said. "Who? Tell me later, okay? I have something to tell you, but you didn't even contact me these days." Elsa complained.

"I already heard it. You're dating someone, again, aren't you?" Jack said, with his done-with-everyone face. Elsa nodded, smiling. "Why didn't you contact me?" Elsa asked him.

"He didn't? Well he was texting me." Flynn said, taking a dip of his juice. "Me too!" Kristoff, Anna, Rapunzel and Merida said.

Elsa gave Jack a look of betrayal. Jack stood up. "I have some work, bye." With that, he left. "I wonder why he didn't con-" Anna spoke but was cut of by someone.

"Hey!" Elsa's boyfriend came in. "Hey." Elsa simply spoke while the others rolled their eyes at him. "Can you come with me, babe?" Hans said putting a hand on Elsa's shoulder.

"I'm actually busy, I have to talk about something with the-" Elsa wanted to avoid him for a while but was cut as he tightened his grip on her shoulder. "I said, let's go, babe." He spoke in a creepy tone which made Elsa flinch.

She slowly stood up and was about to leave the cafeteria with being dragged by him but someone stood on the doorstep and didn't allow to go them anywhere.

Elsa tried to look who it was. It was Jack.

"What?" Hans hissed, he already doesn't like Jack because Jack is Elsa's bestfriend who LOVES Elsa and literally everyone sees it, except Elsa herself and that's why everyone doesn't like that Elsa is dating Hans.

"I kinda heard like she doesn't want to go with you right now, so leave her alone." Jack says leaning against the door frame and putting his hands in his pockets.

"It doesn't have anything to do with you." Hans rolled his eyes. "It does. I'm her bestfriend." Jack said, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"And I'm her boyfriend. Way more important than you. So get lost."  Hans smirked and dragged Elsa out of the cafeteria. But someone caught her other hand causing them to stop.

Both of them saw Jack holding her other wrist. Elsa was looking at Jack's hand holding her wrist while the two boys were busy shooting glares at each other.

"Hans!! The break is over! The practice is gonna restart." One of Hans teammate yelled out of somewhere. Hans groaned.

He let Elsa go and gave Jack a this-is-not-over-look and went to wherever the practice was gonna start.

Jack and Elsa's friends came to them. "What happened?" "Are you alright?" "What was up with that dude?" "He didn't hurt you, did he?" They started questioning.

Jack looked at Elsa. "You need to break-up with him." He spoke in a serious tone. "But why? It's just 4 days!!" Elsa whined.

"I don't care. Now go make a plan to breakup, I have some work, I'll join everyone later." He said and let Elsa's hand go. "Why do you want us to breakup so badly?" Elsa asked.

"I'll tell you that later. Bye." He said and left. "He's acting strange." Elsa said as she saw his figure slowly disappearing in the crowd.

"He is always strange." Merida yawned. "Let's go make the plan. I'm excited!!!" Rapunzel said, excited, earning a confused look from Elsa.

"You don't belong to him after all, you're someone else's." Kristoff smirked. "Stop spitting facts, let's focus on the breakup for now." Hiccup said as he dragged everyone to their table.

All the time Anna was giving everyone a I-will-win-the-bet-look.


Elsa and Rapunzel were leaving the school but then they saw Hans standing outside thre principal's office. He had scares here and there, he was surely beaten.

"Hey~ Hansie~" Rapunzel sang and then laughed earning a glare from Hans. She stopped sarcastically and cleared her throat.

"Who beat you?" Rapunzel asked. "None of your business. Leave. Oh and bye Elsa~" Hans literally changed his tone of speaking when he was talking to Elsa. Elsa just smiled.

The girls left, with Rapunzel laughing. "You're gonna do the plan tomorrow, right?" Rapunzel reminded Elsa. Elsa nodded.


"And one more time, I'm reminding you, Jackson, if you get into a fight again, I'll contact your parents." The principal said as Jack came out of Principal's office.

He looked at Hans, who was beat by him. "Is it because of her?" Hans asked but Jack ignored him and left.

Author's note

This is based on a true story :)

Julia will understand.

There will be kinda a part 2!

Hope you like it~

Bye and stan Pulia :D

And I won't be active on instagram today (message for Julsy)
