My partner

Elsa's POV

"I can do this! No I can't! I can I ofcourse can! No I can't, this is not the right time! But it's better faster But-" I was cut off by Rapunzel, my roommate.

"Can you like stop running back and forth?" She said. "But Rapunzel!!" I whinned.

"I know confessing his not an easy task but you know that he has feelings for you, so that's not a big deal. You won't be rejected after all in any way." She was tired of me.

"Wait- he likes me too?" I was shocked. I sat beside her. She was silent, as if she was dumbfounded. "What?" I asked.

" I thought you knew." She said. Well, I know but I don't. I'm not sure. "Don't think of anything else. You two are gonna meet this evening, right? Don't waste anymore time and just tell him what you feel!" She encouraged me.

I sighed. She was right. "But what do I tell him? How do I tell him? Should I write a letter or should i-" and the list went on.


Jack's POV

"Urgh!!" "Ughh!!!" "Yaaah!!!" I was on my computer table, grabbing my hair in frustration. "Shut up, I'm trying to study." Hiccup, my roommate complained.

"Nerd!" I yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and went back to reading something.

But then, I thought of an idea, Hiccup has a girlfriend, he can help in this matter I guess.

I put on a smile and went to him. "Hey bestfriend~" I acted cute. He ignored me. "Hey hiccup~~" he is still ignoring me.

"Hey! You dragon nerd!!" I got mad. "Don't call me that." He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Okay okay~ I actually needed a help." I smiled at him. "What help?" He asked.

"Like a love advice. So as you have a girlfriend, what was her name? Yeah! Kiara! I wanted some advice." I smiled at him .

"What advice? And stop smiling, you look gross." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"It's about Elsa.... You know, my crush and also my part time work partner." I said. " Go on." He said .

"I'm thinking about confessing. Should I do it? Or is it too fast?" I asked him. "You should confess.  She already likes you after all." He yawned.

She WHAT?! "She likes me?" I asked him. Hiccup looked at me with a 'are-you-serious' face.

"She does, everyone knows, except you. Now go confess. And stop disturbing me." He got back to reading whatever that was.

"Hmm... Nerd!!" I said and ran back to my table. He didn't argue. Unusual. But I don't care. I got better things to focus on.

I started thinking of ways to confess to her.

[In the evening]

Elsa's POV:

"Omg you look pretty!!" Rapunzel squealing after finally finishing my makeup after hours. I'm not used to makeup. Natural beauty.

"Hehe thanks." I said. I'm nervous. I can hear my heartbeat and I'm feeling like my heart will come out of my body anytime.

"Okay, it's almost time to go! You shouldn't be late!!" She pushed me out of the apartment.

I am nervous. I want to go but don't. I think I'll pass out anytime. What if he rejects me? What if we get awkward and not talk ever again.

I realised I was just overthinking. Maybe, he likes me too. Atleast I hope so.

I started walking.

We are gonna meet on the street near the park and then go roam around. He texted that he has left from home .

I can't believe I'm confessing. I have never been this nervous in my entire life.

First crush does something to you i guess.

After walking for some minutes, I waited near the crossing. We're gonna meet here.

He is late and because he's late, he is making me more nervous. After waiting for a while, I saw his ash white hair which always stands out in the crowd.

I stood up and go near the crossing to wait. He saw me and smiled, across the street. He didn't cross the street because it was time for he vehicles to run.

He waved at me, grinning. I don't know what this man has done to my heart.

After a while, the traffic signal changed and it was time for the people to cross the street.

Jack was crossing the street. He had his hands backside, I don't know why, he's weird, so let's not question it.

He was smiling while crossing the road but then a truck suddenly hit him.

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. My heart was pounding rapidly and also seemed like my heartbeat stop at the same time.

My heart felt empty and I couldn't believe my eyes. The truck stopped a few metres away and Jack's body was lying there.

People started surrounding around. People got out of the cars too and looked at him.

He is going to be alright, right? RIGHT? I was panicking. My feet felt weak. But I needed to go to him.

I ran through the crowd, pushing people. It was dark around, the streetlights light up.

I finally saw him, lying there. I wasted no time and ran to him. I sat on the road and put his head on my lap.

I checked his pulse, thankfully, it was still there. "What are y'all looking at?! Call the ambulance!!" I screamed.

I saw a lady calling the ambulance. I diverted my attention to Jack. "Just hang in there, Jack, it'll be alright." I'm fighting my urge to not break into tears like this.

"E-elsa." He grinned. How can someone grin in this situation?! "Shut  up! The ambulance will be here soon, don't close your eyes." I said.

Yes, I was panicking. "E-elsa, you know, they say, that if s-someone is dying, they know, they feel it a-and that's what I'm feeling right now." He was still grinning.

I swear I'll kill him right now. I could fight my tears anymore. I broke into tears. "Shut up! Nothing will happen to you! Stop saying such things!!" I cried out.

He was still grinning. "You can't stop death... Elsa, I wanted to say you something, I d-don't think I'll get the chance to say it after this. E-elsa, I li- love you. That's all I wanted to say you." He grinned.

"I love you too Jack! But stop saying such things- Jack? Jack??!?? Jack! Why aren't you moving?!" I started shaking him.

He wasn't saying anything and wasn't moving too. I checked his breath, pulse and heartbeat.... N-nothing was there.

Silence. The people around were saying some things but all o could hear were muffled sounds. I couldn't understand anything.

Cause all my attention was on Jack. This can't be true? Right? I'm just dreaming a weird dream, right? Tell me I'm right!!!

I burst into more tears. "Jack! You can hear me, right?! You heard my confession, right?! Jack!! Answer me!!" I felt like I was going crazy.

"Jack!! Why aren't you answering me?!" I know why he isn't. But I don't want to accept why he isn't.

I kissed him, for the mouth to mouth oxygen thing. But it didn't work. My heart felt empty. My brain felt like it was going crazy.

My hands were shaking. "Jack!!! Y-you can't leave me like this!! Who the fuck do you think you are?! I dressed up and did my makeup and was on my way to confess to you!! You can't end us like this!!' I held tight onto his body and cried out.

The people around me must be pitying me right now.

I hugged his lifeless body. The lights in the stores started to light up. But what's the use? My life is dark now.

I was holding onto me and crying my heart out. I don't want to let him go. After all these years, after losing my dad, he was the first man I ever loved.

Why does everyone leave me?! Am I that unlucky??! I don't know, I feel numb, I don't want to do anything but hold him and cry.

Not after long, the ambulance arrived, so did Hiccup and Rapunzel. Someone who knew them must be in the crowd and informed them.

They took Jack's body away. Even though I was not ready to let him go, I had to. Maybe we were not destined. Not all soulmates end up together.

Hiccup insisted that he'll go with the ambulance while Rapunzel held onto me.

All I saw was a blurry vision of a lot of people, lights, vehicles but what can I see through my heart? Darkness because that's how our story ended even before starting.
